The Ultimate Guide To Mold Poisoning

The Ultimate Guide To Mold Poisoning

By Adrian Harris

October 4, 2024

About six years ago, I received the worst possible revelation from the Holy Ghost you can possibly receive. The Holy Ghost told me to study the Book of Job. The moment he told me that, I immediately put my head down. I knew what God was saying. For those of you who don’t know the Bible, the story of Job tells of a very righteous man whom God allows to lose everything—his riches, his home, the respect of his peers, his children, his health. Everything. The only thing he didn’t lose was his wife, though she too lost everything. I understood that day that God was going to take everything from me, but I didn’t know how and I certainly didn’t know why.

A few months later, in October 2018, I started feeling sick, like I had a cold. I felt that way for a couple weeks. Normally, when I have a cold, I just go to the gym and work out and I’ll start feeling better. I tried doing that, but I wasn’t getting any better. So, I started taking cold medications, but that didn’t help either. As the days and months passed, I was feeling worse and worse. I tried fighting it. I tried pushing through it. But no matter what I did, I just kept feeling exhausted. It got to the point where I had to lay down at work—a lot. When I went home, I just went to bed. I was exhausted all the time and trying to fight it by trying to keep up some normal vestige of my life, but it wasn’t working.

My dad is a doctor and he tested me for everything under the sun. You name it, I got tested for it. Lyme’s, Sjogren’s, other Autoimmune diseases, Mono, Hormonal imbalances, even STD’s (even though I’ve never had sex, but I did work in a medical office with needles). I got tested for dozens if not over a hundred things. To my total surprise, everything came back negative.

How could that be?

How could I be devastatingly exhausted, but not have any sickness?

I’d never had depression or any abnormal anxiety before in my life, so that couldn’t be the problem.

I didn’t know what to do. As I researched everything I could find on the internet, I found that if you have chronic fatigue for six months or more and your doctor can’t diagnose you with any known illness, then you get lumped into a very generic group that is termed “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.” Essentially, that means the doctors throw up their hands and say, “We don’t know what your problem is.” Resigned, I assumed I had some kind of obscure virus (even though my tests showed that I did not have a virus).

In June 2019, as my health worsened, my heart went into atrial fibrillation (AFIB). AFIB is when your heart beats both out of rhythm and fast. I went to the ER then got admitted into the hospital. Gratefully, that night, my heart popped back into normal rhythm and I was allowed to leave the next day. But that was the moment I knew there was something very very wrong with my body.

At that point, I couldn’t work anymore. I knew I had to let my body rest. It was a very hard thing for me to do. I grew up playing sports and I worked out 8-10 hours a week. Aside from work, I was writing a novel and serving in my church plus spending time with friends. I was constantly on the go, trying to get things done. So, to have to just lay there and rest was very difficult.

Even though I’d given up on trying to figure out what was wrong with me, gratefully, my mom had not. She found a Naturopathic doctor and I got tested by him for some more things. Nothing was positive that would cause severe fatigue. But then he informed us of another doctor in the area. When I met with the new doctor, she asked me if I would mind getting tested for Mold Poisoning. I said sure. All I had to do was a simple urine test. I took the medicine and took the test, thinking it would come back negative like everything else. A week later, we got the results. It was positive. I was stunned. I had Mold Poisoning. To be more accurate, I had severe Mold Poisoning.

I had a lot of questions. What is Mold Poisoning? How does it work? What do I have to do to get better?

These are all the questions I’m going to answer in this article.

Remember my story about Job? It wasn’t until I learned what I had to do to get better that I had to give up everything. I’ve suffered being alone, cold, wet, naked, confused, brain fog, fatigue, torture (from mold toxins called mycotoxins). I’ve even been homeless to a degree—for months I slept in different hotel rooms and there were even multiple nights where I had nowhere else to sleep so I slept in my car. I’ve suffered. A lot.

If you or your loved one has severe Mold Poisoning, you’re going to have to give up everything to get better. You can get fully healed, and you will. But it will take time.

I am not a doctor and this article is not to be considered Professional Medical advice.

However, there is only a very very small percentage of doctors on the entire planet who acknowledge Mold Poisoning even exists. And there is only a much smaller percentage of doctors who know how to treat Mold Poisoning.

No doubt doctors, nurses, and the global medical community are going to require scientific experiments prove everything in this article before they will believe it. The problem is, it will take 30-50 years to prove everything in this article by scientific experiments. Doctors, nurses, and members of the global medical community who don’t have Mold Poisoning won’t care that it will take that long to start getting answers because they’re not suffering. But for those of us who have Mold Poisoning, we can’t afford to wait that long. We need answers now. We need to start healing now.

This article contains the very best information about Mold Poisoning from someone who’s been suffering from it and healing from it for a long time. Much of what you’ll read here I learned from my doctor who is helping me heal from Mold Poisoning. But there are many other things in this article that I had to learn myself.

Full Disclosure: If you use the Amazon links as well as links to some other brands in this article to make a purchase, I’ll get a portion of that sale without any extra cost to you. But you should also know that I personally use everything in this article, with a few exceptions that I’ll explain.

Now let’s start answering some of the questions you have.

What Is Mold?

All molds are fungi, though not all fungi are molds. There are over 100,000 different types of mold.

The most dangerous mold is Stachybotrys, also known as Black Mold. But the vast majority of molds (if not all molds) are dangerous to someone who has severe Mold Poisoning.

Molds spread by producing tiny reproductive cells called spores that waft through the air.

These spores release toxins which is another word for poison. The Greek prefix “myco-” denotes fungi. Since all molds are fungi, the poison or toxins that come from mold spores are called mycotoxins. Thus referring to Mold Poisoning. Since there are many different types of Molds, there are many different types of mycotoxins. It is believed that mold spores release mycotoxins as a defense mechanism.

When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive. Because of this, molds grow significantly in Water Damaged Buildings (WDB). There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, insulation, and other surfaces.

What Is Mold Poisoning?

The human body’s natural detoxification process includes the liver, kidneys, the lymphatic system, and the digestive system.

When healthy people come into contact with mold spores and mycotoxins, their body simply filters it back out and they don’t feel a thing. Their body is working as it should.

However, the detoxification process of those who have severe Mold Poisoning is highly compromised. Imagine someone who is constipated. They are backed up. The same thing happens to those who have Mold Poisoning. Their body has been exposed to so many mold spores and mycotoxins for so long a period of time that their natural detoxification process has become overwhelmed. Their body can’t keep up with the amount of mycotoxins it needs to filter out. Their detoxification process gets “backed up” and then the mycotoxins start wreaking havoc. This is the state of someone who has Mold Poisoning.

Because Mold Poisoning causes prolonged sustained inflammation it is also known as Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). Mold Poisoning is also known as Mold Illness or as Mold Toxicity.

Some people may refer to Mold Poisoning as Mold allergy, but to be precise, Mold Poisoning is much more severe than an allergy, although a person may have both an allergy to mold and Mold Poisoning.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is also known as Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and is defined as extreme fatigue lasting for at least six months. Symptoms worsen with physical or mental activity.

The CDC estimates that “as many as 3.3 million people in the United States have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The vast majority are undiagnosed.” Furthermore, it’s estimated that 17-24 million people suffer with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome worldwide. That’s a ton of people who are seriously suffering. If you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you certainly are not alone.

No one knows what causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—until now.

In April 2013, a groundbreaking study was published which found that 104 out of 112 (93%) people who had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tested positive for at least one mycotoxin.

In February 2022, another study found that out of 236 people who had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 92.4% of them tested positive for at least one mycotoxin.

These studies provide clear evidence that about 90% of people who have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have Mold Poisoning. In other words, Mold Poisoning may play a role in their illness or it may be the sole cause of their fatigue. That is revolutionary! Potentially 90% of people who have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be healed by being treated for Mold Poisoning.

This means that if you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you very likely have Mold Poisoning and there is a very good chance that Mold Poisoning is the root cause of your suffering. The reason no doctor has mentioned Mold Poisoning to you before is because the vast majority of the medical community is not aware of Mold Poisoning. Hopefully, one day soon, the global medical community will begin to study and understand Mold Poisoning because there are tons of people in the world who are seriously suffering from it and need help.

Interestingly enough, the fact that there were still 7-8% who tested negative for Mold Poisoning in both groups means there are other things causing people to have severe fatigue that the scientific community does not understand. If you are one of those 7-8% who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but not Mold Poisoning, there are still several sections in this article that will be beneficial for you to read and understand. The first section is titled “Energy Supplements.” There I explain supplements that will help give you more energy. You have probably never heard of any of these supplements except for maybe one. The other supplement you’ll need to check out is Shilajit. The next section in this article you’ll need to understand is the section on diet. A ton of people who have all kinds of serious chronic illnesses have been healed simply by sticking to the one diet I will mention. The last section you’ll need to understand is the section titled, “Calm The Nervous System And Re-Train The Brain.” People who have all kinds of serious chronic health illnesses have been healed by learning to relax their nervous system and Re-Train their Brain.

Going back to my point about the connection between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Mold Poisoning there is something very interesting. If you look up the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you’ll see they’re all symptoms of Mold Poisoning.

What Are The Symptoms of Mold Poisoning?

Having Mold Poisoning is like drinking a cup of poison every day. We know that poison can do very strange things to the body. In the same way, those who have Mold Poisoning may experience very strange and bizarre symptoms.


The symptoms of Mold Poisoning are:

-Brain—Brain Fog, Dizziness, Headaches, Memory Loss, Poor Concentration, Depression, Anxiety

-Sinuses and Lungs—Sinusitis, Runny Nose, Shortness of Breath, Asthma

-Post exertional malaise—Extreme exhaustion after physical activity or mental exertion

-Gut—Abdominal Pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, New Food Sensitivities, and Other Gastrointestinal Issues

-Immune—Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Allergies, Mast Cell Activation, Innate Immune Activation, Chronic Inflammation, Autoimmunity, Immune Suppression

-Nervous System—Vision problems, Ringing in the Ears, Burning sensations (These can be on the feet, on the buttocks, on the face, or anywhere else in the body), Inner shaking or inner tremors of the legs or other parts of the body

-Hormonal—Infertility, Low Growth Hormone, Low Estrogen in Women, Low Testosterone in Men, Erectile Dysfunction

-Muscle and Joint—Aches, Severe Pain, Joint Stiffness, Muscle Tightness


-Unproductive Sleep

-Atrial Fibrillation and Other Heart Problems

-Redness of the Face

-Severe Testicle Pain

-Severe Vaginal Pain



-Any Bizarre, Weird, or Strange Symptoms

-If Mold Exposure is Long Enough and Intense Enough it can cause Death


Just because you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have Mold Poisoning. These symptoms can be caused by many diseases, viruses, bacteria, environmental factors, exposures to toxic substances, and other things.


Mold Poisoning severely inhibits the proper function of the nervous system, immune system, gastrointestinal system, the liver, the kidneys, the lymphatic system, and the integumentary system.

Mold Poisoning also severely affects the body on a cellular level by weakening the phospholipid bilayer, severely inhibiting ATP synthesis in the mitochondria, severely inhibiting protein synthesis in ribosomes, and severely inhibiting other normal cell functions.

In short, Mold Poisoning can and does affect every part of the body from the cellular level all the way up to the tissues. As I said before, Mold Poisoning is like drinking poison every day.

How Can I Find Out If I Have Mold Poisoning?

Determining if you have Mold Poisoning is very simple. If you are experiencing some of the symptoms in the preceding section, I first recommend that you go to your doctor and get tested for all of the normal suspects like Lyme’s Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, etc. If it all comes back negative, then that’s when I recommend you get tested for Mold Poisoning.

To determine if you have Mold Poisoning, all you have to do is take a urine test.

There are two tests on the market:

1)Mosaic Diagnostics

The test costs $310 if you go directly through their company, but the price can vary if you go through a healthcare provider or if you live outside the U.S. You can find the Mosaic Diagnostics test for mycotoxins by clicking on this button:

2)RealTime Laboratories, Inc.

The RealTime labs mycotoxin test costs $399 and you can find it by clicking on this button:

Prior to taking the urine test, you need to take Glutathione every day for a week. Glutathione is the number one detoxification supplement for the liver and it will start to push the toxins out of your body. Without taking Glutathione, your body will hold on to the toxins because your detox processes are damaged which means your test will not give accurate results. You can purchase the very best Glutathione I’ve found by clicking on either of these buttons:

After taking Glutathione every day for a week, you’ll need to take a very warm shower the night before you take the test to help push more toxins out of your body.

When you wake up the next morning, you’ll pee in to the cup provided from the lab, then mail the test back to them.

Another terrible thing about having Mold Poisoning is that since the medical community at large doesn’t acknowledge it exists, medical insurances don’t pay for anything related to it. That means you’ll have to pay cash for your tests and for everything else necessary for you to heal. That really becomes a Catch-22, because how are you supposed to pay for all these things when you’re way too exhausted to even go on a walk, much less work 8-hour days five days a week?

Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers for you other than that it is imperative we get Mold Poisoning in the national spotlight and in the world spotlight so we can help everyone who is suffering from it to heal.

Mild Mold Poisoning Versus Severe Mold Poisoning

There are two different grades of Mold Poisoning: Mild or Severe.

Severe Mold Poisoning is defined as having Mold Poisoning to the degree that you are unable to lead a normal life. You can’t go to work, you can’t go to school, etc. You can’t do what healthy people do. Severe Mold Poisoning is primarily associated with severe fatigue, but it doesn’t always have to be. Someone who continually has such severe headaches from Mold Poisoning that they can’t lead a normal life may not necessarily have fatigue. But the vast majority of people who have Severe Mold Poisoning experience severe chronic fatigue.

Mild Mold Poisoning is defined as having Mold Poisoning and experiencing some of the symptoms of Mold Poisoning like burning sensations, ringing in the ears, redness of the face, rash, or inner tremors of the leg, but not experiencing fatigue or any symptom that prevents you from leading a normal life. Many people who have Mild Mold Poisoning experience a strange or bizarre symptom and write it off because no one knows what it is. They can still live a normal life so they just figure it doesn’t matter. The danger about having Mild Mold Poisoning is that your body is getting worse and worse and unless you make the necessary changes you will develop Severe Mold Poisoning. In other words, Mild Mold Poisoning is your body warning you that there is something wrong and that you need to begin correcting the problem immediately.

Is there such a thing as Moderate Mold Poisoning? I suppose you could make the case that Moderate Mold Poisoning could be someone who has Mild Mold Poisoning but when they go into or live in (for a short period of time) a Water Damaged Building that contains a lot of mold, they start experiencing fatigue and Severe Mold Poisoning, but when they leave they only experience Mild Mold Poisoning.

It is important to be aware of both Mild and Severe Mold Poisoning. If you have Severe Mold Poisoning and you’ve lived with your family in the same home or apartment for a long time, it is likely that someone else in your family has Mild Mold Poisoning and they will develop Severe Mold Poisoning if they don’t immediately address the situation.

HLA Gene And Susceptibility

Human Leukocyte Antigen, or HLA, is a family of genes located on chromosome 6 which regulate immune responses. This is important because one of the susceptible HLA markers is present in about 25% of the population, but is present in about 90% of patients seeking to be treated for Mold Poisoning.

In other words, those who have a susceptible HLA marker for mold are more susceptible to getting Mold Poisoning. For them it takes less intense exposure for less amount of time to get Mold Poisoning.

Two of the six HLA families have established associations with the development of immune dysfunction from indoor biological pollutants. Over a dozen gene variants of HLA-DQ and HLA-DR are considered high risk to biological toxins. This increased susceptibility arises from a combination of inefficient toxin-clearance along with an exaggerated immune response to these foreign particles. This exaggerated response causes chronic inflammation.

But even if you don’t have the susceptible HLA marker, if you are exposed to intense levels of mycotoxins for years or decades, you will eventually get Mold Poisoning.

All this means is that some people are more susceptible to getting Mold Poisoning and some people are less susceptible to getting Mold Poisoning, but no one is immune.

What To Do About Mold

If you’ve tested positive for Mold Poisoning, I’m sorry that you have to go through this.

But there is some good news:

At least you know what you’re dealing with. And by reading this article, you’ll be far more knowledgeable about Mold Poisoning than anyone else when they were originally diagnosed with Mold Poisoning (including me).

There’s also some bad news:

Most sicknesses, illnesses, and health problems are in the body. For example, if you have a flu or a cold, you take some pills and get some rest. You’ll be better in a few days. Even very severe and tragic illnesses like cancer and autoimmune diseases are in the body. But Mold Poisoning is both in the body and in the environment. In other words, the primary cause of your sickness, mold, is not in your body (although some mold is likely growing in your body). Mold spores and mycotoxins can be anywhere and/or everywhere. They float in the air. They can be and often are all around us. So, you’re fighting an invisible enemy that is everywhere that no one else you live with or know is able to feel or will even acknowledge exists, but is very much there. It’s going to be an unbelievably difficult battle to heal from Mold Poisoning.

However, I should note here that my doctor who’s helping me heal from Mold Poisoning told me that I’m one of the sickest if not the sickest patient she’s ever treated. So, if you can imagine someone who has Mold Poisoning worse than you but isn’t dead, that would be me. So, depending on how bad you have Mold Poisoning, your battle may be difficult, but not unbelievably difficult.

So, now that you know you have Mold Poisoning, what’s the next step?

The first step is determining where the mold is that’s causing you to feel sick. For the vast majority of people, the mold will be somewhere or even in many places in your living space—your home, your apartment, your condo—wherever you live and spend most of your time.

How do you determine where the mold is in your home?

This is an extremely important question. There will be many so-called “mold professionals” who say they can find mold and treat it who literally have no idea what they’re doing. You have to be very careful. In fact, most of the people who say they can treat mold do not know what they’re doing.

In my case, we had a “professional” use his handy-dandy tech to try to find moisture in the walls. He reported back that he couldn’t find any so there must not be any mold in our home. He was COMPLETELY WRONG.

Once we did find mold, we had a “professional” company say they could treat it. Their definition of treat mold was to paint over it. I kid you not. In case you’re wondering, painting over mold ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT WORK.

Another guy scraped the mold. Thanks for making my mold problem worse. Again, that DID NOT WORK.

We found a “professional” company who said that you need to ozone the entire home to kill the mold. We were new at this and said, “Uh, I guess if you say so.” They ozoned the entire home and—IT DID NOT WORK. OZONE DOES NOT KILL MOLD. I’ll talk more about what ozone is and when it can be useful later in this article.

We were total novices and didn’t know who to turn to or what to do. We thought all those people who claimed to be professionals would actually know something about mold, I mean, they were professionals, right? Nope. They just wanted a paycheck. Although, to this day, I still think they honestly believe they are “mold professionals.”

So, what do you do?


ERMI Testing uses Environmental Relative Moldiness Index values to identify mold levels in a given area. The test is performed via dust collection and analysis of that dust. The test measures mold spores that have settled onto surfaces where the dust is collected. Dust samples are taken from multiple places in the home. The test results are then compared to a database of known molds to determine whether or not the mold levels in your home are higher than average.

In regards to ERMI Testing, it’s best to pay for a licensed professional to come and do the test because they know what they’re doing. You’ll have to do an internet search to find someone who is qualified. The professional who does my ERMI testing has a PHD in Environmental Science and has been doing ERMI testing for many years. Those are some of the things you’ll want to look for.

I recognize that some people may not live anywhere near a licensed professional who can do the test. In that case, your only option is to do the test yourself. Since I utilize the help of a licensed professional, I’m at a loss of where to recommend you get ERMI tests from online. You’ll want to do a lot of diligent research and try to find a respectable, licensed, quality company. You’ll also need to make sure you get excellent instructions on how to collect the dust samples.

After the first ERMI test in our house, we got the results back, and the licensed professional who did the ERMI test said, “You’re living in a toxic mold stew!” In other words, we were living in a home with a bunch of molds all at very high levels. There was no wonder I was so sick. Her analysis helped me to see just how valuable ERMI testing can be and as I look back on it now, I can’t believe so many so-called “professionals” were so foolish.

Another type of valuable testing is Mycological Culture testing. Culture analysis of a dust sample will identify molds that are active and living in the home. The advantage to Culture over ERMI is that a Cultured sample is not limited to the DNA panel of molds tested and will show whichever mold types and species that are active in the sample.

Ask your ERMI testing professional if they also do Mycological Culture testing and which type of test they recommend.

Once you know there is mold in your home, the next step is to literally cut it out.


Once you know for sure you have mold in your home and where it is, you’ll need to hire a remediation company who will come in and cut the mold out of your home. They will cut out floor boards, walls, remove bathtubs, power-sand concrete—whatever they have to do in order to get all the mold out of your home.

I’m literally looking at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s website right now for what to do about mold and they say: “Scrub mold off hard surfaces with detergent and water, and dry completely.”

That is never going to work. The mold is already growing inside that hard surface. It’s way way too late once the mold is visible. SMH. It’s a serious problem when the U.S. Federal Agency who should know what to do about mold is literally giving terrible advice.

You need to get every bit of wood or other surface that has mold growing in it out of your home immediately.

It’s ideal to make sure the remediation company has good communication with the professional doing the ERMI testing. ERMI testing will need to be done several times throughout this process to make sure they get all the mold.

The remediation company should also be cleaning everything up and wiping everything down with Seventh Generation soap to clean up all the mold spores and mycotoxins off of everything.

If you live in the Greater Sacramento Area, then you should get in touch with James Weber from JWEnviro. He runs an excellent company for remediating mold. He’s been working with us for years. He knows what he’s doing and that’s very hard to find when it comes to remediating mold. There’s no better Mold Remediation company that I’ve found in the Greater Sacramento Area. You can find his business by clicking on this button:

Once your home has been remediated, you’ll need to pay another company to come in and fix up all the walls, flooring, and surfaces that were removed.

I know this is going to be tough financially for most people, but that’s what’s necessary.

The next step is the most important one.

Are you ready for this?

You Need To Sell Your Home Immediately

I’m not kidding. If your home has had toxic levels of mold in it that were so bad it gave you severe Mold Poisoning, your home cannot recover from it. The toxins are in the walls and in the wood holding your house up. It literally cannot recover. I know from experience that you are going to strongly resist this step. Save yourself from the stress and save your health—Sell your home.

That’s not all you need to sell.

Sell, Donate, Or Throw Away Everything You Have

Everything? Yep, absolutely everything. All your clothes, all your shoes, your laptop, your phone, your couch, your dinner table, all your furniture, your trophies, your car—EVERYTHING.

Even your wedding dress? Yep.

Even your perfectly tailored suit? Yep.

Even your two-hundred-year-old piano that came down the generations from your grandma’s grandma that survived World War I? Yep.


Here’s why:

Mycotoxins don’t just get on surfaces and fabrics; mycotoxins get in them. Mycotoxins get so entrenched in surfaces and fabrics that it is absolutely impossible to extricate them.

Just like Job, you literally have to lose every single thing you’ve ever owned—every material possession.

Have a yard sale and sell what you can, then donate or throw away the rest.

You’re going to have to get rid of everything you have in order to get better sooner or later—it might as well be sooner.

The importance of getting rid of every last thing you have cannot be overstated.

Buy A Brand-New Home

Around the time you sell your home you’ll also need to buy (or rent) a brand-new home. You absolutely do not want to buy a home that someone else has lived in, even if it’s only been for a year. The home you move into needs to be a brand-new home. Here are ten things you’ll want to look out for:

1)State To Live In

Choosing which state to live in is crucial. You want to avoid state’s that are humid. Humid states have more water vapor in the atmosphere than states with dry heat. Humid conditions are perfect for mold to grow and flourish which is why they should be avoided at all costs. This means that states like Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Hawaii, and Florida are definitely not the place for people who have Mold Poisoning to live.

Other states to avoid are states that get a ton of rain and snow. Any little leak in your house and you’ve got mold. Furthermore, people will constantly be dragging moisture into the house. This means that most of the northern U.S. would not be a good place for people with Mold Poisoning to live.

So, where do you want to live?

The best state for people who have Mold Poisoning to live in would by far be Arizona. It is a constant very hot dry heat that makes it nearly impossible for anything to live there including mold. Only cacti can live there because they can go a year or two without getting any water before they die.

Other good places to live would be Las Vegas, Nevada, and southern Utah. In other words, the desert.

California is also a good place to live for people who have Mold Poisoning because it is not very humid and certain parts of the state don’t generally get a ton of rainfall.

What if you live outside the U.S.?

The same guidelines apply. Look for places to live that have desert-like dry heat and stay away from humid and/or rainy or snowy cities.

2)Single-Story Home

Once you know where you want to get a home, the next step is knowing what kind of home to purchase. You definitely want a single-story home. Stay away from two-story homes. For both one- and two-story homes, builders often use plywood on the first floor. Plywood is more resistant to mold (though no kind of wood is perfect). In two-story homes, however, builders often use Particle Board on the second floor because it is cheaper and not needed for strength. The problem with Particle Board is that it is much more susceptible to mold growth. People who have Mold Poisoning and live in two-story homes often find mold has grown easier and much faster in the Particle Board than in plywood.

Another reason to avoid two-story homes is because if you have a leak on the second-story, mold will grow on the second-story, in the ceiling of the first-story, and in the wall of the first-story.

In other words, two-story homes have a much greater risk for mold and, when there is mold, the area of mold is often much larger.

Interesting Note:

If you happen to live in a two-story house, do not live in a room above the garage. Out of all the rooms in a house, the room above the garage is the room reported to have the most problems (not all of which are mold related).  

3)Wood Used To Build The Home

Now that you know you want a single-story home and which state to live in, I need to mention the wood used to build your home. Some builders build homes even when it’s raining or snowing. This means the wood used to build your home can have mold in it.

Another scenario someone told me about was their loved one moved into a home where the builder used rotting wood to build the home. Guess where it was? Florida. Not surprisingly, that person developed Mold Poisoning.

Ultimately, this means that there can be mold in a home and it’s totally out of your control that it’s there.

For this purpose, I highly recommend that you or your loved one who has Mold Poisoning go to each home you’re thinking about purchasing and seeing how you or they feel. Once you find one that feels good and that you think you’re going to purchase, make sure you get it ERMI tested to find out if there are any problems.

Don’t be surprised if you have to check out a lot of homes before one feels okay. When looking for a new home, I visited about 50 homes over the course of about 9 months trying to find one that felt even okay. I learned that pretty much every home has mold in it before anyone even moves in. It wasn’t until well after getting a new home, that I understood why.


The flooring of a home is set on top of concrete. Sometimes the builder puts a lining called underlayment in between the concrete and the flooring. My ERMI professional mentioned that recently they’ve been finding that every morning there is condensation on the top of the concrete. Over time, that condensation will cause mold to develop in the underlayment. If there is no underlayment, the condensation on the top of the concrete will cause mold to develop in the flooring if it’s wood, carpet, laminate, or marble.

This is a major problem. It means that every home has mold in the flooring.

For this reason, carpet, wood, laminate, and marble are definite no-nos for anyone who has Mold Poisoning.

The problem is you’ll never find a house without one of these types of flooring.

The only type of flooring that is good is tile. Tile has a breathable quality which allows the floor to breathe without causing mold. Because of its resistance to developing mold, builders cover shower walls and the floor of bathrooms with tile.

The other problem is you’ll never find a house that has only tile flooring.

So, what do you do?

If you can purchase a new home before it’s built and have the builder put in tile for the floor throughout the house, that is the best way to go.

I think the second best option is to find a house you feel good in, then immediately have a contractor take out all flooring that isn’t tile. It may be a good idea to have your remediation company take a look at the floor to see if they see any mold. Once it’s all clear, have your contractor put in all tile flooring throughout the whole house. It’s best to do all of this before you move in.

One last important note on tile: Make sure the tile you have installed is big pieces of tile. You don’t want to have a ton of small pieces of tile and a lot of grout, that will increase your chances to get mold.

5)Dirt Around The House

Mold can grow in dirt, including in the dirt around your house. This is another reason as to why you’ll want to move to a state or a location where it is difficult for mold to grow.

Before buying (or renting) a new home, it’s a good idea to walk around the house several times to see how you feel outside the house. There may be a lot of mold that you can’t see growing in the dirt. This is especially possible in places that get a lot of rain and snow or that are very humid.

6)Shower Heads

It’s important to pay close attention to the shower head position in your new house. You want to get a home that has tile going all the way up to the ceiling in the shower of your new home. You’ll see that some homes have shower heads coming out of tile, but drywall just above that. Even worse, some homes literally have shower heads coming out of drywall. Any minor leak or problem with the shower head shooting water backward and you’re going to have mold. Don’t take the chance and make sure your showers have tile all the way up to the ceiling.


Now that you understand mold and Mold Poisoning better, I’m sure you’ll see how crazy it is that we put sinks right above wood cabinetry. Any little leak and you can have mold. To prevent against mold developing under your sink, I recommend placing glass or ceramic bowls under all your sinks.

You can even get alarms that detect when there is a leak under your sink.

Of course, a leak can develop inside your walls at any time and you won’t know it (until you feel terrible). That is a major problem with our home construction. We are going to all have to work together to improve home design and construction so that a simple leak can’t cause health deteriorating mold.


It’s a good idea to get a home that has a concrete patio in the backyard and/or in the side yards. If that’s not possible, you can pay for a company to come put in a concrete patio and or concrete side yards.

Those who have severe Mold Poisoning are very sensitive to a lot of things. Just because you’re living in a new home doesn’t mean you won’t come into contact with things that will affect your health. It may be necessary to put some things outside because you can’t tolerate them in the house. If that’s the case, having a patio or a patch of concrete somewhere outside that you can utilize will be a lifesaver.

9)Build A Covered Kitchen In The Backyard If You Can

If you can afford to build a covered kitchen in your backyard, that is a step you’ll want to take. Keeping as much of your groceries and goods outside your house is definitely a good idea. The more stuff you have in your home, the more likely it will cause your sensitivities to flare up.

10)Throw Out Everything The Builder Left Behind

After the builder finishes building your home he’ll leave paint, flooring, and other materials in the garage. Immediately throw these away. Once something has been sitting in the garage you definitely do not want to put it in your house. You also don’t want to keep paints and extra flooring in your home. The only thing you can do with it is toss it.

That’s my list of things to look for when buying a home.

If you have Mold Poisoning, you may think that mold is the only enemy. Unfortunately, that isn’t true. Mold is only one of many enemies.

The Enemies And What To Do About Them

When I was first diagnosed with Mold Poisoning, I thought my body only had problems with mold.

I was wrong, very wrong.

Mold Poisoning severely inhibits the body’s normal functioning processes which then makes the body sensitive and vulnerable to a great many other things. For people dealing with severe Mold Poisoning, mold is only one of many enemies.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are a group of organic chemical substances emitted into the air from various products and processes.

Pretty much anything that has a smell contains VOCs. Think perfume or cologne. That musty smell coming from your closet is VOCs. VOCs can come from paints, aerosol sprays, air fresheners, etc.

What To Do About VOCs:

Of all the enemies, VOCs are the most tame enemy. Those who have severe Mold Poisoning will definitely feel adversely affected when coming into contact with them. Getting good air purifiers can make a big difference. I’ll talk about air purifiers in depth later on in the article.

Personally, I found that once I started taking medications and supplements to heal from Mold Poisoning, the first thing my body could handle without any problem was VOCs. I’ll talk in depth later in the article about what medications and supplements to take. It was amazing to walk past the cologne and perfume aisle in the mall and not feel any problem whatsoever. You’ll get there soon too.


Dust is made up of dust mites, dust mite droppings, dust mite body fragments, dead skin cells, hair, dirt, pollen, bacteria, and a few other microscopic things. Dust mites are microscopic, insect-like pests that generate dust. Dust mites feed on dead human skin cells that are in dust.

Mold spores settle and accumulate on dust.

Interesting Note:

Dust mites’ body parts and droppings are considered one of the major indoor triggers for people with allergies and asthma.

What To Do About Dust:

Since mold spores accumulate on dust you definitely have to take care of it. Even if it doesn’t look like there’s much dust, it is still there. It’s important to vacuum every room in the house at least every other week to take care of the dust. You need to make sure you have a good vacuum that really works. There are a lot of terrible vacuums out there that don’t seem to suck up anything.

I’ve found that the Shark vacuums work very well. Yes, they are a bit more expensive, but they work. You can’t afford to have Mold Poisoning and try to vacuum up dust with a vacuum that doesn’t work. Yeah, you saved some money, but your health is paying the price.

One of the cool things about Shark vacuums is that some of them are cordless. It’s pretty nice to not have to deal with the hassle of a cord, especially one that is being dragged all around through the dust.

You can find Shark vacuums by clicking on this button:

It’s also important to dust furniture, windows, the tops of mirrors and other surfaces regularly.

Off-Gassing (From Synthetic Toxic Chemicals)

Off-Gassing from synthetic toxic chemicals refers to flame retardants, solvents, finishes, and dyes that are used primarily on furniture. Over time, furniture tends to “off-gas,” which means they release a lot of the toxic synthetic chemicals held within its fibers or materials.

For decades, furniture, baby products, and electronics have been loaded with needless flame retardants, solvents, finishes, and dies that migrate out of products and into our bodies. These chemicals have been linked to cancer and hormone disruption, as well as deficits in motor skills, attention and IQ in children.

Toxic synthetic chemicals are on nearly every piece of furniture you can buy and the off-gassing of those toxic chemicals seriously affects people who have Mold Poisoning. Unlike everything else on the list of enemies, there is nothing I’ve found that can be done to mitigate against off-gassing. Air purifiers can’t touch it. You can’t clean it up. There is literally nothing you can do and it will severely affect anyone who has severe Mold Poisoning. Therefore, the only thing you can do is to buy furniture that doesn’t have flame retardants and other synthetic toxic chemicals.

You’re probably wondering: Well, wait, what if there’s a fire?

The EWG explained that though the most toxic flame retardants have been phased out in the U.S., they were replaced with poorly studied alternatives that could harm health.

There are many other Toxic Chemicals to be aware of:

Pesticides—Often used on the food we eat. You can reduce your exposure to pesticides by eating organic.

Phthalates— Often used to make plastic more flexible and harder to break.

Bisphenol (BPA)—Used to manufacture plastics, epoxy resins, and other products.

PFAS—Often used to make surfaces resist stains, water, and grease.

For more information about these and other toxic chemicals, you can read either this article or this article.

What To Do About Off-Gassing:

There are several companies that make furniture without flame retardants and other toxic synthetic chemicals that cause off-gassing.

Here are some certifications to look out for when shopping for your non-toxic furniture:

Greenguard Gold— includes health-based criteria for additional chemicals and also requires lower total VOC emissions levels to help ensure that products are acceptable for use in environments like schools and healthcare facilities.

Made Safe—completely restricts PFAs and checks for over 6,500 banned or restricted substances to ensure they have been avoided or constrained in a product

Green Screen— certification requirements include full ingredient disclosure and compliance with a comprehensive list of prohibited substances, including PFAS

OEKO-TEX Standard 100—they test for harmful substances and make sure that the item of clothing or furniture is harmless to human health.

Certi-PUR—tests the environmental and human health and safety properties of polyurethane foam used in bedding and upholstered furniture applications.

GOTS (Global Organic Textiles Standard)—you’ll often see this on organic clothing too and it ensures the integrity of organically produced materials as well as meeting standards for both ecological and labor conditions.

FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)—signals responsible forestry, fair wages, and the working environment for foresters, and biodiversity is protected.

To find furniture including couches, beds, tables, chairs, etc. I recommend you check out the following businesses. They are dedicated to making furniture without toxic synthetic chemicals.

I have not been able to get furniture yet, so I haven’t been able to use these companies, but once I can, you can bet I’ll be ordering from one or more of these businesses.

If you’re looking into purchasing furniture from any of these companies, it’s a good idea to talk to customer service first and make sure that the specific piece of furniture you’re ordering is free from flame retardants and other toxic synthetic chemicals.


All mold is fungus, but not all fungus is mold. However, all types of fungus will adversely affect those who have severe Mold Poisoning.

The number one place for fungus is the shower, particularly the shower floor.

Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Because of this, people often get/have fungus on their feet, especially their toenails.

What To Do About Fungus:

First off, do not pee in your shower, ever. For some reason I can’t explain, there’s a myth going around that peeing in the shower is good for killing the fungus on your feet. That is not true at all. Quite the opposite happens. Peeing in the shower causes more fungus to grow at a faster rate on your shower floor. If you’re used to peeing in the shower, just go pee right before you jump in the shower.

Next, you need to clean all showers in your home regularly. I’ve found that cleaning the showers every other week is best.

To clean the shower walls and glass, I use Lysol with Hydrogen Peroxide followed by Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer (which removes soap scum).

On the floor, I do four rounds:

1)Lysol with Bleach

2)Lysol with Hydrogen Peroxide

3)Scrubbing Bubbles Mega Shower Foamer (removes soap scum)

4)Another round of Lysol with Bleach

I use Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty sponges. I use the soft side on the shower walls and the hard side on the shower floor.

All of this is necessary to kill as much of the fungus and bacteria as possible and also to take care of the soap scum.

Every time before you take a shower, you need to spray down the shower floor with Clear Gear. Clear Gear is a non-bleach disinfectant that kills 99.9% off all germs. It is specifically made to spray down athletic equipment, showers, and other surfaces without causing damage or corrosion. I use it every day on different surfaces. You want to spray it on your shower floor then wait at least ten minutes before taking a shower so you give it sufficient time to work. To find Clear Gear, click either of these buttons:

To clean the fungus from your feet, I highly recommend spraying the bottom of your feet with Lotrimin AF. I personally like the powder spray because it goes on dry. You need to spray the bottom of your feet after every shower. To get Lotrimin AF, click on this button:

For your toenails, I absolutely love Pro-Belle Natural Fungal Nail Gel. It works amazing, has absolutely zero smell, and leaves your toenails looking pretty shiny. It’s very difficult to find an anti-fungal nail gel that doesn’t smell terrible or that works. But to find both in the same product is amazing. If you have toenail fungus, you need to put it on your toenails after every shower. To get it, click either of these buttons:


Any type of organism growth affects people with severe Mold Poisoning. Moss can be found growing on trees, growing in pools, or growing on cement patios.

You may need to cut down any trees that have moss growing on them.

For pools, you’ll need to see if you can find a company that cleans up the moss. Maybe they can clean it up once a year during the winter.

For cement patios, you can hire a company to clean your patio and driveway once a year or so. You’ll want to make sure they use high heat and a cleaner that kills molds, fungus, and moss. You’ll need to search Google and call around to find a company that can do it.

Technological Devices (Including Rechargeable Batteries)

According to the World Health Organization, a number of individuals have reported a variety of health problems that they relate to exposure to electromagnetic fields. While some individuals report mild symptoms and react by avoiding the fields as best they can, others are so severely affected that they cease work and change their entire lifestyle. This sensitivity to electromagnetic fields has been generally termed “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” or EHS.

The symptoms most commonly experienced include dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances).

Before having severe Mold Poisoning, I never had a problem with technological devices, but now I do have problems at times. I’ve noticed that if something is charging overnight, it causes a real problem for me. My phone also causes somewhat of a problem for me. So, I leave my phone in a plastic box I got from Target outside. I also don’t leave anything like my laptop on or let it charge overnight. As I’m getting better, I notice that I have less severe electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

It may be possible that some people who have electromagnetic hypersensitivity actually have mild or moderate Mold Poisoning.


Poop is the number one way our body eliminates mycotoxins. Because of this, it’s important to go poop every day, preferably twice a day. That way you’re continually eliminating toxins from your body.

It’s also important to know that other people, animals, and bugs also eliminate mycotoxins in their poop.

People who have severe Mold Poisoning cannot be around poop at all, ever.

What To Do About Poop:

You need to clean your toilet bowl and your toilet regularly.

I’ve found that I need to clean my toilet bowl every 3-4 days.

If you take longer than that to clean your toilet bowl, pretty soon you’ll see a pink stain which is caused by an airborne bacterium known as Serratia marcescens. You can see that pink stain in your shower, in your sink, and other places in your bathroom.

Those of us who have severe Mold Poisoning will start to feel problems even before the pink stain appears. Once it appears, it’s already a pretty big problem.

If you don’t clean the toilet bowl for long enough, that pink stain will eventually become black mold and will be a very serious problem. Once it becomes black mold, there is no salvaging the toilet. You’ll need to have a plumber remove it and install a new one.

The very best toilet bowl cleaner I’ve found is Clorox Clinging Bleach Gel. You can find it by clicking on this button:

You’ll also need a good Toilet brush. Just make sure you don’t store your used Toilet brush inside your home. I like the Toilet brush from Oxo. You can find it by clicking on this button:

You also need to clean your toilet and the rest of your bathroom regularly with Lysol with Hydrogen Peroxide. How often you need to clean it depends on how many people use the toilet and bathroom. But it needs to be cleaned at least once a month. Every other week may be better.

There is one more very important thing to do about poop.

It’ll be a tough one for most people, but it is crucial to getting better.

Are you ready?


I’ll say that again.



You can’t have pets around because they poop and pee all over the place. If they’re outside animals, they poop all over the yard which is terrible for anyone who has severe Mold Poisoning. Even poop that is outside in the yard will very seriously affect people who have severe Mold Poisoning while they are in their homes. The mycotoxins in poop are very powerful and have a very strong effect even from far distances.

Even if they’re well trained inside animals that poop in the litter, that poop is still loaded with toxins and open to the air. It will very seriously adversely affect anyone who has severe Mold Poisoning.

Even if you have mild Mold Poisoning, the strong toxins in poop are working against your body.

The bottom line is—you can’t have pets. And you won’t be able to have pets for years, maybe never again for the rest of your life.

I told you that you would have to give up everything.

I’m not a pet person, so this isn’t tough for me, but I know most people love pets (seemingly more than humans) so I understand it will be very difficult for them.

But what do you want?

Do you want to have a pet and feel absolutely miserable or do you want to get better?

That’s an easy choice for me.


Hair absorbs mycotoxins. The only way to get the mycotoxins out of hair is by using shampoo regularly. Men should shampoo their hair every day. Women should shampoo their hair at least every other day. It really doesn’t matter which shampoo you use, as long as it’s a good one.

Most women shed hair and it gets all over the floor, the couch, blankets, you name it. Because of this, women who have severe Mold Poisoning need to pay close attention to where their hair is shedding and quickly pick it up or vacuum it up. Maybe you need to put your hair in a bun if that’ll help to prevent so much shedding.

Most cats and dogs also shed hair too. Even animals that don’t shed hair are furballs that attract a ton of mycotoxins. For this purpose, once again, if you have severe Mold Poisoning, you absolutely cannot have pets.


All fabrics absorb mycotoxins: clothes, bed sheets, blankets, shoes, you name it. The one fabric that is less susceptible to mycotoxins is leather. For some reason I can’t explain, leather handles mycotoxins pretty well.

So, when you’re looking for furniture, you’ll want to get a leather couch. When looking for a car, you’ll want to get a car that has leather seats.

Also, I’ve heard that bamboo sheets are better for people who have Mold Poisoning. One website says, “Bamboo sheets are naturally hypoallergenic, making them an excellent choice for people with allergies or sensitive skin. They resist dust mites, mold, and mildew.”

I’ve never used a bamboo sheet or other bamboo bedding while sleeping at night, but once I’m ready for it, it’s very likely that’s where I’ll start.

You can get bamboo sheets by clicking either of these buttons:

For bamboo blankets, click this button:

For bamboo pillows, click this button:


Just like hair, clothes absorb mycotoxins. Unlike hair, it is impossible to get mycotoxins out of clothes.

What To Do:

I’ve found that wearing very light moisture wicking clothing is generally the best. Any heavy cotton quickly becomes a major problem so I recommend to stay away from it.

I personally love Under Armour because they have some very thin clothing and I don’t generally have a problem with it. I recommend trying to find their thinnest clothing you can.

You can find their clothes here:

Furthermore, Citrisafe makes an excellent laundry detergent that is specifically formulated to be used on washable clothes contaminated by mold. If your clothes have had a minor or moderate exposure to mold, this laundry detergent works great! To get it, click either of these buttons:

If your clothes have had a severe exposure to mold, nothing will salvage them. The only option is to throw them away. I know that probably sounds strange to you now, but you have to learn to live a very different lifestyle from what you’re used to. Your new lifestyle means you cannot get attached to material things because you may need to toss them at a moment’s notice.


Those who have severe Mold Poisoning will soon recognize that shoes quickly become contaminated with mycotoxins and give them major problems. Just like hair and clothes, shoes absorb mycotoxins. It’s also important to be aware that being close to other people’s shoes may be giving you problems.

What To Do:

I’ve found that the very best shoes for me are EVA sandals by Birkenstock. EVA stands for Ethylene Vinyl Acetate which is a high-quality, very light, elastic material with very good cushioning. These sandals are shock absorbing, waterproof, and skin friendly. You can find them here:

Your shoes or sandals are constantly in contact with the ground and consequently get very dirty. Dirt also absorbs mycotoxins. What I love about these sandals is that I can clean them with Clear Gear regularly. Clear Gear is my go-to cleaner day-to-day. You can find it here:

I spray down my EVA Birkenstock sandals with Clear Gear and clean them with Water Wipes several times a day. That way my sandals are always clean. This causes me to have a lot less problems with my footwear. If they last for a month or two, I feel like I got my money’s worth out of them then I order another pair.

Water Wipes are baby wipes that come in handy whenever you need to clean a surface or a body part. Because they are meant for babies, there are no harsh chemicals and are completely safe for your skin. You can find them here:


Paper absorbs and holds mycotoxins. It’s impossible to get the mycotoxins out of paper. And if you think paper’s bad, cash is the absolute worst. Cash is literally paper that has been passed around from person to person for years, maybe even decades. That cash has been stored in old clothes, in moldy rooms, and dusty closets. Cash is absolutely terrible for anyone who has Mold Poisoning.

What To Do:

Luckily, we now live in a world where you really don’t need to carry cash. Furthermore, most of what we do is online or on a computer. If you do have to have some papers, try to store them in a plastic box outside. If you have really sensitive papers, maybe you can get a waterproof safe and put it outside. Or maybe you can have a family member or close friend keep them. Or you could even rent some storage space and put your papers there. You may have to get creative, but it’s worth it. Thankfully, it’s much easier to go paperless now than it has been in centuries.


Where you sleep is extremely important, but the problem is, every mattress absorbs mycotoxins like a sponge. The last thing you want to do is to sleep all night long in mycotoxins. Your body won’t be able to recover and you’ll still feel sick. At the same time, having to constantly buy a new mattress will get super expensive and it will just get contaminated with mycotoxins again.

What To Do:

My remedy to this problem is I sleep on an air mattress. They are much cheaper than regular mattresses and some are made out of material that is less susceptible to mycotoxins.

I’ve found that using an air mattress that has a built-in pump and a built-in pillow is the best for me. Pillows absorb mycotoxins, so I simply get an air mattress that already has one built in. It takes some getting used to, but I’ve learned to enjoy it.

I generally sleep on an Intex air mattress. I’ve found they’re pretty good quality. You can find them with any of these buttons:

I’ve found that blankets absorb mycotoxins, so I turn up the heater a bit and sleep without a blanket, sheets, or clothes.

Another option for a mattress is a bamboo mattress made by Cariloha. I’ve never slept in one, but bamboo is supposedly better for people who have Mold Poisoning. If you’re ready to buy a new mattress, that may be where you want to start.

You can find Cariloha bamboo mattresses by clicking on this button:


As I’ve mentioned before, dirt absorbs mycotoxins. This is a problem because in the winter time, people, especially children, track mud in the house. Even when everyone’s being careful, everyone will still track dirt into the house.

It’s important to clean up any mud and noticeable dirt immediately. Other than that, make sure you’re vacuuming regularly.


Everyone’s car has mold in it. People eat and drink in their cars, and spill food and beverages all over the floor. Look under anyone’s driver seat and check out how many French fries are under there.

During the winter, people track water and mud into the car.

In terms of mold, everyone’s car is an absolute mess.

If you have severe Mold Poisoning, I can pretty much guarantee there is mold in your car.

What To Do:

Sell your car and buy a brand-new car. DO NOT buy a used car. Only buy a brand-new car.

Make sure you put all-weather floor mats everywhere on the floor in your car.

Then you need to have some rules:

1)Absolutely no eating or drinking food or beverages in the car under any circumstance

2)Do everything in your power to never have food or beverages in your car

3)Keep the cabin free of all fabrics, toys, and all other stuff

4)Always use the trunk for all fabrics, toys, and all other stuff

5)Roll down the window as much as possible to get fresh air

Other People’s Homes

Everyone’s home has mold in it. When my family and I were looking for a new home, we tested about 50 brand-new homes and every single one had mold in it. And those were brand-new homes, not even homes that people had been living in.

What To Do:

This is pretty simple: Don’t go in other people’s homes.

You can be polite and let people know you have a severe health problem so you can’t go in anyone’s home.

Suggest meeting with friends and family at restaurants or parks or socializing in someone’s backyard.

But whatever you do, do not go into other people’s homes until you’ve been fully healed for at least six months to a year.

Also, don’t let other people come into your home. People will not understand Mold Poisoning at all and they can’t feel any problems, so simply explain to them that because of your health problem, no one is allowed into your home for the time being.

Old Buildings

Whether they’re restaurants, bowling alleys, doctor’s offices, churches, or any other kind of building, old buildings have a lot of problems going on in them for people who have Mold Poisoning. Any building that’s 40-years-old or older constitutes an old building. They have problems with mold. Most of them had a leak somewhere in the past that wasn’t treated and that was that.

What To Do:

Just like other people’s homes: Don’t go into old buildings. Stay away from them.

Suggest newer restaurants and find newer doctor’s offices, etc. The newer the building, the better the chance it won’t be a problem for you. But this isn’t always true. Occasionally, I have problems in newer buildings, especially if they have a lot of carpet.

It’ll likely take some trial and error to figure out which buildings in your town you can handle and which you need to stay away from.


Bugs seem to be the bane of everyone’s existence. They can also be a problem for people who have Mold Poisoning. Bugs are outside and they crawl around in dirt, poop, dust, and who knows what else. Then they come into your house and get in the walls then eventually they appear on the floor.

I’ve found that almost all bugs absorb mycotoxins.

What To Do:

This one is common sense. You need to have a good Pest Control service for your home. If cockroaches, spiders, or other bugs make it into your house, you can’t let them set up shop or else it will cause problems for you. You need to quickly eliminate them and remove them from your home.

Items You Buy From A Store

Think about how a product gets to your house. It’s first made by some company in a warehouse somewhere. Maybe there’s mold in the warehouse or maybe not. Maybe the workers live in moldy homes and have mold spores on their hands while packaging and handling the product or maybe not. Then it’s transported to the store by a semi-truck. Maybe there’s mold in the semi or maybe not. Then it’s stored somewhere in the store. Maybe there’s mold in the store or maybe not. Maybe there’s mold right near where the product is shelved or maybe not. Maybe the workers come from moldy homes and have mold spores on their hands while handling the product or maybe not. Then you buy the product, put it in a plastic bag that absorbs mycotoxins like a sponge, then put it in your moldy car (unless you bought a new one) and transport it to your home.

The whole point is that at any point, any product you purchase can come into an environment that is highly concentrated with mycotoxins and mold spores. Obviously, you have to purchase some things. So, this section is to illustrate that sometimes, products you buy may have mold spores or mycotoxins on them and may be causing you problems while you leave them in your house.

What To Do:

The only way you can know what stores you can get products from that aren’t giving you problems is by trial and error. For instance, there’s a newer Target in the area where I live that is pretty good. I generally don’t have many problems when I purchase products from that one store. So, pretty much every time I’m going to purchase something that I’m planning on putting in my house, that’s where I go.

I’ve learned by experience that pretty much every other store gives me problems. There’s even a Target that is newer in this area than the one I go to, but I can’t handle the products I get from that one. Maybe there’s mold in the store somewhere. I don’t know. All I know is that store doesn’t work for me. Like I said, you have to find out which stores work for you by trial and error.

This is the reason why it’s important to have a concrete patio outside where you can put some things if you need to.

For example, I put my towels in a plastic bin from Target outside on the concrete patio. My toilet paper is outside on the concrete patio. All of my meds and supplements are outside on the concrete patio. It’s very useful to be able to have a place where you can store things you need outside.

Furthermore, I’ve found that ordering online and asking companies to use FedEx or UPS to ship to my house has been very beneficial. For some reason, I can’t handle bringing anything that’s been in the mailbox into the house. I don’t know what’s going on with the mailbox. Maybe it’s just everyone’s mail all together? Who knows. I just know I can’t handle it. Anything that’s been in the mailbox goes outside.

Also, I never put anything I purchase from a store into plastic bags. I’ve found that always contaminates the products with mycotoxins. In fact, I don’t use any bags at all. First, I wash my hands, then I only buy in a store what I can carry in my hands. I recognize this won’t work for everyone. How do you buy groceries for a family of five when you can only buy what you can carry in your hands? That simply won’t work. My point is you’ll have to try to come up with another solution that works well for you. Or maybe you’ll find that putting products in plastic bags doesn’t affect you at all. If so, then great!

Ultimately, I plan ahead and know what’s going to come into the house and what’s going to go outside. I only keep a few things in the house—my laptop, a few sets of clothes, a few air mattresses, body wash and shampoo, etc. in the shower, and a metal chair to sit on. Pretty much everything else I have (which except for meds and supplements isn’t much) is outside on the concrete patio.

Live A Minimalist Lifestyle

As you can see, almost every material possession absorbs mycotoxins and will therefore cause problems for someone who has Mold Poisoning. Therefore, while you have Mold Poisoning, it is best to live a Minimalist lifestyle. In essence, you need to learn to live with the least amount of material possessions as possible. This is in direct contrast to our culture, but it is necessary for your health. In fact, one of the reasons you have Mold Poisoning may be to help you learn just how fleeting and unimportant material possessions are and that what really matters are the people in your life.

Take A Shower Every Day

Throughout the day, mycotoxins and other harmful substances in the environment are getting on your skin. For this purpose, you need to take a shower every day. I take a shower every night just before I go to bed because if I feel mycotoxins or something else throughout the day, I can do something about it. But if I’m feeling mycotoxins in bed, I’m going to be there for 9-12 hours and there’s not much I can do about it. In essence, I’ll be laying in mycotoxins all night and my body will be getting attacked instead of repairing itself. That’s what I do and why I do it, but you need to figure out what time of the day is best for you to take a shower. If you wait 2, 3, or even 4 days to take a shower, your skin will have so many more mycotoxins and other adverse substances in the environment on it that your body will have a very difficult time dealing with it. So, to help your body out, you need to get those mycotoxins off your skin at least once a day.

Boys and men should use shampoo on their head every time they take a shower. From what I understand, if girls and women use shampoo every time they take a shower it damages their hair. So, girls and women should use shampoo on their hair at least every other day. As I’ve already mentioned, hair is a magnet for mycotoxins so you need to keep your hair clean.

It’s also important to not use bar soap in your shower. The reason for this is because it sits there on the ledge and it will gradually attract mycotoxins and other adverse substances over time. Instead, get a body wash. In essence, body wash is soap that comes inside a hard plastic container. Don’t use a loofah. Loofahs will attract and hold in mycotoxins. Simply use the body wash as soap. It doesn’t really matter which body wash you use. I use a body wash by Dove that is formulated specifically for men that uses Charcoal and Clay to detoxify the skin. I don’t think that is absolutely necessary, but it’s been working great for me so I’m not going to change it.

If you’re a man, you can find the body wash I use by clicking either of these buttons:

I’m not a woman, so I’ve never used a body wash for women. I’ve looked around and I haven’t found a body wash for women that is specifically for detoxifying the skin. So women, you’ll have to go to Google or Amazon or somewhere else to find a body wash you like.

Fresh Air

One of the places you’ll generally feel the best is outside. Fresh clean air is very good for your body’s healing process. Take walks. Go to a nearby park. Sit outside on your outdoor patio. Do what you can to be outside as much as possible.

Of course, if there are large fires nearby and the air is very smoky, that is not good for your body and you’ll have to stay inside as much as possible.

But in general, fresh air outside is very good for your body.

Air Purifiers

Even if your home has very little or no mold in it, you will still encounter problems in the environment. For this purpose, it’s a great idea to have air purifiers.

Here are 3 things to look for when choosing an air purifier:

1)True HEPA

HEPA is a type of pleated mechanical air filter known as “high-efficiency particulate air filter” and refers to its air quality cleanliness measurement developed by the Department of Energy (DOE) following the Manhattan Project in the 1940s.

As defined by the DOE, HEPA filters can capture up to 99.97% of airborne particles sized 0.3 microns (µm), also known as the most penetrating particle size (MPPS). HEPA filters theoretically can remove:

Dust, Pollen, Animal dander, Viruses, Bacteria, Mold spores, Mycotoxins, or any Airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns

Understanding how HEPA filters work will help you understand why you should opt for a True HEPA over a basic HEPA.

A HEPA filter on its own is a mechanical filter that will capture any airborne particles through a series of diffusion, interception, and impaction. The airflow, the randomness of the media filter, and the fiber types create a barrier of resistance that captures particles as the air passes through the filter. A filter with more spread-out fibers won’t be as effective as it would let more particles pass through.

A True HEPA filtration device or filter is the only type of HEPA filter that truly conforms to the DOE standard for HEPA filtration, has the highest efficiency, and hits the 99.97% threshold.

If the HEPA filter does not meet the DOE’s standards for HEPA filtration, then it is not considered True HEPA.

When purchasing a True HEPA, you should be able to source third-party testing that also proves the brand went through the proper steps to adhere to the DOE’s HEPA standards and test its efficiency.

2)Activated Carbon Filter

Activated carbon filters in air purifiers helps to improve the indoor air quality by removing harmful gaseous pollutants, VOCs, odors, and smoke. This leads to a cleaner and healthier living environment, especially for people with allergies or respiratory issues.


Some Air Purifiers contain a pre-filter that filters out the largest airborne particles.

My Favorite Air Purifier

My favorite Air Purifier is the Winix 5500-2. Here’s why:

1)It has a pre-filter to filter out large airborne particles.

2)It has an Activated Carbon Filter.

3)It’s a True HEPA Filter that captures 99.99% of airborne ultrafine particles as small as 0.003 microns.

4)It covers 360 square feet which is large enough for most rooms.

5)It utilizes Plasmawave Technology that has an LED light which changes in real-time based on air-quality. This is an excellent feature. It is very useful for those who have Mold Poisoning and who are living with other people who don’t have Mold Poisoning and who can’t feel any problems. Having an LED light allows people to visualize whether or not there is a problem in that area.

Having used the Winix 5500-2 Air Purifier for many years, I can tell you firsthand that the LED light is generally very accurate. I have had a few occasions where it was off, but overall, it works very well.

The only thing the Winix 5500-2 Air Purifier can’t detect or take care of is off-gassing from toxic synthetic chemicals such as flame retardants and finishes. But to be fair, I have never come across any air purifier that can take care of off-gassing from toxic synthetic chemicals like flame retardants and finishes.

I have several Winix 5500-2 Air Purifiers and sometimes I use two or three at the same time in a very large room.

The Winix 5500-2 Air Purifier is my buddy and while I’m awake, and in my home, I almost always have one on in the room I’m in.

I only like to run them on high for an hour at a time, two hours maximum. If it’s been on high for an hour, I can turn it down to half power. If it’s been on high for two hours, I immediately turn it off and let it rest. As with any Air Purifier, if you leave it on high for too long it will break. Air Purifiers aren’t meant to be on high 24/7. In fact, they’re not meant to be on 24/7. They’re meant to be on for a while, clean up the problem, then be turned off.

You can purchase the Winix 5500-2 Air Purifier with either of these buttons:

If you can afford it, you may want to look into getting a hospital grade Air Purifier. I’ve never used one, but if you want to get a hospital grade Air Purifier you’ll need to do a Google Search.

Medications And Supplements Overview

If you are still living in a highly toxic mold environment, no amount of medications and supplements will help you get better. But if you have moved and are pretty much out of mold, there are some very important supplements that you’ll want to start taking.

But before I get to the medications and supplements, there are a few things that I need to explain so you’ll understand why I take the specific medications and supplements I do, and how to get on the full dosage of each one.

Liquid Versus Pills

When it comes to which type of delivery system for a supplement to choose, the main focus should be on how well it is absorbed.

Capsules, tablets, and other supplements in pill form must dissolve before their active ingredients become available to the body. Factors such as age, stomach acid levels, medications, pH, and other digestive issues can easily impair absorption. Liquids don’t require this same level of breakdown in the digestive tract, typically resulting in quicker assimilation and absorption.

For some people, traditional supplements— like tablets or capsules—show relatively low absorption due to GI tract degradation, liver metabolism, and low absorption in the small intestine. Alternatively, specific liquid delivery systems protect nutrient and chemical compounds, improving biocompatibility and increasing the likelihood of delivering the intended dose to the targeted cells and body tissues.

Because liquids are generally absorbed much better it means the supplement will be more effective. I always try to find a supplement in liquid form first. Sometimes, I can’t find a good supplement in liquid form, so then I’ll try for a gel capsule. If that fails, then I’ll take a capsule or tablet.

How To Get On A Medication Or Supplement

There are two ways that I’m aware of to try to get on the full dosage of a supplement or medication:

1)Take A Very Small Amount Each Day And Gradually Try To Increase The Dosage

This is the method my doctor who is helping me heal from Mold Poisoning first described to me. She would say, “Start by taking a sixteenth of a tablespoon, then an eighth, then a fourth and on up.”

This did not work for me at all.

Here’s why:

When people who have Mold Poisoning start taking medications and supplements that will benefit their health long-term, in the short term they often have a strong negative reaction to it. This reaction can include flu-like symptoms, fatigue, and a temporary worsening of symptoms. The author of one article I read said, “These reactions occur when fungal organisms are eliminated from the body.” He referred to this phenomenon as “Die-off reactions.”

I can’t tell you that I’m 100% sure that’s what’s happening, but that is the best explanation I’ve found so far. It has been my experience that the meds and supplements that will really help my body heal the most gave my body the strongest negative reactions at first.

So, option #2 is the way I found that worked for me to get on the full dosage of medications and supplements.

2)Take A Large Dosage, Then Let Your Body Heal For A Few Days, Then Take Another Large Dosage

I generally like to start out taking a half dosage of a new supplement (unless it’s a tablet or capsule). If it’s a powder, I’ll start out by taking one full scoop. Then I’ll suffer the “Die-off reaction” for a few days.

Here’s my rule:

I have to have an entire day of no symptoms from taking the medication or supplement. Then the next day I’ll take another large dosage.

For instance, let’s say I’m starting out with Cholestyramine (you’re about to learn what that is). The maximum dosage of Cholestyramine is 2 scoops two times a day. That is a very large dosage. In this instance, I would start out by taking one scoop on day 1. I’ll let my body experience the Die-off reactions on days 2 and 3. On day 4, I notice that my body has fully recovered from the Die-off reactions and I don’t feel any more negative symptoms from taking the Cholestyramine. So, on day 5, I’ll take another scoop.

I’ll continue doing this for two weeks or so. Then on week three, I’ll keep the same game plan, but bump it up to two scoops every time I take Cholestyramine. I’ll let my body get used to that for a couple weeks, then starting week 5, I’ll take 2 scoops twice in one day. My body will definitely experience Die-off reactions for a few days. Then I’ll pay attention to my body and see when it takes only 1 day to recover from the Die-off reactions instead of 2 days. Then I’ll see when I can take the full dosage every other day. Then I’ll take the dosage for 2 days in a row then give my body a day off. Then I’ll take the dosage for 3 days in a row then give my body a day off. Eventually, I’ll get to taking the full dosage every day.

Doing this requires you to be aware of your body.

Cholestyramine may take the longest to get on because the full dosage is so large. Other binders and supplements will take less time to get on, because you can often start out with half of the full dosage or even the full dosage and over time work your way on to taking the full dosage every day.

This is how I gradually got on the full dosage of all of my supplements and medications.

My doctor was shocked at how I could get on the full dosage of everything so fast (relatively speaking while compared to her other patients). This is how I did it. My doctor told me she had at least one patient and maybe even several who just could not up their dosage from a sixteenth of a table spoon. They had been on that dosage for months and months and weren’t going anywhere.

I guess that for me, part of my mindset was embracing the pain. Before taking a supplement or medication I knew was going to make me feel bad for a couple days I would literally say to myself, “This is going to hurt.” Then I would just take it. Then I’d suffer for a few days. That was the mindset I had to have to get on it. It’s what worked for me. You’ll need to find a mindset that works for you to get on the supplements and meds I’m going to talk about.

Take it one supplement or medication at a time. You’ll find that the more you get on, the easier it is for you to get on other things. That’s because your body is starting to heal and things are being corrected in the body to get it to function properly.

The supplements that were the hardest for me to get on a full dosage were Cholestyramine, Toxease GL, Gluathione, and NAD+. And those four are four of the most important supplements and medications I take.

Talk To A Doctor Before Starting New Supplements

You need to make sure the supplements you want to try don’t have any contraindications with your current medications. This is one reason it’s important to have a doctor overseeing your path to healing from Mold Poisoning.


Detox binders are dietary supplements formulated to capture and escort toxins out of the body before they can be absorbed. Binders utilize two primary mechanisms to achieve this:

1)Chelation: Certain substances like Zeolite clay and humic/fulvic acids possess a cage-like molecular structure that excels at trapping heavy metals and positively charged toxins. Due to their ionic charge, they act as magnets, drawing in toxins and securely binding them for elimination.

2)Adsorption: Activated charcoal, characterized by its extensive porous surface, acts like a sponge that absorbs toxins. Toxins adhere to the charcoal and are subsequently eliminated through the stool.

When you start taking binders you want to ease on to them. If you take too many binders you can seriously damage your body. My doctor told me of a girl who took so many binders it damaged her body so badly she could only eat through a feeding tube. That’s very sad.

For this reason, it’s best to take binders under the direction of a knowledgeable experienced doctor.

If you can’t afford a doctor, then you should only take binders at low levels (meaning the dosage listed on the bottle).

Because binders bind not only mycotoxins, but food and medicine, it’s important to not eat or take medicine for an hour before or after taking your binders. I know that sounds tricky. It took me a few weeks to figure out how to do that and I’ll share below what I do.

Let’s talk about some of the most important binders.


Cholestyramine is the most powerful binder and therefore the most important binder for anyone who has Mold Poisoning. Cholestyramine is a universal binder meaning it binds many mycotoxins, but not all.

Cholestyramine is an FDA approved medication and was originally used to treat high cholesterol.

Once cholestyramine binds mycotoxins, it removes them through the stool.

You can only get cholestyramine by a prescription from a doctor. I’ll discuss the best doctors to help you heal from Mold Poisoning later in the article. After you get your prescription, you can take it to your local pharmacy.

The maximum dose is 2 scoops twice a day.

One of the potential side effects of cholestyramine is constipation. If you experience constipation, you can simply take Phillips Cherry Milk of Magnesia and or Stool Softeners which you can find by clicking either of these buttons:

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal contains millions of tiny spores that capture toxins in the gut, including metals and mycotoxins. It is well-tolerated and readily excreted in the stool.

My favorite Activated Charcoal includes several other binders including Chitosan, Bentonite Clay, and Silica. Therefore, it is a universal binder meaning, once again, it binds many mycotoxins, but not all.

Activated Charcoal tastes exactly what it sounds like: Charcoal. The taste is terrible. It took me about six months to get used to it. The good news is you can get it either as a powder or in capsule form. I feel that mixing the powder in water works a bit better for me so that’s why I stick with the powder. But it’s great to know you have options.

You can get the Activated Charcoal I use by clicking this button:

You can get the capsules by clicking this button:

You can also find them by clicking this button:

GI Detox+

GI Detox+ is a wide-spectrum binder which means it binds many mycotoxins. GI Detox+ is the second most popular and important binding supplement after Cholestyramine because it contains the binders Zeolite Clay, Activated Charcoal, Silica, and Humic Powder.

GI Detox+ comes in capsules and the maximum dosage is 5 capsules per day, but to start out with, I recommend only taking a maximum of 2 capsules per day. If you want to take any more than that, you should first get the okay from your doctor.

You can find GI Detox+ by clicking either of these buttons:

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay is especially good for binding mycotoxins produced by Stachybotrys (Black Mold). Since you or your loved one has severe Mold Poisoning, it is likely that Black Mold played an important role. Because of this, most people who have Mold Poisoning should be using Bentonite Clay.

Bentonite Clay removes toxins from your body in the stool.

The Bentonite Clay I use is from Great Plains. You put 1 tablespoon of Bentonite Clay in 4-8 ounces of liquid, stir, and drink. You can find the Bentonite Clay I use here:

Saccharomyces Boulardii (Sac B)

Sac B is actually a probiotic and has very important binding properties. Some people who have severe Mold Poisoning experience severe testicle or vaginal pain. Sac B is the answer for that pain. It clears it right up. To say exactly how that works, I honestly don’t know, and to be honest, I really don’t care. I’m just very happy that I don’t have severe testicle pain anymore and all I have to do is take Sac B.

Sac B comes in capsules and you can take 1 twice a day or 2 once a day, whichever you like best.

The other great thing about Sac B is because it’s a probiotic you can take it with food.

To get the Sac B I use, click either of these buttons:

When To Take Binders

You don’t want to take Cholestyramine at the same time as Activated Charcoal and Clays because they’ll just bind each other and make each other less effective.

Here’s what I do:

I take 2 scoops of Cholestyramine first thing when I wake up.

I take all of my Activated Charcoal and Clays at the same time during the middle of the day at least an hour before and after eating and taking other meds.

I take 2 scoops of Cholestyramine at the end of the day just before I take a shower then go to bed.

I take my other meds and supplements, and eat in between all of the binders.

Energy Supplements

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, meaning that’s where energy is created. The energy that’s created in the mitochondria is known as ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate). The scientific term for ATP creation is ATP synthesis or ATP generation.

If you have severe Mold Poisoning, you obviously have very little energy. One of the problems is that mycotoxins are interfering with your body’s ability to generate ATP in the mitochondria.

Therefore, you need supplements that will aid your body to synthesize ATP.


NAD+ is crucial for the processes of both glycolysis (which takes place in the cytoplasm) and the Krebs Cycle (which takes place in the mitochondria). During the Krebs cycle and Glycolysis, NAD+ becomes NADH. NADH molecules carry their electron to the Electron Transport Chain which creates a proton gradient that ultimately leads to the production of a large amount of ATP.

In other words, NAD+ is very important for ATP synthesis.

There are several options for how you can get NAD+:

1)You can get multi-weekly shots mailed to you from the BeWell Clinic. You give these shots to yourself. For that option, click this button:

2)You can get an NAD+ IV every so often. The BeWell Clinic offers this IV if you live close to them. If you don’t live close to them, most IV places do not offer NAD+ IV, but there are a few that do, so you’ll have to call around to see if you can find one.

3)You can take NAD+ liquid every day. I personally prefer taking the liquid every day because that way I know I always have some NAD+ on board. Furthermore, I can titrate the dose to exactly what I need. If I feel I need some more energy, I just drink a bit more NAD+.

This is the option that I use currently, although I have done NAD+ shots and IV in the past.

The recommended dose is 15mL once a day.

You can find my favorite NAD+ that I have to have and use every day by clicking either of these buttons:

The NAD+ from Vida Lifescience contains a bit of Resveratrol which helps with general inflammation.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

CoQ10 is necessary for the Electron Transport Chain to function properly which means it helps to increase ATP synthesis. If you want to know the science behind it, you can click here or here.

CoQ10 is also known to play an important role in heart health.

My favorite CoQ10 is from Qunol. This is a very popular supplement and it works very well. You can get it here:

I also use CoQ10 by Vida Lifescience. I don’t like it quite as much as the CoQ10 by Qunol, but the reason I take it is because it has PQQ in liquid form. PQQ promotes the growth of new mitochondria and supports brain health.

You can get CoQ10 from Vida Lifescience by clicking either of these buttons:

PQQ (PyrroloQuinoline Quinone. It is sometimes called methoxatin or pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt)

As I just said, PQQ promotes the growth of new mitochondria and supports brain health. I can’t find the standalone PQQ supplement online that I use. If you’re looking for one, here’s one from The Vitamin Shoppe:

Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue is known to enhance mitochondrial function by increasing oxygen utilization.

I generally get Methylene Blue capsules from the BeWell Clinic. You can click the BeWell Clinic here:

Occasionally, however, they are out of stock. When that happens, I get them from Strive Peptides. You can find them here:


Most Creatine goes to your skeletal muscles, which convert creatine into a compound of creatine and phosphoric acid (phosphocreatine or creatine phosphate). Phosphocreatine then helps create ATP.

If you already have tight muscles, I recommend not using creatine because it can cause painful muscle spasms. I’ve tried it in the past and it gave me painful and prolonged back spasms. For this reason, I don’t take it in supplement form, but I do get it in my diet in ways that I’ll explain later. But if you don’t get muscle spasms from the supplement, creatine will likely help with your energy levels, so it’s worth a try. Just make sure you drink a lot of water.

You can find some good creatine here:

Vitamin Supplements

B Vitamins

B Vitamins help convert food into energy, create new blood cells, maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissues.

Thiamin (vitamin B1) plays a role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve signals.

Neurotropic B vitamins play crucial roles as coenzymes and beyond in the nervous system. Particularly vitamin B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin) contribute essentially to the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. Their importance is highlighted by many neurological diseases related to deficiencies in one or more of these vitamins, but they can improve certain neurological conditions even without a (proven) deficiency.

The Vitamin B Complex I use is from Vida Lifescience. You can find it here:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism (energy), nerve function and the production of DNA.

Because the B Vitamin Complex I use only has a little Vitamin B12, I also use a Vitamin B12 supplement from Pure Encapsulations. You can find it here:

And I use a Vitamin B12 supplement from Nature Made. You can find it here:

Vitamin C

You need Vitamin C for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body. It helps the body make collagen, an important protein used to make skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is needed for healing wounds, and for repairing and maintaining bones and teeth.

Equally important, Vitamin C neutralizes mycotoxins and diminishes their adverse effects on your body.

Because of this, people who have Mold Poisoning feel better when taking Vitamin C. I love taking dissolvable Airborne tablets to get my daily Vitamin C because not only do they have a lot of Vitamin C, but they also have a lot of other vitamins and nutrients as well.

I take one tablet three times a day. You can find them here:

Vitamin C With Bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids have been used in alternative medicine as an aid to enhance the action of vitamin C, to support blood circulation, as an antioxidant, and to treat allergies, viruses, or arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Since bioflavonoids enhance the action of Vitamin C to neutralize mycotoxins, they are very important for people who have Mold Poisoning.

I take one Nature’s Way capsule of Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids every morning and I definitely notice a difference. You can find it here:

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the gut and maintains adequate serum calcium and phosphate concentrations to enable normal bone mineralization and to prevent involuntary contraction of muscles that lead to cramps and spasms. It’s also needed for bone growth and bone remodeling. Vitamin D has other roles in the body, including reduction of inflammation as well as modulation of such processes as cell growth, neuromuscular and immune function, and glucose metabolism.

In other words, it’s pretty important.

Healthy people can get plenty of Vitamin D simply from getting outside and getting some sunshine.

Unfortunately, Mold Poisoning reduces our ability to absorb Vitamin D which means it’s important to get a supplement.

Pretty much any Vitamin D3 supplement will work just fine. I’ve taken a lot of different ones from a lot of different brands and they all seem to work equally well. Here are several options:

Mineral Supplements

Because you’re taking binders, those binders are not only binding mycotoxins, but they’re also binding minerals that are crucial for the biological processes your body is constantly performing. Because of this, it’s important to take some mineral supplements to give your body the minerals it needs to perform its regular biologic functions.

Micro Minerals

Cellular metabolic systems require enzymatic catalysts to support regeneration, growth, and the oxidation of toxins. Trace minerals activate these enzymatic systems, encouraging critical biological processes and healthy cellular signaling. Micro Minerals replenishes your body’s trace mineral stores and supports cellular health. This unique proprietary liquid ionic solution contains copper, magnesium, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, and numerous other essential trace minerals that are typically found in foods grown in healthy soils.

I take this every night. You can find it here:


Shilajit, a blackish-brownish resin, comes from layers of rock found in several mountain ranges worldwide, including the Himalayan, Tibetan, and Altai mountains. It is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine which is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in India.

Shilajit is considered powerful due to its rich composition of minerals, fulvic acid, and bioactive compounds, which are believed to contribute to its potential health benefits, including increased energy, improved vitality, and overall wellness support.

There is even evidence that Shilajit may help treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which you now know to be primarily Mold Poisoning) by boosting mitochondrial function.

The name Shilajit means “derived from rocks” or “essence of mountains.” It also means “the rock of life” or “destroyer of weakness.”

Here are a few tips for choosing good Shilajit:


When Shilajit is taken from the mountain it is in its raw form. You do not want to take Shilajit in its raw form because it can be extremely toxic. This is why you want to take purified Shilajit.

2)Third-Party Tested

This ties into the first tip. You want to make sure that the company you purchase your Shilajit from says their Shilajit is third-party tested. You need it to be tested by another company to confirm its purity.

3)Taken from at least 10,000 feet or higher

From what I understand, the higher Shilajit is taken from in the Himalays, the more mineral-rich it is. The lowest altitude you want your Shilajit to be taken from is 10,000 feet.


I should warn you that Shilajit tastes awful. Like truly awful. Every time I took it for the first two weeks I almost threw up. If you can imagine what tar tastes like, that’s what Shilajit tastes like. After a couple weeks of taking it, my taste buds gradually began to adjust. Now I can take it without a problem. I simply take out a little bit on a knife and let it sit in a cup of water for 20-30 minutes. Then I drink it.

There are a ton of companies out there that offer Shilajit. The Shilajit I use is a bit costly, but compared to Shilajit from other companies that meet all the necessary criteria, it’s actually a good deal. You can purchase it here:

Here’s some Shilajit from a different brand:


Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis. It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm.

Many people who have Mold Poisoning have very tight muscles. Magnesium is important because it helps to loosen up your muscles.

The best Magnesium supplement I’ve found are Magnesium Citrate softgels from Nature Made. This is what I currently use. You can find it here:


Potassium is a mineral that your body needs to work properly. It’s an electrolyte. It helps your nerves to function and muscles to contract. It helps your heartbeat stay regular. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out of cells.

Low potassium is a common problem for people who have Mold Poisoning. Low potassium will cause all kinds of serious problems including faintness as well as an inability to control your muscles.

I had to go to the ER once because I couldn’t control my muscles. The nurses and doctors thought I had anxiety or drug withdrawals (I’ve never touched drugs even once in my life) despite me telling them I have Mold Poisoning. They did a blood test and found that my Potassium levels were barely below the normal limit. They gave me a Potassium pill and sent my home. Half an hour later I was feeling all better. I learned that day that Potassium is very important.

I now have a Potassium prescription. If you notice you’re having a lot of problems with controlling your muscles (motor control) or with your heart, it may simply be that you have low Potassium and you need to get a prescription.

Here are several options for Potassium supplements from good brands:

Sodium Chloride

Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is about 40% sodium and 60% chloride. It flavors food and is used as a binder and stabilizer. It is also a food preservative, as bacteria can’t thrive in the presence of a high amount of salt. The human body requires a small amount of sodium to conduct nerve impulses, contract and relax muscles, and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals. It is estimated that we need about 500 mg of sodium daily for these vital functions. But too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It can also cause calcium losses, some of which may be pulled from bone. Most Americans consume at least 1.5 teaspoons of salt per day, or about 3400 mg of sodium, which contains far more than our bodies need.

If you end up doing the diet I mention later on, you may need a salt supplement. If so, you can find one here:

Medications And Supplements To Kill The Mold In Your Body

As I’ve mentioned before, if you have Mold Poisoning, there is mold actually growing in your body. So, you need to take some medications to kill it.

Itraconazole Capsules

Itraconazole capsules are used to treat fungal infections. As you’ll recall, mold is a fungus, so the Itraconazole capsules are taken to kill the mold in your body.

You can only get these by getting a prescription from your doctor.

Itraconazole Nasal Spray

Unfortunately, mold can grow in your sinus cavities. Because of this, you will likely need to use Itraconazole nasal spray to kill the mold in your sinus cavities.

You can only get this by getting a prescription from your doctor who will need to call it into a compounding pharmacy for you.

Interfase Plus

Pathogens can create biofilms which are protective barriers that shelter them from the immune system and promote the production of toxic byproducts. This poses challenges for effective detoxification.

Interfase Plus is an anti-biofilm because it breaks down biofilms created by pathogens.

You can get the Interfase Plus I use by clicking any of these buttons:

Supplement To Control Histamine

Histamine is a compound which is released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries. Histamine can be generated from acute or chronic inflammation and has many unpleasant downstream effects on the body. Gut dysbiosis can also generate histamine that further impairs digestion.

The supplement I use to stabilize histamine is called Histamine Scavenger. Histamine Scavenger is a unique formulation used to help reduce histamine in the body and to stop inflammation.

You can purchase Histamine Scavenger from the BeWell Clinic here:

Though I get Histamine Scavenger from the BeWell Clinic, I’ve found an online health marketplace that offers it. You can purchase Histamine Scavenger here:

Supplement For Headaches

No doubt you’ve suffered a ton of headaches. Anyone who has severe Mold Poisoning has headaches all the time, maybe even one continuous headache. That is the effect of the mycotoxins on your body.

To combat my headaches, I take 8 Hour Tylenol. I only take it twice a day, which is very nice compared to pretty much every other medication. You can get 8 Hour Tylenol here:

Supplements For Liver Detoxification

Earlier in the article I mentioned that the reason you have Mold Poisoning is because your body’s detoxification processes are backed up (similar to constipation). It’s very important to take supplements that help your organs responsible for detoxification to get up and running properly again. The liver is the number one organ responsible for detoxifying your body and the supplements necessary to help your body’s detoxification process primarily focus on the liver.


Glutathione is the most powerful and most important detoxification supplement. It is crucial to the liver. Furthermore, it is a very powerful antioxidant (one author calls it the “Mother” of all antioxidants). It is also vital to mitochondrial function.

In other words, Glutathione is incredibly important to overall health. Everyone who has Mold Poisoning should be taking a Glutathione supplement if they can tolerate it.

I use the Glutathione supplement from Vida Lifescience. You can find it here:

Tox-Ease GL

For people who are too ill to tolerate Glutathione, Tox-Ease GL is the perfect option. It was formulated to provide a gentler form of cleansing that can be better tolerated by the very ill, and mild enough for children and the elderly. This formula assists the body’s natural detoxification process while increasing assimilation and absorption of needed nutrients. Some herbal constituents found in Tox-Ease GL have been known to support the acceleration and detoxification of the elimination organs.

Tox-Ease GL was the first detoxification supplement I started taking on a regular basis and I started to feel more energy immediately.

Even though I can tolerate Glutathione just fine now, I still take Tox-Ease GL because I notice a drop-off in my energy level when I don’t take it.

Unlike most supplements, you can’t just get this online or at the pharmacy. This supplement is only made available to a select few healthcare practitioners. However, I’ve found one who has set up a website where you can just order it online. You can find it here:

NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)

NAC is a precursor to Glutathione.

For this reason, if you are not able to tolerate Glutathione, NAC is a great supplement to start out with. After you take NAC for a while, your body will be better able to handle Glutathione.

Furthermore, your liver and kidneys flush drugs and other toxins out of your body. NAC supplements can speed up this breakdown process and may help your organs work better.

I take an NAC supplement from Xymogen. You can find NAC here:

Supplements For Cell Phospholipid Bilayer

All cells have a cell membrane. The cell membrane surrounds the cell. The cell membrane (also known as the plasma membrane) forms a barrier between the cytoplasm inside the cell and the environment outside the cell. It protects and supports the cell and also controls everything that enters and leaves the cell. It allows only certain substances to pass through, while keeping others in or out. The ability to allow only certain molecules in or out of the cell is referred to as selective permeability or semipermeability. The cell membrane is composed mainly of phospholipids, which consist of fatty acids and alcohol. The phospholipids in the cell membrane are arranged in two layers, called a phospholipid bilayer.

Mycotoxins damage the phospholipid bilayer, limiting the cells’ functionality. To restore proper cell functionality, you need to take supplements that fortify the phospholipid bilayer.

Phosphatidylcholine (PC)

Phosphatidylcholine is a main component of cell membranes and a major supplier of choline within your body. Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that contributes to normal brain function.

I started feeling much better when I began taking a PC supplement.

There are two PC supplements that I’ve tried and they both work really well. I really like the Pure Encapsulations PC supplement, but it seems everyone else does too so they are almost always out of stock. Because it’s almost always out of stock, I’ve found that Vitamin Shoppe has a very good PC supplement. You can find them here:

GPC (Glycerophosphocholine) Liquid

GPC is a source of choline, which is a semi‑essential nutrient that supports brain health and mitochondrial function.  Choline acts as a building block for cell membrane phospholipids and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, supporting overall health.

I only take this because I notice it really helps my heart. If you have heart problems from Mold Poisoning then I recommend you take this supplement in addition to PC. If you’re not having any heart problems, then you probably don’t need to take GPC.

You can get GPC from the BeWell Clinic or straight from the company that makes it. To get the GPC I use, click this button:

BodyBio PC

Another option for PC is by BodyBio. Their PC contains phosphatidycholine (PC), phosphatidylserine (PS), phosphatidylinositol (PI), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). All of these are phospholipids utilized in the cell membrane. So, by adding these other types of phospholipids, theoretically, your body will function better.

I have used this supplement in the past, but I’m not using it now and I don’t feel much of a difference, so I don’t think it’s essential. But it’s good to know it’s out there.

If you want to take a look at it, you can find it here:

Protein Supplements

As I mentioned earlier, mycotoxins interfere with protein synthesis so it’s important to eat a lot of meat and to take protein supplements.

Whey Protein

Much of the protein found in protein bars, drinks and powders is derived from milk. When milk is processed to form cheese or yogurt, the remaining liquid is called whey. This liquid contains the fast-digesting proteins commonly referred to as whey protein. Before processing, about 20% of the protein in milk is whey and the other 80% is made up of the slower-digesting casein proteins. Whey and casein are both considered high-quality proteins because they contain all the amino acids needed by your body. However, whey is considered particularly beneficial for increasing the production of new protein in your muscles.

There are 4 types of whey protein supplements:

1)Whey Protein Concentrate

When the liquid whey is collected as a by-product of cheese or yogurt production, it undergoes several processing steps to increase its protein content. After a sufficient protein concentration is achieved, the liquid can be dried to form whey concentrate powder that consists of up to 80% protein by weight. The remaining 20% of the whey concentrate powder contains carbohydrates and fats.

2)Whey Protein Isolate

Whey isolate has a larger percentage of protein compared to whey concentrate, typically 90% protein depending on the filtration process. Whey isolate undergoes further processing than whey concentrate, removing more fats, carbohydrates and lactose (a type of sugar found in milk and milk byproducts), thus “isolating” the whey. This isolation process allows for quicker digestion to support muscle repair and growth after exercise.

3)Hydrolyzed Whey Protein

Hydrolyzed whey is like the hot, young cousin of whey protein. It comes from the same gene pool, containing the same amino acid and microfraction content, but the hydrolyzed version is smaller and faster.

How it’s made: Whey protein is broken down into smaller protein fragments through a process called “enzymatic hydrolysis.” It may sound complicated, but this production step facilitates more rapid digestion, fast-tracking its aminos to your muscles, enhancing growth.

In addition to boosting your energy, it’s also one of the richest sources of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids, which are crucial for muscle growth), it provides antioxidant benefits, boosts immune function, and enhances muscle recovery. Though these benefits are undeniably important, it’s the digestion rate that makes this protein stand out above the rest. Hydrolyzed whey digests in fewer than 30 minutes, which means that the hydrolyzed version works its magic pretty fast.

Hydrolyzed whey is simply a broken-down version of whey that’s easier on your digestive system and delivers muscle-friendly protein to your body the fastest way for speedier recovery.

4)ioWhey Protein

Contrary to what you might think, ioWhey is not a “new” ingredient. It’s still whey protein with all the same great benefits that make whey popular after all these years. What makes ioWhey unique is how the protein is treated before blending it with other ingredients like flavors and sweeteners. ioWhey is a technology that exposes protein to “cold plasma,” altering the physical properties of the ingredient, thus making it more effective in how it absorbs.

While plasma can be a scary word, it simply means the protein powder is run through an environment with a large electrical current running through it. This electricity creates a charged space that alters the nature of the chemical bonds that gives protein its structure. In doing so, we can significantly enhance the absorption of the amino acids that act as building blocks for protein.

When your stomach begins to breakdown food (or supplements) you consume, enzymes like pepsin and stomach acid help break the bonds. These work by breaking specific bonds within the larger protein structure to cleave off (basically cut) amino acids for use throughout the body. But sometimes there are limitations to cleaving off amino acids. This is where ioWhey comes into play! Exposing whey protein to the cold plasma interferes with the three-dimensional structure. This means you can digest the amino acids more efficiently and absorb them more quickly than untreated whey protein.


Now that you know the four types of whey protein, here are some options. I recommend staying away from Whey Protein Concentrate, but of the other three types of whey protein, it really doesn’t matter which you use.

Whey Protein Isolate Options

To be honest, I’ve never tried Whey Protein Isolate myself. I went straight from Whey Protein Concentrate to Hydrolyzed Whey Protein once I understood the difference between proteins. Why not get the best if you can? However, if Hydrolyzed Whey Protein sounds like a little much for you and you want to start out with Whey Protein Isolate, here are some options:

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Options

The most talked about and hyped-up protein both online and at sports nutrition stores is made by the brand Dymatize. A lot of people say their protein works great for them. Personally, I love the brand Optimum Nutrition. They have a lot of great products that for some reason seem to work great for my body. Because of that, I use their Hydrolyzed Whey Protein every day. You can find these Hydrolyzed Whey proteins here:

ioWhey Protein Option

I’ve never used ioWhey Protein before. In fact, I’d never heard of it before I wrote this article. If it sounds like it’s up your alley, you can click this button to find it:

Protein Supplement Alternatives To Whey

Because whey protein supplements are made from dairy products, they’re great for almost everyone, except those who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies. Also, some people may get digestive issues when using whey protein powder. If that’s you, I’ve got you covered.

Here are some alternatives to whey protein.

Soy Protein Powder

Soy protein is one of the few plant-based proteins to be a complete protein. In addition, a 2020 randomized trial found no differences between strength and muscle size between participants who took soy protein and those who took whey, when they both had the same amount of the essential amino acid leucine, the catalyst for muscle protein synthesis.

To find a Soy Protein Powder, click either of these buttons:

Egg White Protein Powder

If stomach trouble is what’s leading you to search for alternatives to whey, egg white protein powder can be a great solution. This protein powder is highly digestible and is a complete protein just like whey protein, with a good amount of the branched-chain amino acids isoleucine, leucine, and valine.

Another added perk is that egg white protein powder is low in cholesterol. While this will be the case with most protein powders, this is something to point out due to the bad reputation eggs can get from their fat and cholesterol content.

You can find Egg White Protein Powder here:

Beef Protein Powder

This is exactly what it sounds like. Beef protein has been processed and dried into a powdered form. Considered a complete protein like whey, casein, and soy, this can be a great source of protein for those with a milk or lactose intolerance.

You can find Beef Protein Powder here:

Amino Acid Supplements


Glutamine is the most abundant of 20 different amino acids in your body. An amino acid is a building block of protein. Glutamine also helps make other amino acids and removes waste products, like ammonia, from your body. Glutamine plays a key role in chemical (metabolic) processes that provide your body with the energy it needs to work. When speaking of Glutamine, people are generally referring to L-Glutamine.

Glutamine supports your:

Immune system: Glutamine is a crucial power source that fuels your immune system. Your white blood cells use glutamine to protect you from infections and keep you healthy. It plays a key role in processes that repair damaged tissue.

Digestive system: Many of your white blood cells that use glutamine are in your intestines. Glutamine helps strengthen the cell barrier that prevents your intestines from becoming damaged. It helps maintain a healthy gut.

L-glutamine makes exercise easier!

L-glutamine helps decrease muscle soreness after exercise by supporting muscle repair (muscle tissue is made from proteins). Additionally, L-glutamine stimulates the synthesis of glutathione, a potent antioxidant that helps prevent free radical damage, providing even more protection for muscle tissue when under stress.

L-glutamine also helps you sustain your energy levels during your workout by elevating plasma growth hormone, which plays a crucial role in the metabolism of fat and muscle. Glutamine is also associated with the prevention of ammonia accumulation, which can occur in the blood and brain during exercise and cause fatigue.

Improved brain function

L-glutamine’s major role in the brain is that of a precursor of the neurotransmitter amino acids: the excitatory amino acids glutamate and aspartate, and the calming amino acid GABA. It is also a vital source of energy for the nervous system.

If the brain is not receiving enough glucose, it compensates by increasing glutamine metabolism for energy. This is why you may have heard of glutamine labeled as “brain food” — it really is!

For all of these reasons, but especially to help curb fatigue, it is important to take a Glutamine supplement. Most protein powders don’t include Glutamine, or if they do, they don’t include enough Glutamine.

I use a Glutamine powder made by the Vitamin Shoppe. You can find Glutamine here:


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid used to make proteins. Your body does not make it, so you need to get it from your diet.

Tryptophan reduces sensitivity to mycotoxins and the other enemies. Tryptophan also helps with the sleep/wake cycle.

In the body, tryptophan can be converted into the molecule 5-HTP, which then forms serotonin. Serotonin in your brain regulates your mood. It’s often called your body’s natural “feel good” chemical. When serotonin is at normal levels, you feel more focused, emotionally stable, happier and calmer. Low levels of serotonin are associated with depression.

Once serotonin has been produced from tryptophan in the body, it can be converted into another important molecule — melatonin. Melatonin influences the sleep-wake cycle of the body. This cycle impacts many other functions, including the metabolism of nutrients and your immune system.

So, Tryptophan will help to calm your nervous system, make you less sensitive, happier, and help improve your sleep. For all of these reasons, it’s an important supplement.

You can get tryptophan by eating turkey, chicken, cheese and/or eggs or by drinking milk.

I use a Tryptophan powder from Bulk Supplements. You can find it here:


L-Carnitine is central to mitochondrial processes, fatty acid metabolism, and the production of ATP. L-Carnitine also plays a critical role in other important metabolic functions like cellular detoxification, control of ketogenesis and glucogenesis, and stabilization of cell membranes.

If you understand scientific literature, I highly recommend you read a scientific article about the importance of L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine from the National Library of Medicine by clicking here.

I think that scientific article is a gamechanger. It explains that Carnitine has many very important effects on our body and that Carnitine supplementation can help us heal from all kinds of diseases and health problems including: Fatigue, Insulin resistance, Fertility Issues, Fatty Liver Disease, and Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Huntington’s, and Dementia).

Furthermore, preliminary studies suggest acetyl-L-carnitine may help reduce pain and increase feeling in affected nerves. It is also possible that carnitine can help nerves regenerate although more research is needed.

All together, it seems L-Carnitine aids in cellular detoxification, improves mitochondrial function, helps synthesize ATP, and heals the nervous system.

It’s important to be aware that both L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine increase testosterone levels. People who have a history of cancer, blood clots, or other issues may want to stay away from these supplements. Also, it’s been found that supplements that increase testosterone levels may cause hair thinning or even hair loss in some people. Supplements that increase testosterone can also increase acne.

I recently learned about L-Carnitine and I just started taking an L-Carnitine supplement. I’m still trying to figure out exactly which brand of L-Carnitine and which dosage is right for me. I also get a lot of Carnitine in my diet (which will be mentioned later). There are a lot of options for L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine supplements out there. You can find some of them here:

Supplements For Inflammation

Inflammation (also called swelling) is your body’s response to an illness, injury or something that doesn’t belong in your body (like germs or toxic chemicals). Inflammation is a normal and important process that allows your body to heal. Fever, for example, is how you know your body’s inflammatory system is working correctly when you’re ill. But inflammation can harm you if it occurs in healthy tissues or goes on for too long.

When an invader (like a virus) tries to enter your body, or you get injured, your immune system sends out its first responders. These are inflammatory cells and cytokines (substances that stimulate more inflammatory cells). These cells begin an inflammatory response to trap germs or toxins and start healing injured tissue. Inflammation can cause pain, swelling or discoloration. These are signs your body is healing itself. Normal inflammation should be mild, and pain shouldn’t be extreme.

But inflammation can also affect parts of your body you can’t see. Inflammatory responses that occur behind the scenes can help you heal, but other times, they can harm your health.

There are two main types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Acute inflammation is sudden and temporary, while chronic inflammation can go on for months or years.

Acute Inflammation

This is your immune system’s response to a sudden injury or illness. Inflammatory cells travel to the site of injury (like a cut on your finger) or infection and start the healing process.

Infections in different parts of your body can cause sudden, and usually short-lived, inflammation. For example, bacterial infections like strep throat and viral infections like the flu can cause throat inflammation. Other bacterial and viral infections can cause inflammation of your small intestine (enteritis).

Acute inflammation may last for a few hours to a few days, depending on your condition.

Chronic Inflammation

This is when your body continues sending inflammatory cells over a long period of time. For example, in rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory cells and substances attack joint tissues. This leads to inflammation that comes and goes and can cause severe damage to your joints.

With chronic inflammation, processes that normally protect your body end up hurting it. Chronic inflammation can last for months or years. You may have periods where it improves and other times when it gets worse.

Researchers have linked chronic inflammation to a wide range of conditions (inflammatory diseases).

As I said earlier, Mold Poisoning is also called Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS). In other words, mycotoxins are constantly injuring your body and your immune system is constantly responding, leaving it in a chronic inflammatory state. Because of this, it’s important to take a supplement or two to help alleviate the inflammation in your body.


Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has been used in India for thousands of years as both a spice and medicinal herb. Research has shown that turmeric contains compounds with medicinal properties.

These compounds are called curcuminoids. The most important one is curcumin, which is the main active ingredient in turmeric.

It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. That said, the curcumin content of turmeric is only around 1-6% by weight.

Most studies on this herb use turmeric extracts that contain mostly curcumin itself, with dosages usually exceeding 1 gram per day, which means it would be hard to reach these levels just by using turmeric as a spice. That’s why some people choose to use supplements.

In addition, curcumin is poorly absorbed into your bloodstream. In order to experience the full effects of curcumin, its bioavailability (the rate at which your body absorbs a substance) needs to improve.

It helps to consume it with black pepper, which contains piperine. Piperine is a natural substance that enhances the absorption of curcumin by 2,000%.

In fact, the best curcumin supplements contain piperine, and this makes them substantially more effective.

WebMD says that taking “Turmeric products that provide up to 8 grams of curcumin daily seem to be safe when used for up to 2 months, Also, taking up to 3 grams of turmeric daily seems to be safe when used for up to 3 months.”

3-8 grams is a lot of curcumin and Turmeric. Because I don’t want to harm my body long term, I take a little Turmeric powder (an eighth to a sixteenth of a teaspoon) twice a day. That way I can take it for as long as I need to (maybe for the rest of my life) without needing to worry it might be damaging my body.

If you feel any discomfort, you should stop taking it immediately.

It doesn’t really matter which Turmeric you use. To find one with Piperine is ideal, but it’s not always possible. I think the Turmeric I’ve been using is going out of production. Unfortunately, that happens sometimes with supplements.

Here are some Turmeric supplements:


Resveratrol has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Because the NAD+ supplement I use every day has some Resveratrol in it, I don’t take a separate Resveratrol supplement.

You can find the NAD+ and Resveratrol supplement I use here:


Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

I recommend not overdoing it when trying to attack inflammation. Because I already take Turmeric and Resveratrol, I don’t take Quercetin. You may or may not choose to take a Quercetin supplement, but it’s important to be aware of what’s out there.

If you want to try a Quercetin supplement, you can find a good one by clicking either of these buttons:

Supplements For Digestive System & Skin

Sodium Butyrate

Your gut lining is the gatekeeper of your large intestine. When your gut lining is healthy, its permeable barrier allows good things such as vitamins and minerals to pass through to your bloodstream, where they travel on to the organs and systems that need them. At the same time, a healthy gut lining must also not allow substances like toxins and pathogens to enter the bloodstream; it keeps them inside so that they can continue on their path towards being removed from the body.

When your gut lining lacks the butyrate “fuel” it needs to maintain healthy gut permeability, toxins and pathogens can slip through. This may cause what is commonly called leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut syndrome is believed to cause an array of uncomfortable symptoms, including gastrointestinal distress and low energy levels. By keeping the gut lining healthy, butyrate may be a key means of how to heal leaky gut.

People who suffer from Mold Poisoning generally don’t absorb nutrients as well as healthy people. This means we have to eat more food to absorb the same amount of nutrients which will cause us to gain weight and still feel tired.

Sodium Butyrate is an important supplement to help restore gut health so your body can absorb the nutrients it needs.

You can find the Sodium Butyrate I use here:


One of the leading ways collagen boosts gut health is by addressing leaky gut syndrome. Think of collagen as the mortar between the bricks of your gut wall. It helps to seal the gut lining, making it stronger and more resilient. This is crucial because a strong gut lining prevents those unwanted substances from sneaking through. It’s all about the amino acids in collagen, like glycine and proline. These amino acids are like the repair crew; they get to work on fixing any damage in the gut lining, making it less permeable. By doing this, collagen helps to restore the integrity of the gut wall, ensuring that it functions as it should.

Furthermore, collagen also helps your skin. The evidence from the reviewed studies suggested that collagen supplements improve skin moisture, elasticity, and hydration when orally administered. Additionally, collagen reduces the wrinkling and roughness of the skin, and existing studies have not found any side effects of its oral supplements.

Fortifying your skin is important because your skin is the first organ mycotoxins come into contact with. If your skin is strong and healthy it gives your body a better defense system against mycotoxins.

Personally, I prefer collagen powder supplements because they seem to work better for me (likely due to the fact that when mixed in liquid it is absorbed much better). I use a collagen supplement from the brand Vital Proteins. I use an unflavored supplement, but if you want a collagen powder supplement with flavor, you can search their site.

To get the collagen supplement I use every day, click either of these buttons:

They also have an advanced version that contains Hyaluronic Acid. To find it, click either of these buttons:

Hyaluronic Acid

Another important supplement for healthy skin is Hyaluronic Acid. Long-term use of Hyaluronic Acid serum on your skin or in an oral supplement can improve overall skin health. It’s also great for helping improve overall skin flexibility and elasticity (meaning it makes your skin more stretchy and soft).

Hyaluronic Acid is also a lubricant and is necessary for healthy joints.

You can find the Hyaluronic Acid supplement I use here:

Supplements For Nervous System

One of the main problems that people who have Mold Poisoning suffer from (but probably are not aware of) is depletion of energy from and damage to the Nervous System.

Your Nervous System is your body’s command center. It’s made up of your brain, spinal cord and nerves. Your Nervous System works by sending messages, or electrical signals, between your brain and all the other parts of your body. These signals tell you to breathe, move, speak, and see, for example. Your nervous system keeps track of what’s going on inside and outside of your body and decides how to respond to any situation you’re in.

Your Nervous System regulates complicated processes like thoughts and memory. It also plays an essential role in the things your body does without thinking, like blushing, sweating, breathing, regulating your heartbeat, and blinking.

It requires a lot of energy (ATP) to keep your nervous system functioning properly. I’ll explain a lot more about the Nervous System and what’s going on with the Nervous System in those who have Mold Poisoning in just a bit.

There are several supplements that can help your Nervous System. I’ve already mentioned the B vitamins, Tryptophan, and Carnitine and how important they are for the Nervous System. The other supplement that’s important for the Nervous System is ALA.

ALA (Alpha-Lipoic Acid)

Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which scientists believe can cause mitochondrial dysfunction and nerve pain.

“The cause of nerve pain has not been definitively determined yet, but a leading theory is that oxidative stress damages the nerves and the insulation of those nerves,” says Meredith Warner, M.D. a board-certified orthopedic surgeon in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who writes about the benefits of alpha lipoic acid for diabetic neuropathy pain. “ALA helps improve the mitochondrial efficiency of the neurons and provides a cofactor from important cellular enzymes.”

An overabundance of free radicals can be the result of internal or external factors, such as chemotherapy drugs or elevated glucose levels associated with diabetes.

“The function of a nerve cell is dependent upon an active pump in the cell membrane that moves sodium ions outside of the cell. When this pump fails due to mitochondrial insufficiency, the nerve cannot conduct electricity properly,” says Dr. Warner.

If an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants is responsible for nerve pain, ALA can potentially help improve mitochondrial efficiency and restore the functionality of nerve cells.

Exposure to metals like lead and cadmium can also cause damage to areas of the brain responsible for thinking, memory and learning and may lead to risk of dementia and multiple sclerosis.

“The chemical structure of ALA allows it to essentially envelop metals and remove them from the system,” says Warner.

“[ALA’s] anti-inflammatory properties may be helpful in managing conditions characterized by chronic inflammation,” says Lorraine Kearney, a certified dietitian and the CEO of New York City Nutrition.

A 2018 meta-analysis found that taking Alpha-Lipoic Acid could significantly decrease CRP—a type of protein synthesized by the liver that rises in response to inflammation. In patients with elevated levels of CRP, alpha-lipoic acid supplementation reduced inflammatory markers on a blood test.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid improves nerve blood flow, reduces oxidative stress, and improves distal nerve conduction in experimental diabetic neuropathy.

That means ALA is very valuable for helping your Nervous System to function properly.

The ALA I use is extended release so it keeps working all day and it has biotin in it which helps support the actions of ALA. To get it, click this button:

Here are a few other ALA supplements from good brands:

Supplements To Take On A Budget

Obviously, that’s a ton of supplements and not everyone will be able to afford all of that. If you have a limited budget, the medications and supplements I think are the most important to start out on are: Cholestyramine, GI Detox, Glutathione (if you can’t tolerate the Glutathione then take Tox-Ease GL), NAD+, Sodium Butyrate, PC, Vitamin C, CoQ10, and Turmeric.

IV Therapy

Intravenous (IV) therapy is administering fluids directly into a vein. It benefits treatment by enabling water, medication, blood, or nutrients to access the body faster through the circulatory system.

In regards to Mold Poisoning, we’re interested in getting vitamins, minerals, and nutrients right into the blood system. The real benefit of IV Therapy is that 100% of the nutrient is absorbed in the body.

There are many different nutrients you can get in an IV:

Myers’ cocktail consists of high doses of B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals (magnesium and calcium) mixed with sterile water. You can also get: Glutathione, ALA, Methylene Blue, NAD+, and others.

Not every IV clinic will offer all the same things.

IV Therapy can give people who have Mold Poisoning a nice boost, but you’ll still need to take your supplements.

If you’re looking for IV Therapy and you live near Capitola or Los Gatos, California, the BeWell Clinic is a great option:

For everyone else who is interested in IV Therapy, you’ll have to do a Google search and find a good IV clinic near you.


The Carnivore Diet

Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D. is the man who discovered the Carnivore Diet. The Carnivore Diet is exactly what it sounds like. You only eat meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs with no vegetables, fruit, carboydrates, or other plant-based foods. It sometimes also contains full-fat dairy products such as butter or heavy cream. The Carnivore Diet is a kind of elimination diet because it avoids foods that might cause inflammation or autoimmune reactions.

The carnivore diet is a very low carbohydrate diet, which can help your body transition to burning fats for fuel. This can make your body burn fats instead of carbs, which they call being “fat-adapted.” If you choose fatty cuts of meat such as ribeye steaks, or add some butter to lean cuts, the carnivore diet can be a ketogenic diet. In this mode, your body turns fats into ketones for fuel, and that’s called being “keto-adapted.” Fat-adaptation or ketosis stabilizes the brain’s fuel supply, helping to reduce oxidative stress while promoting the development of more mitochondria which means more energy.

Aren’t carbohydrates necessary? The National Library of Medicine says, “Dietary carbohydrates play a critical role in the growth and proliferation of cancer and a low-carbohydrate diet may help slow down the growth of tumours.”

There’s also a good chance that carbohydrates fuel the mold that is growing in your body. Furthermore, when we eat carbs our insulin levels go up. When insulin levels are high, the cells that provide synovial fluid in joints secrete inflammatory cytokines which cause inflammation and even increase the rate of arthritis.

For all of these reasons, we need to cut carbs out of our diet.

Common wisdom has long dictated that carbohydrates are essential for health and normal function. Some dietitians even recommend a daily minimum of 130 grams of carbs to maintain a steady supply of glucose for the brain. However, this belief is unfounded. In reality, the brain remains healthy and functional even in the absence of dietary carbohydrates. The rest of the body functions quite well on ketones, except for red blood cells and liver cells. The liver produces a small amount of glucose for these cells, and supplies the brain with any remaining energy not provided by ketones.

Ketosis refers to the metabolic condition in which the body primarily relies on fat and ketones, instead of glucose (sugar), as its primary energy source. If your carnivore diet includes sufficient fat macronutrients, you may enter into ketosis. Stored glucose in the liver serves as an energy reserve, but when carbohydrate intake remains exceptionally low for one to two days, these reserves become depleted. While the liver can generate some glucose via gluconeogenesis from amino acids, glycerol, and lactate, this process doesn’t produce sufficient glucose to meet the constant energy demands of the brain. Fortunately, ketosis offers an alternative energy source which is particularly beneficial for the brain. Ketones, or ketone bodies, are produced by the liver from dietary fat and body fat.

When we consider the three macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, the only one that can be completely eliminated is carbohydrates. Eating no protein at all is not sustainable, and neither is completely avoiding fat. The body requires protein to maintain structural integrity, grow new cells, and more. It also requires fat to create hormones and cell membranes. Contrary to misconceptions, avoiding plant foods and carbohydrates does not hinder brain function. On the contrary, many individuals report heightened mental clarity while following a carnivore diet.

Why are vegetables not permitted on the Carnivore Diet? Aren’t they good for you? The World Health Organization says, “Natural toxins are toxic compounds that are naturally produced by living organisms. These toxins are not harmful to the organisms themselves but they may be toxic to other creatures, including humans, when eaten. Some toxins are produced by plants as a natural defense mechanism against predators, insects or microorganisms, or as consequence of infestation with microorganisms, such as mould, in response to climate stress (such as drought or extreme humidity).

“All solanacea plants, which include tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants, contain natural toxins called solanines and chaconine (which are glycoalkaloids). While levels are generally low, higher concentrations are found in potato sprouts and bitter-tasting peel and green parts, as well as in green tomatoes. The plants produce the toxins in response to stresses like bruising, UV light, microorganisms and attacks from insect pests and herbivores.”

The point is that vegetables have toxins in them to prevent them from being eaten by animals. While the bodies of healthy people have no problem dealing with the toxins, those of us who have Mold Poisoning cannot handle more toxins. This is another crucial point as to why the Carnivore Diet is an important diet for those of us who have Mold Poisoning.

The elimination of plant-based foods and the antinutrients or toxins they contain also brings relief to many people who react adversely to these plant defense chemicals. Oxalates, for example, accumulate in the body. When a person stops eating the plants that contain oxalates (spinach, is an example) the body will rid itself of its oxalate load. This is called “oxalate dumping” and can cause some temporary symptoms such as joint pain, before the relief phase is achieved.

The nutrient density and bioavailability of meat, combined with the benefits of a low-carbohydrate diet, while avoiding plant toxins, provide substantial health benefits.

I highly recommend you do a personal consultation with Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D. to see if the Carnivore Diet is right for you. You can find his website here:

To Find Dr. Shawn Baker’s book about the Carnivore Diet, you can click this button:

Three Groups Of People Who Need Medical Oversight On The Carnivore Diet

Despite controversies and myths surrounding the Carnivore Diet, it is generally considered safe for the majority of individuals. However, three specific groups may require medical oversight:

1)Individuals taking medication for high blood pressure

2)Those taking diabetes medications like insulin

3)Those with heart problems

This is because the elimination of carbohydrates on a carnivore diet results in rapid decreases in blood pressure and blood glucose levels. If combined with medications that also lower these values, the result can be dangerously low levels.

Medical oversight allows prescription modifications to prevent these low blood glucose and blood pressure episodes. In addition, some people should avoid the carnivore diet entirely, particularly those who are breastfeeding.

Potential Risks Of A Carnivore Diet

While the Carnivore Diet is generally safe for most people, some potential risks and side effects should be acknowledged. Research on long-term health effects remains ongoing, but it is essential to recognize that well-planned carnivore diets provide adequate nutrition and are unlikely to be harmful. Adverse effects, such as kidney stones and vitamin or mineral deficiencies, are rare and can vary based on the variety of foods consumed. Some individuals may experience elevated LDL cholesterol levels when following carnivore, keto, or low carb diets. However, it’s important to note that people recovering from diabetes or insulin resistance will often observe improved lipid profiles overall on a carnivore diet. Triglycerides, for example, typically fall to safe ranges, improving important ratios such as the triglyceride:HDL ratio. Elevations in LDL are generally the large-particle type, which do not confer an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease.

Because of possible vitamin and mineral deficiencies, if you choose to start the Carnivore Diet, you should definitely take the vitamin and mineral supplements mentioned earlier in the article. You’ll also want to make sure you get plenty of electrolytes from supplements, particularly sodium and potassium.

The Carnivore Diet Works For People With All Kinds Of Chronic Health Illnesses

The Carnivore Diet isn’t just for people who have Mold Poisoning. It has helped people improve their condition or entirely heal from nearly every kind of chronic health illness imaginable: Autoimmune Diseases, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Migraines, Inflammation, Graves’ Disease, Hashimoto’s, Diabetes Type 2, High Blood Pressure, Low Testosterone, Obesity, Cancer, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Gout, Asperger’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Hemochromatosis, Joint Pain, Seizures, Psoriasis, Anemia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Autism, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, and the list goes on and on and on.

People have also improved or completely healed from mental health challenges like: Depression, Anxiety, Brain Fog, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Paranoia, Anorexia, and Bulimia.

You can read all the success stories for yourself by clicking this button:

This growing body of evidence is telling us there are some serious flaws with our traditional understanding of the link between nutrition and epidemiology.

Foods That Work Great For Me

I started the Carnivore Diet just a few weeks ago (as of the time of this writing) and already I’m off the Metoprolol that I had to take to prevent my heart from going into Atrial Fibrillation for five years. My heart is beating strong and feeling good. It’s an absolute miracle! For years I’ve wondered how I would ever get off the Metoprolol. Each time I went into Afib, I would take a higher dosage of Metoprolol to prevent me from going into Afib again. It got to the point where I was on a pretty high dosage. I am absolutely astounded that I can be off of it.

Furthermore, my body is less sensitive. The sensitivities aren’t all gone, but I just started the Carnivore Diet, so I’m excited to see if I can get completely healed from all sensitivities after being on it for a year or two. I’ve learned that I still need to take all my supplements though. But with the combination of the supplements and the Carnivore Diet, I am feeling much much better. In fact, a couple days ago, I was feeling excellent. I hadn’t felt that good in a long time. I’m hoping that there are many more days like that to come.

Part of being on the Carnivore Diet is finding the foods that work best for you. It’s a process of trial and error. I’ve found two foods that work great for me: Steak and Eggs.

Before a few months ago, I had never eaten much steak. It just wasn’t a normal commodity in our house. But now that I’m fully on the Carnivore Diet, steak is my go-to food. It’s loaded with nutrients and I just feel super good after I eat it. In fact, I’m eating steak twice a day right now. Here are some of the supplements I explained that are contained in steak: Glutathione, NAC, Carnitine, Creatine, and Coq10. Those are just a few. It also has important vitamins and minerals. For me, I’ve found that it’s an essential food to eat regularly. If you eat steak on the Carnivore Diet, you want to eat the fat too. The fat is good for you and will allow your body to have the energy it needs.

I’ve also found that eating eggs every day with my first meal really helps out my energy level and I just feel better. Eggs have quite a few important vitamins and minerals. In fact, Healthline says, “Eggs are one of the few foods that should be classified as ‘superfoods.’”

Eggs have choline which is used to build cell membranes and creatine which is used to create ATP. Eggs help raise good cholesterol. They even help with eye health. And according to Healthline, “Eggs also contain all the essential amino acids in the right ratios, so your body is well-equipped to make full use of the protein in them.”

No wonder I feel so much better when I eat eggs. I’m going to keep eating them every day.

If you choose to start the Carnivore Diet, I recommend taking one of the CoQ10 supplements I mentioned. That will help your heart while you’re on the diet.

I highly recommend getting on the Carnivore Diet if you can. In fact, I think it’s so important for people who have Mold Poisoning to be on the Carnivore Diet that I’m going to put another link to Dr. Shawn Baker’s website up here again. Make sure you get in touch with a doctor before starting the Carnivore Diet. I highly recommend speaking to Dr. Shawn Baker, M.D. himself.

Click this button to find his website:

Click this button to find Dr. Shawn Baker’s book on the Carnivore Diet:

Calm The Nervous System And Re-Train The Brain

Inflammation gets most of the attention when it comes to discussing the root cause as to why people who have severe Mold Poisoning have fatigue. Inflammation and lack of sufficient ATP are both root causes to fatigue in those who have severe Mold Poisoning. But there is another important root cause to your fatigue that almost no one is talking about: energy depletion caused by the Nervous System.

Let me explain.

Imagine your camping out in the forest. Your friends and family have all gone off to a nearby lake and you decided to stay behind. You’re sitting on a log, earbuds in, listening to your favorite song. You are completely unaware that a large brown bear is right behind you. You’re singing and shaking your shoulders. Then all of a sudden, you feel something touch your shoulder. You immediately stand up, turn around, and take a few steps back. Alarmed, you’re staring at the eight-foot (243cm) bear. Your heart starts racing. Your blood is pumping. You have to make an all-important decision about how to get out of this situation alive. Do you run away or do you grab something to fight the bear with?

Let’s examine what’s going on with your nervous system during this experience.

When we’re calm and there are no dangers we’re aware of, our Parasympathetic Nervous System is running the show in our body. The Parasympathetic Nervous System is in charge of things like digesting the food we’ve eaten and taken it through the digestive tract, lowering our heart rate, reducing the amount of work our lungs do during times of rest, and many other things. To simplify what the Parasympathetic Nervous System does, scientists have come up with the names “Rest and Digest” and “Feed and Breed.”

When the Parasympathetic Nervous System is active, your nervous system is utilizing much less energy to perform the functions it needs to.

The instant we become aware of danger, our nervous system immediately switches from the Parasympathetic Nervous System to the Sympathetic Nervous System.

When the Sympathetic Nervous System is running the show in our body it triggers an acute stress response called the fight-or-flight response. This response enables an individual to either fight the threat or flee the situation. The rush of adrenaline and noradrenaline secreted from the adrenal medulla leads to a widespread discharge of almost all portions of the sympathetic system throughout the body. Physiological changes of this mass discharge effect include increased arterial pressure, more blood flow to active muscles, less blood flow to organs not needed for rapid motor activity, increased rate of blood coagulation, increased rates of cellular metabolism through the body, increased muscle strength, increased mental activity, increased blood glucose concentration, and increased glycolysis in the liver and muscle. The net effect of all these effects allows a person to perform more strenuous activity than usual.

It takes a ton of energy for your body to do all of this and to maintain it for a period of time.

Once the danger is gone it generally takes 20-60 minutes for the body to turn off the Sympathetic Nervous System and go back to the normal basal levels controlled by the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Having the Sympathetic Nervous System function properly is crucial to our survival during dangerous times. However, the Sympathetic Nervous System is only supposed to be turned on for a few hours to a few days. In other words, that’s all the energy stored in your body can handle.

This is where mycotoxins come into play.

In people who have Mold Poisoning, mycotoxins have overwhelmed the body and they chronically turn on the Sympathetic Nervous System. This is another reason, maybe the primary reason as to why people who have severe Mold Poisoning also have fatigue. Your body’s energy resources are completely drained because the Sympathetic Nervous System is having to work for months or years at a time without a break. Your body is sapping energy from every organ system and every substance it can get its hands on to keep up with the energy demands of the Sympathetic Nervous System.

As a side note: This is the same thing that happens to people who are “Stressed Out.” They are in a constant state of stress which keeps the Sympathetic Nervous System activated for long periods of time and therefore their body gets completed depleted of energy stores yet continues needing a ton of energy.

Because the Sympathetic Nervous System is draining the body of all its energy, it’s crucial for people who have Mold Poisoning to take as many ATP generating supplements as possible. It’s also important to understand that your body has used up vitamins, minerals, and every other substrate it can to keep functioning. Because of this, you need to replace all those vitamins and minerals and substrates. This is why I think Shilajit is so important.

It’s also very important to learn how to turn off the Sympathetic Nervous System and turn on the Parasympathetic Nervous System so your body can replenish its energy stores.

Think about it. In the example above, was it the fact that the bear was right behind you that turned on the Sympathetic Nervous System? No. As long as you didn’t know the bear was there, you were singing and dancing and not afraid of anything. In other words, your mind didn’t recognize the danger.

What turned on the Sympathetic Nervous System?

Your Sympathetic Nervous System was turned on by your mind. It was turned on by your thoughts. To be more precise, your Sympathetic Nervous System was turned on by your mind perceiving danger and by your thoughts of danger.

This fact is something you can take advantage of. To turn off your Sympathetic Nervous System, you have to get your mind to a place where it’s calm, relaxed, and there are no dangers present.

Let’s talk about a few ways to do that.


Meditation is the first way to learn to calm/relax your mind. Most people think meditation is thinking about things, but in our case, it’s the exact opposite.

Meditation is clearing your mind of all thoughts. It’s finding the state of having no thoughts at all in your mind.

Your Parasympathetic Nervous System and Sympathetic Nervous System are controlled by your mental state. They are controlled by what you are thinking about.

I’ll be honest, it takes some practice to learn how to meditate properly.

The first step is deciding where to meditate. You need to be somewhere peaceful where there is no one else around. Maybe that’s in your backyard, at your local park, or in your home.

Next, you need to make sure there is no music playing and no other noise. You need complete silence.

Sit down in a chair, place your hands on your thighs, and close your eyes.

Then let go of your thoughts. Don’t try to resist them. Just let them pass through you and let them go. Don’t let your emotions get tied to them.

Allow yourself to find that space where you are not thinking about anything at all.

That’s where the deep rest is because that’s how you turn off your Sympathetic Nervous System and turn on your Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Stay in this position for twenty minutes.

The first few times I tried to meditate it was difficult to grasp how to do it. But I just kept trying to do it. The first time I found that point of not thinking about anything I felt a lot of energy filling my body.

It took about a year of meditation for me to get to the point where it was easy for me to find the mental state of not thinking about anything. It’ll take you some time to learn how to properly meditate. Don’t sweat it, just keep trying.

It’s a good idea to meditate once a day at first. You can bump it up to twice a day after a while if you want or you can stay at once a day. It’s up to you.

As you learn to really meditate, you’ll turn off your Sympathetic Nervous System and you’ll feel your body really fill up with energy.


Getting a massage is like meditation on steroids.

Think about it: If our mind perceiving danger turns on our Sympathetic Nervous System, one of the best ways for our minds to perceive we’re not in danger is by laying down, closing our eyes, and letting someone rub out the tension in our muscles. In that situation, there’s no possible way your mind can perceive you’re in danger (unless your masseuse rubs too hard, in which case you should get a different masseuse).

I like to meditate while I’m getting a massage. I just clear my mind and let my body fill up with energy.

There are several other reasons getting a massage regularly is important.

The Power Of Touch

In the late 1970s, scientist Dr. Robert Nerem and his team designed a straightforward experiment to clarify the relationship between diet and heart health. They fed nearly genetically identical rabbits the same high-fat diet. At the end of the study, they expected all the rabbits to have equally poor measures of health. But they didn’t.

One group of rabbits had significantly better—60% better—health outcomes than the others. There was no explanation for the difference. Then Dr. Nerem noticed that the healthier rabbits were all tended by the same kind and caring young researcher. She frequently held the rabbits, talked to them, and played with them. In other words, she gave them kindness.

Scientifically, what happens when we’re touched?

Physical touch increases levels of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that help regulate your mood and relieve stress and anxiety. Dopamine is also known to regulate the pleasure center in your brain that can offset feelings of anxiety.

Physical touch is known to improve the function of your immune system as well as reduce diseases such as those associated with the heart and blood. One study on women found that receiving more hugs from their partners led to lower heart rates and blood pressure.

Touch substantially improves both physical and mental wellbeing, for example, via reduction of pain, anxiety, depression, and stress in adults. But in fact, those with physical or mental health problems (and therefore most in need of support) benefit even more from touch than healthy adults. “This is especially relevant considering how often touch interventions are overlooked” adds Packheiser, a researcher from the Social Brain Lab at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and the University Hospital Essen.

The opposite is also true.

Harlow’s Monkey experiments (Harlow & Harlow, 1965) are perhaps the most famous example of research pointing at the importance of the need for touch. In a series of experiments, Harlow created inanimate surrogate mothers for baby monkeys made from wire and wool. Each infant became attached to its particular “mother,” recognizing its unique face and preferring it above others.

Next, Harlow presented the infants with a soft, cuddly clothed “mother” as well as a wire “mother” located in two separate but attached chambers. Only the wire “mother” held a bottle with food. Harlow found that the monkeys spent far more time snuggled against the cloth “mother” than they spent with the wire “mother” even though the wire “mother” was the only one with food. Food may be necessary for survival, but touch is what sustains us.

Later in his career, Harlow carried out perhaps his most controversial study, by cultivating infant monkeys in isolation chambers for up to 24 months. The infant monkeys emerged from isolation deeply disturbed, a finding of which many credit as having started the animal rights movement.

Since Harlow’s experiments, research has uncovered an astonishing number of poor health outcomes that result when we are deprived of touch. The correlation between anxiety, depression and stress and touch is large and inversely related. It has been found that touch calms our nervous center and slows down our heartbeat. Human touch also lowers blood pressure as well as cortisol, our stress hormone. It also triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone known for promoting emotional bonding to others.

Studies using PET scans have found that the brain quiets in response to stress when a person’s hand is held. The effect is greatest when the hand being held is that of a loved one, but it still works even if it’s just a stranger.

Research also suggests a negative correlation between touch and the severity of borderline personality disorder symptoms (Field, 2010). This suggests that the effects of touch extend to our basic neural circuitry. Even our immune response seems to be somewhat governed by touch, with the finding that those who are deprived of human touch are more likely to suffer from immune system diseases.

It’s quite clear that the health and healing benefits of touch are enormous and those who have severe Mold Poisoning need to take advantage of them. This is another reason getting regular massages are so important.

Types Of Massage

There are many different types of massage. Some of the most important types of massage for people who have severe Mold Poisoning are Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage, and Petrissage massage.

Swedish massage is one of the most commonly offered massage techniques. It’s sometimes called a classic massage. The technique aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. During a Swedish massage, therapists use kneading, long strokes, deep circular movements, and passive joint movements. These techniques are meant to relax you, stimulate nerve endings, increase blood flow, and increase lymph drainage.

Deep Tissue massage uses many of the same stroking and kneading movements as Swedish massage, but there’s far more pressure. In order to reach the deep muscle tissue, a therapist will massage layer by layer of muscle, applying more and more pressure and employing special techniques with the fingers, fists, and maybe even elbows to reach and stretch that deep tissue. This type of massage facilitates healing by releasing contracted areas of muscle and tissue. It can help increase blood flow to the soft tissues and may help to reduce inflammation.

Petrissage massage technique can include stretching, kneading and squeezing soft tissues and underlying muscles. Petrissage lifts tissues away from structures to relieve tension and stretches and loosens muscles fibers. Petrissage also stimulates the skin including vascular and lymphatic responses. The lymphatic response allows the drainage of toxins and eliminates waste products in the body. The kneading and squeezing techniques of petrissage stimulate the removal of waste products and toxins out of the muscles.

Almost every business that offers massages will offer Swedish (Classic) massages or Deep Tissue massages. Most places don’t offer Petrissage massage, but you can always ask. Depending on your personal preferences, you can pick any type of these massages.

I personally get a Deep Tissue massage, but my masseuse is highly trained (in fact she trains other masseuses) and it seems to me that she utilizes some Petrissage massage techniques which help with draining the lymphatic system.

To find the right place that your body can handle without any problems, you’ll want to go for a half hour or hour massage at first. Go somewhere that the building is relatively new. Ask the masseuse to use unscented lotion. If they don’t have it, go somewhere else. It’s important to find a masseuse you enjoy then stick with that person. If you’re really sick, you may want to wait to start getting massages until you’re a little better and can handle VOCs without any problem.

Another option is to have the masseuse come to you. You can use Zeel or Soothe to pay a masseuse to come to your place. You can also purchase a massage table and unscented massage lotion and ask your masseuse to use it when they arrive.

You can find Zeel and Soothe here:

Re-Train The Brain

One of the purposes of your brain is to alert the body when there is any danger. Because your body has been damaged so extensively by mycotoxins, your brain is constantly on very high alert for anything that could damage it, especially mycotoxins. This is why those who have severe Mold Poisoning are so sensitive. Your brain automatically assumes everything is dangerous. VOCs? Yep. Dust? Yep. Off-gassing? Yep. Electronic devices? Yep. Your brain is communicating everything you can’t see but that is really there to your body. In essence, your brain is trying to tell your body to get away from it because it perceives it as dangerous.

As a side note, my brain and body have become so sensitive I can feel things in other people’s pockets, things underneath seats, and I can tell a general area of where there’s mold or some other “problem” in a home. I’m sure you’ve felt this too. In fact, the guy who does our mold re-mediation, I think half-joking half-serious wanted me to come work for him to help discover mold in other people’s homes because I’m always right. Whatever I say is there is there. The truth is that it’s my brain and body working together to inform me of what’s there. I had to turn him down because if I constantly go in people’s homes that have mold in them, how will I ever get better?

To not be near any of the things that could trigger your sensitivities would mean you’d have to live out in the middle of nowhere and have no connection or communication with the outside world. Plus, most of the things your brain is telling your body is dangerous, are not actually dangerous.

So, what do we do?

The solution is what has been termed “Re-Train the Brain.”

To Re-train the Brain means reassuring your brain that there is no problem, then the brain will calm down and you will no longer sense a problem in your body.

My doctor recommended that I learn from Ashok Gupta. He himself had a chronic illness (not Mold Poisoning) that caused him to have severe fatigue. He did a ton of research to figure out what was going on and how to heal from it. Eventually, it led him to figure out how to Re-Train the Brain.

I’m going to be honest. I’ve never done everything Ashok Gupta says to do. He has a whole song and dance (not literally) that he recommends doing when you feel your sensitivities are triggered. One of his quotes, and I’m not joking, was “Some re-trainers do this 100 times a day.” I was like, 100 times a day?! There’s no way I’m going to do that 100 times a day. My whole day would be spent doing that and I would probably have a massive panic attack. Then he said, “But re-trainers who do it that many times report they have increased anxiety.” That’s exactly what I said. The whole purpose of Re-Training your Brain is to calm your brain and get your body to switch from the Sympathetic Nervous System to the Parasympathetic Nervous System. Giving yourself anxiety is completely counterproductive to that task.

Because I feel my sensitivities being triggered very often throughout the day, I realized that Ashok Gupta’s method would not work for me. But I knew I needed to learn how to Re-Train my Brain. So, I decided I would need to take the principles he was explaining and adapt it to myself.

During his process, Ashok Gupta describes a point in which you literally speak to your own brain and reassure it that everything is okay by saying something like, “You’re fine” or “You’re okay” or “There’s not a problem” or “Everything’s okay” or “I’m fine” or “I’m okay.”

That’s what I do. I speak to my own brain in my mind and tell it that I’m okay and there’s no problem. If you want to say it out loud, you can definitely do that.

When your brain is freaking out and saying to you “Problem!!!! There’s a major problem!!!!” your Sympathetic Nervous System is immediately turned on. By telling your brain that you’re okay and there is no problem, it allows your brain to relax and your body gradually switches to the Parasympathetic Nervous System. As I said earlier, this switch conserves energy. The really amazing thing about all this is that over the course of the next few minutes, you’ll feel your sensitivity to whatever your brain was alerting you to gradually subside.

Obviously, because you have Mold Poisoning, if the “problem” your body is alerting you to is mold spores or mycotoxins coming from mold somewhere nearby, you will continue to feel the problem even if you are telling your brain it’s okay. This is because the mold spores and mycotoxins are damaging your body.

So, what do you do?

Whenever I feel sensitive to something, I always start out by telling my brain that I’m okay. I like to give it 10-15 minutes or so. Generally, by that time, my brain and body will calm down and I won’t feel it anymore. Occasionally, that doesn’t work. That’s when I know that there is in fact a real problem that I need to take care of.

The other important aspect of Re-Training your Brain is you don’t want to mentally scan your body for sensitivities. You don’t want to ask yourself if you feel mold or something else in the room. As much as possible, you want to think like a healthy person does and like you did before you became ill. Before you became ill, you never once thought, “What sensitivities am I feeling in this room?” or “Is there mold in this room?” or “Am I having tremors, and if so, is there mold nearby?” As much as possible, you want to stay away from these thoughts. I know at times it may be difficult or even impossible. But thinking these thoughts switches your Nervous System over to the Sympathetic Nervous System. Not thinking these thoughts will subconsciously tell your brain there is no problem and will keep your Nervous System in the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

I highly recommend you learn to Re-Train your Brain from people who’ve had experience doing it.

The program I used to learn how to both meditate and Re-Train my brain was from Ashok Gupta. His program offers a lot of support from coaches and personnel if you want to add that on. You can find his program by clicking this button:

Another option that I saw Dr. Neil Nathan endorsed is called Dynamic Neural Retraining System. I haven’t used this before, but Dr. Nathan knows a ton about Mold Poisoning so I always give what he says merit. You can find it here:

Post-Exertional Malaise

Now that you understand how your Sympathetic Nervous System is draining your body of energy, you can understand why you have Post-Exertional Malaise. Post-Exertional Malaise is the worsening of symptoms following even minor physical or mental exertion that would have been tolerated previously. Symptoms typically worsen 12 to 48 hours after activity. Post-Exertional Malaise can last for days or even weeks.

I want to point out that physical exertion and mental exertion have the same effect of draining your body of energy. Physical exertion is obviously things like exercise or hard physical labor. But what is mental exertion?

Mental exertion is strenuous engagement of the mind for sustained or long periods of time. We mentally exert ourselves when we do things such as read, think hard, pray intensely, sing, have conversations, do crossword puzzles, play games, write, draw, and learn new things.

Though we can sit in a chair to do all of these activities (and probably some others I haven’t thought of), they all require us to focus our mind for a sustained period of time in order to accomplish them.

Here’s the key: For those of us who have severe Mold Poisoning, there is no difference in terms of energy demands on the body between physical exertion and mental exertion.

Once again, it all comes back to energy. I’m sure you’ve never realized it, but your brain requires a lot of energy, especially when you’re exerting yourself mentally. According to, it says, “For the average adult in a resting state, the brain consumes about 20 percent of the body’s energy.”

So, your brain consumes about 20% of your body’s energy even though it only represents about 2% of its weight.

Notice though, it says your brain consumes 20% of your body’s energy in a resting state. That means your brain is consuming even more energy when you are mentally exerting yourself. This is why it’s difficult for you to read and do other things that require mental focus for an extended period of time.

The human brain has over 100 trillion synapses according to Yale School of Medicine.

What’s funny is that I’m sure you’ll come across doctors who think they know everything and who tell you that Mold Poisoning isn’t real. Yet, science is still very limited in some areas, in fact, according to the National Library of Medicine, “Neuroscientists have not yet generated a theory explaining how brains work.”

Isn’t that interesting? Scientists (and doctors) have no idea how brains actually work. They know so little, they can’t even formulate a guess. And with having to figure out over 100 trillion synapses, it’s going to take a long time for them to figure it out.

The human brain is a very important part of the Nervous System. Through our experience, what you and I can theorize is that it takes an enormous amount of energy (ATP) to formulate even one thought. Thinking requires a lot of energy (ATP). Thinking hard requires even more energy (ATP).

So, what does all this mean?

First and foremost, it means we need to be taking all the supplements we can to increase ATP synthesis: NAD+, CoQ10, PQQ, Methylene Blue, Shilajit, B complex vitamins, Vitamin B12, Carnitine, and Creatine (if tolerated).

Secondly, it means we need to learn to practice awareness and pacing.

Awareness means being aware of how much we are exerting ourselves mentally. Pacing means not running ourselves into the ground, but doing what we can then giving our minds plenty of time to rest. Awareness and pacing mean finding how much or how long you can mentally exert yourself without going into fatigue and staying within that limit.

Am I saying you shouldn’t pray?

Absolutely not. I’m just saying you should keep your prayers short and to the point. Long intense prayers will drastically drain your energy and prevent your body from healing itself.

Am I saying you shouldn’t read?

Absolutely not. But if you start to feel yourself getting tired while you read, you need to close the book and rest your mind.

Ultimately, you need to find a rhythm of life that you can sustain that doesn’t drain your body of all its energy. Your body needs that energy to heal itself.

In life, we constantly talk about working hard and pushing the limits. You have to do the opposite. You have to rest. You have to let your mind rest. You have to take it easy. You have to do what you can then take a break. Mold Poisoning is a very different type of illness than what anyone is aware of. Your body needs energy to heal and you have to allow it to have the energy it needs.

TV Screens, Computer Screens, and Cell Phones

Something that Ashok Gupta mentions in his Gupta Program is how to reduce eye strain while looking at TV screens, computer screens, and cell phones. You can reduce eye strain by reducing the blue light from your display.

Because blue light has a high level of energy (with a wavelength close to that of ultraviolet rays), it is generally said to place a strain on the eyes and it can also disrupt sleep. The reason it has recently been the subject of attention is that there are many LCD products with LED backlights that have a high color temperature display (white appears bluish), and there are more cases where the user is subjected to stronger blue light than with conventional displays, so this type of problem has come under closer scrutiny. By filtering blue light you can maintain better sleep patterns and reduce eye strain from prolonged screen time.

What to do?

If you have Windows, you have a feature called Night Light. Click here to read the article to learn how to activate it.

If you have a Mac, you have a feature called Night Shift. Click here to read the article to learn how to activate it.

For an iphone or ipad, you also have a feature called Night Shift. Click here to read the article to learn how to activate it.

To find options to reduce the blue light from your TV screen, click here to read the article.

Don’t Exert Yourself Mentally At Least One Hour Before Bed

Deep sleep is essential to your body’s ability to heal itself. Deep sleep is restorative. During deep sleep, your body replenishes its energy and repairs cells, tissues, and muscles. You need this phase to feel awake and refreshed the next day.

Getting as much good sleep as possible needs to be a priority for you. For this reason, Ashok Gupta suggests (and I agree) that you should let your mind rest for at least an hour before going to bed. This means no TV, no phone, no reading. You need to let your mind rest and unwind so it can prepare itself to sleep well.

Furthermore, Ashok Gupta recommends (and I agree) that you should go to bed by 11pm. If you can get to bed by 10pm, even better. You don’t want to be up until 2 or 3 in the morning. Your body needs to be on a good sleep cycle so it can heal.

You want to wake up and get out of bed once your body feels refreshed (if you can get there). You don’t want to literally stay in bed all day. That is not good for your mental state or your body.

Get Out Of The House Regularly

If you stay in your home all day every day, your mind will tell your body that it’s sick and your body will continue to feel sick. For this purpose, it’s a good idea to get out of the house at least 3-4 times per week. Go on a walk. Go to the movie theater. Go out to dinner. If you’re getting out of the house regularly, your brain will tell your body that you must not be sick because you are out and doing something. That is exactly the message you want your brain to tell your body.

Supplements And Substances You Definitely Should Not Take

Now that you better understand how the Nervous System works and how to heal it, you can better understand why you should not take certain supplements and substances.


These include Caffeine, Coffee, Tea, Ginseng, Rhodiola Rosea, and Caffeinated Sodas.

When you take a stimulant, it stresses out your Nervous System. By now you know you need to be doing the opposite. You need to relax and calm your Nervous System. If you have Mold Poisoning, you need to stay away from all stimulants so your Nervous System can heal.


Alcohol is a poison. It poisons our bodies, minds, and spirits. The truth is that no one should ever drink it because it is very bad for our health. Alcohol is even worse for people who have Mold Poisoning. Drinking alcohol will make it nearly impossible for your body and mind to heal. If you drink alcohol, you need to give it up.

Illicit Drugs

These include Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, and any other drug that is not doctor prescribed. This includes cigarettes, cigars, and tobacco products.

If you have Mold Poisoning you definitely cannot use any illicit drug and think you’re going to heal from Mold Poisoning. Just like Alcohol, illicit drugs are like poison to our bodies, minds, and spirits. If you struggle with taking illicit drugs, you need to give them up for the sake of your health.


Common Adaptogens include Ashwagandha, Reishi, Schisandra, and Tulsi (Holy Basil).

Adaptogens are common medications used in Ayurvedic (Eastern) medicine. Adaptogens are active ingredients in certain plants and mushrooms that may impact how your body deals with stress, anxiety and fatigue. Plants and mushrooms provide adaptogenic actions. When consumed, these plants target specific stressors in your body.

The goal of taking adaptogens is to return your body back to a state of balance (homeostasis). The herbal action in adaptogens increases or decreases chemical reactions within your body.

For example, if you’re stressed (elevated cortisol), an adaptogen will respond by reducing cortisol levels. If you experience chronic fatigue with low cortisol levels, an adaptogen will increase the level of cortisol in your body.

In theory, it sounds like Adaptogens should work great. Some adaptogens, like Ginseng and Rhodiola Rosea, are actually stimulants so you definitely want to steer clear of them. Other Adaptogens, like Tulsi (Holy Basil) and Reishi, seem like they should help. I tried several Adaptogens and they seemed to work well for about two weeks, after that, I started feeling worse and worse. I’ve seen other people reporting the same thing. Because of this, I don’t recommend using Adaptogen supplements. If you really want to try them, you can give them a shot, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The only Adaptogen I’ve used every day for months and that I can tell is still giving me good health benefits is Turmeric. Other than that, I’ve discontinued them all.

Good Doctors

It’s very important to start seeing a doctor who knows how to help you heal from Mold Poisoning. There are very few doctors in the entire world who even acknowledge that Mold Poisoning actually exists and even less who’ve actually helped people heal from Mold Poisoning.

Dr. Neil Nathan is one of the foremost doctors in helping people heal from Mold Poisoning in the nation (and maybe in the world). You can find his website here:

There are several doctors who work in a group with Dr. Neil Nathan. I personally see one of those doctors. Her name is Dr. Tasha Turzo. I just want to say that Dr. Turzo is really an amazing doctor. She is very compassionate (which is almost impossible to find from any other medical personnel when you tell them you have Mold Poisoning). She is also very knowledgeable and has helped many people heal from Mold Poisoning. Also, because she’s in a group with Dr. Nathan and other doctors who have and currently are treating patients with Mold Poisoning, she has a lot of resources, knowledge, and history to pull on for any cases that are super tough (like mine). You can find Dr. Tasha Turzo’s website here:

There are a lot of other doctors in Dr. Neil Nathan’s group in several different states and countries. Click on this button to find all the doctors in Dr. Nathan’s group:


Sauna detoxification is an effective way to remove toxins from your body. In a sauna, your body temperature rises and you sweat profusely. This sweating helps to flush out toxins (including mycotoxins) and impurities from your skin such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, formaldehyde, chlorine, bromine, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and other metals.

In addition, saunas can help improve circulation and boost your immune system.

There are many different types of saunas available, including infrared saunas, Finnish saunas, and steam rooms. Infrared saunas use infrared light to heat your body, rather than heat the air around you like traditional saunas. This makes them more effective at penetrating deep into your muscles and tissues, which helps to loosen up toxins so that they can be easily eliminated from your body. For this purpose, using an infrared sauna to detoxify your body from mycotoxins is preferred. Finnish saunas use dry heat, while steam rooms use moist heat. Both are effective at helping you sweat out toxins.

Important Things To Keep In Mind When Using A Sauna

1) Drink plenty of water before and after your sauna session. This will help to replenish fluids lost through sweating and also help to flush out toxins from your body.

2) If you have a good sauna, spend a maximum of 20 minutes in the sauna 2-3 times per week. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, leave the sauna immediately and cool down with some cold water or a cold compress.

3)If you purchase a sauna, make sure you cover the entire sauna where you will sit and where you will put your feet with a sufficient amount of towels while you use it. The last thing you want is to sweat all over the wood in the sauna because it will soon become mold.

4)Immediately dry yourself off with a towel (or multiple towels) after your sauna session.


5)After your sauna session, take a cold shower or jump in a pool or lake (if weather permits). This will help close your pores and further remove impurities from your skin.

6)After your sauna session is over, let the sauna run for at least 15 minutes to dry up any drops of sweat or water that might have fallen onto the wood of the sauna.

A Good Sauna To Purchase

I got an infrared sauna from Amazon and it was terrible. Sometimes it took me about half an hour just to break a sweat. I also didn’t know how to take care of it to prevent it from getting mold and it eventually developed black mold.

After we threw it away, Dr. Turzo recommended Heavenly Heat Saunas. I purchased one of their saunas and it is so much better. It takes a couple hours to really warm up, but once it does, it can get really hot and I start sweating very quickly. I still have never even made it a full 20 minutes yet and I always come out of the sauna drenched in sweat. I highly recommend their saunas. The only downside is it may take awhile to get your sauna after you purchase it. I think it took about 6 months to get mine, but I’m not sure that’s normal. The other downside to Heavenly Heat Saunas is the cost. It’s pretty expensive compared to other saunas, but like I said, Heavenly Heat Saunas work great while the cheap ones don’t work very well at all.

Fortunately, Heavenly Heat Saunas don’t use wood glue so you don’t have to worry about off-gassing.

You’ll have to assemble any sauna you purchase, but they should come with easy-to-follow directions. If you do purchase a sauna, it’s a good idea to put it in your garage. You don’t want to leave it outside because it’ll get rained on then mold will grow on it. You also don’t want to put it inside your home because it could develop mold if you’re not careful. For these reasons, I have my sauna in the garage.

You can find the sauna I purchased from Heavenly Heat Saunas by clicking this button:



Ozone, or O3, is a potent oxidizer, surpassing regular oxygen (O2) due to its extra oxygen atom. This additional oxygen atom eagerly attaches itself to other substances, making ozone remarkably reactive.

Ozone’s true power emerges when it encounters organic matter like mold spores. Here’s how ozone eradicates mold spores and mycotoxins:

Ozone’s process starts with the oxygen atom within the ozone molecule breaking free and attacking mold spores, a phenomenon known as oxidation. This oxidation causes a chemical reaction that alters the spore’s structure and function, rendering it harmless. The spore transforms into inert organic matter that can’t grow or spread.

This process doesn’t just target one mold spore; the released oxygen atom can continue reacting with other mold spores or organic materials, creating a chain reaction of destruction against unwanted microorganisms.

It’s important to note, however, that ozone doesn’t kill mold. In fact, it does the opposite. When ozone comes in contact with mold, it causes mold growth. So, you only want to use ozone in places where you know there is no mold, but you can feel the presence of mold spores and/or mycotoxins.

For this purpose, I never use an ozone machine in a house. I only use air purifiers in my house. But I use an ozone machine in the car from time to time when there’s a problem. We got a brand-new car so I know there’s no mold in it. Also, I know I transfer mold spores and mycotoxins from the house to the car sometimes (it’s impossible not to). So, we’ll use the ozone machine in the car to clean it out.

Inhaling a ton of ozone isn’t good for your health. When you use an ozone machine in the car, you can keep the windows down for a few hours to air it out.

I’ve found that ozone machines work best if you run them at as high as they can go (or near to it) and run them for at least two hours. You don’t generally need to run them for 6-8 hours. 2-4 hours should be plenty.

Some states, including California don’t allow people to purchase an ozone machine. If you’re one of the lucky ones and live in a state where it is allowed, here are several ozone machines you can find on Amazon:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber. This therapy is designed to increase the amount of oxygen in the body and promote healing processes, as oxygen is essential for cell repair and growth.

In a hyperbaric chamber, the air pressure is increased up to three times the normal atmospheric pressure, creating a high-oxygen environment that can benefit a variety of medical conditions. This treatment is non-invasive, painless, and requires no surgery.

Hyperbaric chamber therapy is an effective treatment option for Mold Poisoning. This therapy helps in detoxifying the body and reducing mold-related symptoms. During hyperbaric chamber therapy, patients breathe in 100% pure oxygen, which is delivered in a pressurized chamber.

The high levels of oxygen in the chamber help to stimulate the body’s natural healing process and increase oxygen flow to the affected areas, which in turn reduces inflammation and promotes tissue repair. The therapy also helps to boost the immune system, enabling the body to fight off any remaining mold spores and prevent the onset of further symptoms.

Hyperbaric chamber therapy has been shown to be particularly effective for treating neurotoxic symptoms associated with Mold Poisoning, such as brain fog and cognitive impairment. It has also been used successfully to treat respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Hyperbaric chamber therapy sessions typically last around 60-90 minutes and are repeated several times a week for several weeks. The frequency and duration of therapy may vary based on the severity of the mold toxicity and the patient’s response to treatment.

Personally, I have never tried a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, but I know that oxygen is very good for combating mold spores and mycotoxins. If you would like to give it a try, you can do a Google search and look for a reputable place near you.

Mold Poisoning And Depression

Before I ever had fatigue from Mold Poisoning, I never experienced depression. But while dealing with Mold Poisoning, I have suffered from depression. And what has been strange to me is that I’ve literally experienced many times being in mold and suffering all the effects of Mold Poisoning combined with depression. When I’m in mold, my thoughts just became very negative very fast. I can’t control it. The moment I get out of the mold, it’s like the sun reappears, the darkness fades, and I’m happy and don’t have any more negative thoughts. It’s really bizarre.

Through my experiences I’ve learned that depression is real. It really exists and I feel terrible for all the millions of people on earth who are dealing with depression.

Secondly, I’ve learned that Mold Poisoning in and of itself can cause depression. Mold Poisoning in and of itself can cause the hormonal imbalances in the brain that lead to depression.

I’m sure you’ve heard of Exercise Induced Asthma.

Well, I have a new term for you:

Mold Poisoned Induced Depression (MPID).

Here’s the groundbreaking thought: What if a large number of people who have depression actually have Mold Poisoned Induced Depression?

The ramifications of this thought are staggering. What if even 10-25% of people who have depression have it simply because they have Mold Poisoning? What if that number is higher? We could help cure a lot of people from their depression not by giving them Prozac, but by treating them for Mold Poisoning.

I’m not the only person who has noticed the connection between Mold Poisoning and depression. Jane Sandwood says, “Mental health issues are now the leading cause of hospitalization in Connecticut for children, teens, and young adults, making it a major problem. Mental illness is often a result of daily stress, life experiences and chemical imbalances, but science has uncovered another cause: mold toxicity. Mold toxicity can manifest in different ways in people. It’s more commonly linked to physical problems, such as difficulty breathing, fatigue, and headaches, but research shows that it can present itself in a psychiatric way, too. This includes brain fog, depression, anxiety, problems concentrating, and insomnia. Some people present just physical or psychiatric symptoms, while others can get a mix of the two. This means that people are seeking and receiving treatment for a mental illness that only exists because of their exposure to mold.”

I believe the very first research experiment we should do is to find 1,000 people who have varying degrees of depression and have them take a urine test to see if they have Mold Poisoning. It would be a very simple experiment to conduct. We should then treat them for Mold Poisoning and see how much their depression improves.

I believe the results of that study would be groundbreaking!

Mold Poisoning And Cancer

This definition of how cancer forms comes right off the website: “Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that have the potential to harm cells. They are created when an atom or a molecule (a chemical that has two or more atoms) either gains or loses an electron (a small negatively charged particle found in atoms). Free radicals are formed naturally in the body and play an important role in many normal cellular processes. At high concentrations, however, free radicals can be hazardous to the body and damage all major components of cells, including DNA, proteins, and cell membranes. The damage to cells caused by free radicals, especially the damage to DNA, may play a role in the development of cancer and other health conditions. Abnormally high concentrations of free radicals in the body can be caused by exposure to ionizing radiation and other environmental toxins.”

This means that those of us who have Mold Poisoning are likely at a higher risk to develop cancer. What that ultimately means is that it is crucial we get on the Carnivore diet (especially stop eating carbs) and that we take Glutathione supplements (which is the most powerful antioxidant) as well as other antioxidant supplements that I mentioned earlier in the article.

By knowing that we have a greater risk of developing cancer we can and should be focused on doing the necessary things to prevent ourselves from getting cancer as much as possible.

Mold Poisoning and Alzheimer’s/Dementia

Sometime ago, I came across a very interesting article that linked Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s to Mold Poisoning as well as chemicals and other things in our environment.

Here is what the article says: “The mystery behind the astronomical rise in neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s could be caused by exposure to environmental toxins that are omnipresent yet poorly understood, leading doctors warn. At a conference on Sunday, the country’s leading neurologists and neuroscientists will highlight recent research efforts to fill the gaping scientific hole in understanding of the role environmental toxins – air pollution, pesticides, microplastics, forever chemicals and more – play in increasingly common diseases like dementias and childhood developmental disorders. Humans may encounter a staggering 80,000 or more toxic chemicals as they work, play, sleep and learn – so many that it is almost impossible to determine their individual effects on a person, let alone how they may interact or the cumulative impacts on the nervous system over a lifespan . . .

“Very little is known about impact on brain and nervous system disorder, but there is growing consensus that genetics and ageing do not fully account for the sharp rise in previously rare diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) – a degenerative disease more likely in army veterans and neighborhoods with heavy industry. The brain is the most complex and important organ in the body – and likely the most sensitive to environmental toxins, but was largely inaccessible to researchers until sophisticated imaging, genetic and molecular techniques were developed in the past 20 years.”

Scientists and therefore doctors understand very little to nothing about the environmental impact on human health. Strangely, but in a very real sense, by having Mold Poisoning you are now ahead of the game. You understand the impact of your environment on your body and on your brain.

It’s important to be aware that those of us who have Mold Poisoning have a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s or any other number of illnesses that severely inhibit proper brain function.

Knowing this is crucial so we begin to properly detox now so we won’t lose our minds later in life. Knowing this also underscores just how crucial saunas are. They help our body sweat out pretty much everything mentioned in the article about what can cause us to lose our minds—toxins, metals, impurities, etc.

Find Something Meaningful To Do Every Day

For your mental health, it’s important that you find something meaningful to do every day. You don’t want to just lay on the couch and watch TV all day every day for months. That’s a great way to sink yourself in to depression. You want to figure out something you can do, even if it’s only for half an hour a day that helps you work toward a greater purpose.

Here are some ideas of what you can do:

-Write a novel or book

-Start an online business

-Start a blog

-Learn a foreign language

-Take acting lessons or some other kind of lessons

-Read a book

-Paint or draw

-Read the Bible

I actually finished writing a novel while I had severe Mold Poisoning. Some days I would have enough energy to write for an hour, sometimes a bit more. Other days I didn’t have enough energy to write at all. I learned to maximize my energy when I had it.

Another interesting that I did was learn a few foreign languages. I started out on the Duolingo app, then I started meeting with tutors on Zoom via Preply. Having Mold Poisoning can be very lonely. It was actually very important to get some personal interaction with people who didn’t know a thing about Mold Poisoning. I could talk to them about their life and we got to talk about a foreign language. It was nice to find human connection during a time when it was hard to connect with people.

I also took acting classes from a teacher I found on Superprof. There are tons of tutors on Superprof who are willing to teach you anything you want to learn. Maybe you can use this time of being sick with Mold Poisoning to learn a skill you’ve always wanted to like playing the piano or guitar.

Depending on how sick you are, maybe you can or can’t read yet. Once you get healthy enough, you’ll be able to read. So, maybe you read that book of classic literature you’ve always wanted to but never had time to.

Maybe you start your own online business selling t-shirts or writing a blog. Maybe you lean in to your creative side and paint or make art.

My point is, you need to be working toward something and doing something with your life while you have Mold Poisoning that you feel gives it purpose. Maybe you don’t have enough energy to do it every day, but it needs to be something you can do often, if only for 15-30 minutes. Having a sense of purpose will help you feel better about yourself which will help your body and mind to gradually heal itself.

Why Do I Have Mold Poisoning?

Ultimately, this is the question that really matters. I’m not asking this from a physical standpoint, I’m asking it from a standpoint of purpose. What are you supposed to learn from having Mold Poisoning? How is it supposed to make you a better person? What is God or the Universe trying to have you learn?

I believe that when “bad” things happen to us in life, there is always some greater benefit, reward, situation, or people to meet that we never would have been able to obtain without the “bad” thing. Mold Poisoning certainly qualifies as a “bad” thing, yet I believe there is something very valuable for you to get out of it that has nothing to do with having a healthy body again (although that is very important).

Maybe you need to learn that material things aren’t as important as we make them seem in our culture. Maybe you need to learn how to better value the people in your life. Maybe you need to find God and Jesus. If you’re interested in finding God and Jesus, click this button:

So, what do you need to learn? Maybe there is something else for you to learn that I’ve never thought of. The answer to that question will be on an individual basis because I think everyone needs to learn something different.

Here are a few of the things I’ve learned:

1)I never knew what to say or do around someone who had suffered something very serious, even though I’ve always had compassion for them. Now that I’ve suffered with severe Mold Poisoning, I’ve learned to have even greater compassion for the sufferings of others and now I know what to do and say to people who are greatly suffering.

2)Before I had Mold Poisoning, I always had an employee mindset. I always thought about how I can get a good job working for someone else. Well, being sick for nearly six years (as of this writing) I had to figure out a way to make money by working only a few hours a day from home. The obvious answer was the internet. It took me a while to realize that I could start my own online business. Now I have multiple online businesses. Whether or not they’ll end up being successful remains to be seen, but I no longer have the employee mindset. Now I have the Entrepreneurial mindset. I think this is one of the main lesson’s God wanted me to learn.

3)Oddly enough, having Mold Poisoning gave me the time to learn how to Direct movies and to take acting lessons. Without having Mold Poisoning, I probably would not have had the time to learn to do these things that I hope I will take advantage of in my future.

4)One of the only places I can really go outside of my house is to the movie theater. Because of this, I’ve watched a ton of movies. Because I watch movies all the time, I decided to start my blog. So, the fact that you’re reading this and that I have a blog at all is because I have Mold Poisoning.

So, as you have to suffer through Mold Poisoning, I hope you’ll stay open to the possibilities that are unique to those who have Mold Poisoning and that you’ll stay open to learning important life lessons.


I have given you a ton of information about Mold Poisoning. After all, this is The Ultimate Guide To Mold Poisoning. When I was first diagnosed with Mold Poisoning, I didn’t know anything in this article. This article contains what I’ve learned over the past five years (since I was diagnosed with Mold Poisoning). It contains nearly everything I know about the subject. Because you’ve read this article, you are way way ahead of the game. You’re way ahead of where I was when I was first diagnosed. There is so much information here, I suggest you read this article from time to time because you’ll undoubtedly pick up on new things.

If you are suffering with Mold Poisoning, my heart goes out to you. I know your emotional pain. I know your physical suffering. I know that it is unbelievably difficult. I know that probably no one else you know can possibly understand what you are dealing with. But I do. And I know that you will heal from it, completely. One day you will be completely better. This article tells you everything I’ve learned about how to do that.

Don’t give up. Don’t give up on your health. Don’t give up on your life. I love you. Know that I will always be in your corner with both compassion and encouragement.

Adrian Harris is a writer, author, and business owner. He hopes to soon open his own movie studio and become a movie producer, director, and actor. Read Adrian’s Bio.

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Adrian Harris is a writer, author, and business owner. He hopes to soon open his own movie studio and become a movie producer, director, and actor. Read Adrian’s Bio.

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