Feminism today says it’s all about empowering women. But is that really the case?
In this article I’ll take a close look at the ideologies, goals, and positions of Feminism today and assess their impact and consequences on women and their children, as well as men.
To start off, I want to clarify that there are several aspects of Feminism that are good, so I’ll briefly mention them.
Women should definitely be able to vote. Every adult should be able to vote. The trouble comes when people are uninformed voters. Some people (both men and women) don’t know a thing about the issues, go to the polling booth, and just fill in bubbles on a whim. That’s a major problem and a discussion for another day. But women should be able to vote.
Women should be able to purchase land, buy a house, and have all the same rights as men. There is no question that they should. There is also no question that they do, at least here in the US and in the west. Women in the west love to complain about the Patriarchy and about how they’re so oppressed by men, but guess what: Women in the west have all the same rights as men do. Name one right men have that women don’t. You can’t.
Here’s the truth: There has never been a better time or place in the history of the world to be a woman than right now in the west. Women have never had more opportunities, rights, and equal status to men. Never. Women are doctors, lawyers, CEOs, judges, bank managers, pharmacists, sales managers, software developers, teachers, nurses, senators, congresswomen, veterinarians, dentists, etc. Heck, a woman was recently the Vice President of the United States. Plenty of women have been Presidents or Chancellors of countries in Europe.
There is an overwhelming abundance of opportunity for women in the west. More than there has ever been for women at any time in the history of the world.
So, I just don’t understand why feminists are constantly complaining about how they’re so oppressed by the Patriarchy. What else do you want women to be able to do that they are not allowed to by law?
And in fact, they are.
This is from a Forbes article:
“Here’s the problem: The gender pay gap doesn’t exist.
“You might find this hard to believe. After all, the idea of women making about $0.78 for every dollar earned by men has been drilled into us throughout our lives. You may dismiss it as an undeniable truth that no one in their right minds would ever question.
“But question it, we should. Let’s start right at the beginning and examine the problem with how it’s calculated.
“You may think that the gender pay gap is determined through a complex set of equations which considers the following:
-The occupation one holds,
-Their rank in their organization,
-How long they’ve worked there,
-The education level they had to attain to do the job,
-How many hours they work in the average week.
“After all, it would make sense to include those components because all of those elements (and more) contribute to the salary that someone can command.
“However, the gender pay gap doesn’t include any of those elements. There’s no complexity or nuance to it. Instead, it’s calculated by looking at the difference between the average earnings of all men and comparing them with the average earnings of all women. That’s it. It’s just a comparison of averages. It’s so simple that you probably learned how to do that math in elementary school.
“Life is much more complicated than a simple set of averages, and the pay gap reflects choices that women are making throughout their careers. Did they make the choice to major in gender studies in college, or did they opt for a more lucrative career by studying engineering? Did they make the choice to have children and take time off to raise them? When the kids went back to school, did mother return to work full-time, or did she take a reduced schedule for added flexibility?
“There is nothing inherently wrong with making any of these choices. As they say, money can’t buy happiness. If you’re fascinated by gender studies, have at it! If you want to become a teacher rather than an architect, go to it! If taking time off to raise a family is one of your core values, there’s not a thing wrong with it and the choice may lead to a tremendous amount of personal fulfillment.
“None of these choices make you a lesser human being. However, you must also be realistic in your expectations. Some career paths are simply more lucrative than others. It’s not always fair (in an ideal world, the best teachers would make top dollar!), but it is what it is. If money is the most important variable to you, then you must make choices that honor that priority.
“As you start to factor in additional variables that reflect these different choices, the pay gap diminishes to the point of almost disappearing. The American Association of University Women found that when you control for differences between men and women of occupation, college major, and length of time in the workplace, the gap reduces to just $0.07 on the dollar. This finding was corroborated by the U.S. Department of Labor, which found back in 2009 that the adjusted pay gap is somewhere between $0.05 and $0.07 on the dollar.
“In other words, the unadjusted pay gap is due almost entirely to the choices that women are making about their careers.
“When faced with these realities, women’s rights activists are quick to say women can’t be responsible for their choices! They argue that women are programmed to make those choices from an early age through powerful sexist stereotypes that have infiltrated every part of our culture. However, asserting that women are incapable of standing up for themselves and fighting for what they want is one of the most insulting aspects of this entire discussion.
“What about those extra few cents that still exist? We must acknowledge that the gap hasn’t entirely been reduced to zero when other variables are factored in. The remainder is almost solely attributable to one truth: Men negotiate their salaries, and women do not.
“One study of more than 500 women found that only 16% of respondents always negotiated their compensation when accepting a new position and during performance evaluations, and instead relied on the organization to come to the table with their best offer without back and forth. In fact, study after study shows that men are much more likely to ask for a higher salary and engage in negotiations.
“Some argue that the difference is a matter of opportunity: That women are not given the same opportunity as men to negotiate their compensation. However, that seems far-fetched when you consider that 70% of managers expect there to be a salary negotiation.
“The reality is this: Opportunities don’t create themselves. If making more money is a top priority for you, then find a way to have the discussion instead of waiting for your current or future employer to prompt it. Organizations will never pay more than they have to, and if you’re unwilling to stand up and say, “I’m worth this additional salary,” then why would you expect your boss or human resources to do it for you?”
So, women do make the same amount of money as men in the same job when they work the same number of hours. And if they want that extra 5-7 cents, they need to go to the negotiating table more often, just like men do.
If it were true that women really only made 77 cents for every dollar that men make while working the same job and the same amount of hours, every CEO in America would fire all the male employees, hire only women, and get an extra 25% in profit.
Feminists purposefully misinterpret the stats of the non-existing gender wage gap and say things like, “Women don’t get paid as much as men” to make everyone angry so they can keep us all enslaved to their ideology.
Women should definitely get education, job skills, certifications, etc. to put themselves in a position where they are able to provide for themselves should the need arise. What if the husband dies or has a medical emergency where he can’t work for a period of time? A woman may need to take on the role of primary provider. But if she has no qualifications or work experience, she’ll have a big problem providing for her family.
There are also some women who really want to get married, but they try and try and just are not able to find a husband. Those women will need to be able to provide for themselves their entire lives.
Because you never know what life is going to throw at you, it’s important for women to be able to make money if they need to.
Now let’s get into the aspects of Feminism that are poison.
You’ve heard it all before: “I don’t need no man” “I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T” “I’m a bad b****” “I’m a boss b****”
These are all the things feminists say to profess that what should really matter to women is making money. They say that if a woman wants or needs a man to support her, she is weak, and therefore has less value. In essence, feminists are telling women that the more money they make, the more important they are.
In all of this constant assessing a woman’s individual worth based on how much money she makes, feminists forget one very important thing: Women are social beings.
Women need to be around people or they get depressed.
Well, what happens when a woman ingests the feminists’ ideology and foregoes marriage for a career? She ends up being alone. Women get to their late thirties and forties then they have a total meltdown because they’re so alone. They have no family, no children, and no husband because that was the path they chose.
Here’s a lot of videos (one, two, three, four, five) showing women who’ve “Hit The Wall” which is the term for women who are very very sad because they’re older and alone.
These women have gotten to the point where they’ve realized that they, in fact, do need a man. Women definitely need to watch these videos to see the truth about what Feminism really gets you in the end. It gets you a quaint apartment or house and a cat. That’s what it gets you. Those are the consequences of following Feminism.
An article from The Institute For Family Studies says, “Among married women with children between the ages of 18 and 55, 40% reported they are “very happy,” compared to 25% of married childless women, and just 22% of unmarried childless women . . .
“These results parallel other recent research from the University of Chicago indicating that for both men and women, marriage is “the most important differentiator” of who is happy in America. Meanwhile, falling marriage rates are a chief reason why happiness has declined nationally, according to that same study. The research found an astounding 30-percentage-point happiness gap between married and unmarried Americans.
“Other factors do matter—including income, educational achievement, race, and geography—but marital status is most influential when it comes to predicting happiness in the study.”
Social psychologist Jean Twenge adds, “[R]elationships are . . . crucial for happiness, and for many people, marriage is their primary and most stable relationship.”
Think about that. The most influential factor for people reporting to be happy for both women and men is whether or not they are married and have children.
Number one.
So, when those single feminists are shouting to other women they don’t need a man or a family, all they need is a career, remember that most of them are crying themselves to sleep every night. They are very unhappy.
Women need men. No doubt about it. To be happy, women need good men.
There’s a variation of Feminism telling women to forego marriage which tells women who really want to get married that they can have it all. It tells them to go ahead and get married, have your children, and keep working your full-time job. After all, according to Feminism, a woman’s true worth is measured by how much money she makes.
There’s just one really big problem with that: It’s not possible. A woman cannot work a full-time job and be a full-time wife and mother. She will be exhausted and something will inevitably suffer. That something is always the children and the husband.
Don’t get me wrong. There are plenty of women who have to work full-time in this economy because their husbands aren’t making enough to provide the basic necessities for the family.
What I’m talking about here are the women who choose to work instead of raise their children. It’s the women who have a husband that makes enough money to provide for the family, even if they have to downsize and be thrifty with their money. In choosing to work over raising their children, these women believe that money is more important than their own children.
This is the insidiousness of Feminism.
Feminism tells women they can do whatever they want . . . except for stay at home and be a good housewife and a good mother. When a woman chooses that path, she is shunned by the feminists. Why? Because the feminists are miserable being alone and they want other women to be miserable like them. The last thing on planet earth feminists want is for other women to actually be happy.
Feminism tells women that money is more important than their own husband and children.
Feminism tells women to worship money.
Feminists don’t come out and overtly state that sexual conquest is the goal, but it is implied. The one thing you’ll never hear a feminist tell women to do is to be celibate. Never. So, if you’re not supposed to get married then the only other option is sexual conquest.
The fact of the matter is women are sexual beings. If you don’t believe me, check out this video or ask Google, Reddit, or Quora.
Yes, women are sexual beings.
You’ll often hear feminists brag about their sexual exploits.
For example, Jennifer Coolidge, who was an actress in American Pie said, “I got a lot of play at being a MILF and I got a lot of sexual action from ‘American Pie’ . . . There were so many benefits to doing that movie. I mean, there would be like 200 people that I would never have slept with.”
Not surprisingly, she is single.
Women are telling other women to have a lot of sex.
And so, this is exactly what a lot of women are doing. Here’s a video of women admitting to their true body count (which means how many men they’ve had sex with).
What feminists are saying between the lines is that really living for women is having as much sex as you can with as many men as you can. That is the goal.
What feminists fail to mention are the consequences for women who have a ton of sex with many different men.
Here’s a quote from The National Library of Medicine about body count: “This study established a strong association between number of sex partners and later substance disorder, especially for women, which persisted beyond prior substance use and mental health problems more generally.”
So, we have a medical study stating that when it comes to women, there is a strong association between a higher body count and mental health problems as well as substance abuse.
This is a pretty important detail that feminists like to leave out when they tell women to forego marriage and sleep around with a ton of men.
But think about it. How can a woman’s mental health not be negatively impacted when she is having sex with a ton of different men that don’t care about her and are only using her for her body? How could she not be depressed? She is allowing men to tell her over and over again that all that matters about her is her body.
There’s another frightening aspect of women having a high body count.
Some feminists tell women to have a bunch of sex, then settle down and get married if they really want to.
That is terrible advice.
Nicholas H. Wolfinger, a Professor of Family and Consumer Studies and Adjunct Professor of Sociology at the University of Utah published a study on The Institute For Family Studies which found that sexual history prior to marriage has a dramatic impact on the likelihood of success of the marriage. His study compares the number of sexual partners before marriage and the likelihood of not being divorced after 5 years:
Women with 10 or more partners were the most likely to divorce
Women with 3-9 partners were less likely to divorce than women with 2 partners; and,
Women with 0-1 partners were the least likely to divorce.
Women who have 10 or more sex partners prior to marriage in the 2000s had a 33% divorce rate within five years.
This is compared to women who are virgins on their wedding day in the 2000s having a 6% divorce rate within five years.
So, feminists telling women to live it up are very wrong.
If women want to have a good happy marriage, the best choice is to save yourself for marriage.
But there’s more.
Wolfinger says, “. . . the number of future wives who had ten or more sex partners increased from 2 percent in the 1970s to 14 percent in the 2000s, and then to 18 percent in the 2010s. Overall, American women are far more likely to have had multiple premarital sex partners in recent years . . .”
This study was published in 2016, so who knows what percentage of women have had 10 or more sexual partners prior to marriage in the 2020s. It’s likely higher than 18 percent. That means at least one in five women (it could even be one in four women) have been living a lifestyle that significantly increases their chances of future divorce before they even marry.
Furthermore, the more sexual partners a woman has had before dating a man, the lower her Sexual Market Value (SMV) becomes. Sexual Market Value is your worth to people of the opposite sex in the sexual marketplace. The higher your SMV, the more leverage you have in the game of dating. For example, if you are an exceptionally attractive woman, you will get many more offers from men than if you are average-looking. Likewise, if you are a confident, rich, handsome man, you will get more attention from women than if you are insecure, fat, and broke.
So, by having slept around with a ton of men, women’s SMV decreases. Why? Because men know that women with a high body count have no self-control. If she can’t control herself before marriage, she won’t be able to control herself once she is married which means she is very likely to cheat (the same is true for men).
Furthermore, women with a high body count are very likely to have mental problems and substance abuse problems.
Why would any man want to date a woman who has mental problems, substance abuse problems, and who is likely to cheat on him? He won’t. And the high-value men, the men who are well-off financially and who are 8’s, 9’s, and 10’s that every woman wants, they will run for the hills.
Intuitively, women know this is true which is why they always lie about their body count. Olivia Alexa explains that in this video.
And no, lying about your body count is not a so-called “White lie.” Women lie about their body count because inherently they know what they’ve done is wrong and they fear that if they tell a man their real body count, he won’t date them (which he won’t) because it signals to the man that she is likely to cheat on him.
So, a ton of women are disqualifying themselves from even being able to date the best men because of their past sexual history, and if they are able to successfully deceive the man about their body count, their marriage has a much higher chance of ending in divorce.
Feminists love to tell women what to do, they just conveniently leave out the real consequences in real life.
By the way, in the 1970s, 21 percent of women were virgins when they married. That number was down to 5% in the 2010s. I haven’t been able to find any data on the 2020’s but I’ve found speculation that it could be as low as 2-3%.
So, for all the guys out there, where do you find the virgins? Where do you find good women with whom you can have a good successful marriage?
Nicholas H. Wolfinger says in his study, “Obviously, one of the most common reasons for premarital abstinence is religion, and NSFG data support such an interpretation . . . women who marry as virgins are far more likely than other women to attend church at least once a week. It’s also noteworthy that virgin marriages increasingly became the domain of religious women between the 1980s and 2000s—and during the same years, the divorce rate for virgin brides continued to drop. These findings make sense in light of the fact that people who attend church frequently have lower divorce rates than do non-participants.”
So, by following the advice of feminists, women are much more likely to have mental health problems, substance abuse problems, lower Sexual Market Value, more difficulty in marrying a good man, and a higher risk of divorce.
So, why are women listening to feminists at all? Their advice is straight poison. It is poison to your mind, poison to your body, poison to your future, poison to your soul.
Feminism tells women to worship their sexual pleasure.
But feminists fail to mention all the real consequences that come with worshipping your sexual pleasure.
With sexual conquest being the goal and women having so much sex outside of marriage with seemingly countless men, eventually the inevitable will happen: women will get pregnant out of wedlock.
Abortion is the cornerstone of Feminism today. That’s how you know that subtly, in between the lines, Feminism is about women getting as much sex as possible with as many men as possible.
The fact that abortion is the cornerstone of Feminism today, in and of itself, proves just how insidious Feminism really is.
The fact of the matter is: Abortion Is Murder.
Let me say that again to be clear: Abortion Is Murder.
When a pregnant woman goes to get an ultrasound, does she look at the machine and say, “There’s my fetus”? No. She says, “There’s my baby.” Everyone knows this. So, let’s stop acting like when a woman gets an abortion, she just killed a goat, or a bear, or a head of lettuce. No. She killed her child.
Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, there have been over 63 million abortions in the US alone.
To put that in perspective, Nazi Germany, led by Hitler, and their allies, killed 6 million Jews during the Holocaust.
Hitler is known worldwide as the worst person to ever live because of all the Jews he exterminated, but collectively, American women (and participating men) have exterminated more than 10 times the number of American babies than Hitler ever did Jews. What does that say about American women? What does that say about our society? We have literally permitted a Holocaust of American children.
According to the WHO, there are approximately 73 million abortions worldwide every year.
Every. Year.
It’s a Holocaust of children on an unprecedented scale. It’s absolutely sickening. It shows the state of decay we have permitted our society to fall into.
And what have been the resulting consequences for the women who’ve murdered their own children?
The Charlotte Lozier Institute says:
According to the 2011 meta-analysis, women who have abortions are 37 percent more likely to suffer from depression and 34 percent more likely to have anxiety, compared to women without abortions.
This is backed up by data from Add Health showing that women who have abortions are 30 percent more likely to experience depression and 23 percent more likely to have anxiety.
A 2011 meta-analysis shows that, compared to women without abortions, women who have abortions are over three times as likely to use marijuana and more than twice as likely to use/misuse alcohol.
The Add Health study shows that women who have abortions are twice as likely to abuse alcohol, 2.5 times as likely to misuse marijuana, and over three times as likely to use illicit drugs.
“Studies of women in the United States, Italy, and Finland show that women who have abortions have approximately two to six times the risk of suicide within a year compared to women who give birth. This risk increases with multiple abortions. Additionally, women who undergo abortion have a significantly higher rate of death from violent causes. Together with an elevated risk of death from other stress-related illnesses, national record linkage studies demonstrate that each abortion increases the risk of premature death by 50 percent.”
“There is no evidence that abortion ever improves women’s mental health.
“In a 2013 literature review and meta-analysis, the prominent and self-identified pro-choice researcher David Fergusson concluded, ‘There is no available evidence to suggest that abortion has therapeutic effects in reducing the mental health risks of unwanted or unintended pregnancy.’
“There is no evidence to suggest that abortion ever directly benefits women’s mental health. In contrast, nearly every study has found that abortion is linked to more mental health problems in women, especially those who have one or more of the known risk factors. While nearly all psychological conditions are multifactorial, abortion can be a contributing factor in mental illness for some women, and numerous studies controlling for prior mental health issues have indicated that abortion is an independent risk factor for more mental health problems.”
So, by getting an abortion, a woman is much more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. And how could she not? She just killed her own child. What sane person could do that then not suffer from depression and anxiety? It’s not possible.
Furthermore, by having one abortion, a woman is 2-3 times more likely to have substance abuse problems. And how could she not? She just killed her own child. She uses substances like marijuana and alcohol to try to help her forget, to try to block out the emotional pain and anguish. But it doesn’t work, so she has to use more and more and eventually she becomes an absolute mess.
And lastly, a woman who has an abortion has 2-6 times the rate of suicide. And how could she not? She realized what she did was absolutely terrible and she cannot take it back. You can never go back to the past. It’s over and done and that one terrible decision is eating her alive.
If women have two abortions, it is almost guaranteed that women will suffer from depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.
Women, do you see what Feminism has been selling you. They’ve been selling you mental health problems and substance abuse problems. They’ve been selling you the worst lies possible—That you could kill your own child and not feel regret. But that is not true. You will feel terrible for killing your own child. There’s no doubt about it.
This is one of the many important reasons why God said:
It doesn’t get clearer than that. And, of course, this commandment includes killing your own unborn child.
And what kind of women get the bulk of abortions?
In 2022, unmarried women accounted for 88% of all abortions (CDC).
Eighty-eight percent. That means the vast majority of abortions could be avoided if women would simply not have sex before they are married and only have sex with their husband once they are married.
It’s no wonder God said:
Feminists love to bash God and the Bible because Feminism is their religion. But not surprisingly, the person who made this earth, knows all things, and has all power is right. When you analyze the effects of breaking God’s commandments, there is no doubt He is right.
These statistics on abortion prove once again the devastating consequences that come when women have sex before marriage.
Think how many children would not be killed if women simply would not have sex before marriage. 88% of 73,000,000 comes to 64,240,000. Women could prevent the deaths of 64.2 million children a year by simply not having sex before they get married.
What a solution!
But the feminists want women to think they can do whatever they want then avoid the consequences. It’s not possible. It simply isn’t possible.
There are serious consequences for having sex before marriage. And there are serious consequences for having an abortion.
Here are some videos where you can see women who’ve had an abortion and how deeply they regret it (one, two, three, four, five).
The number one comeback all feminists love to use when speaking about abortion is: “What about rape?”
First and foremost, if any woman reading this has been raped, my heart goes out to you. You are experiencing something that I could not possibly fathom. I pray for your healing and for you to be strong. I pray for you to find the best way forward through this very difficult time. There is no place for rape in our society. Period.
Let’s take a look at how many women get abortions because they were raped.
In the context of how many women have an abortion because they were raped, an article from abort73.com says this, “In 2004, the Guttmacher Institute anonymously surveyed 1,209 post-abortive women from nine different abortion clinics across the country. Of the women surveyed, 957 provided a main reason for having an abortion.”
Those who selected because they were a victim of rape was less than .5%.
Furthermore, abort73.com adds, “The state of Florida records a reason for every abortion that occurs within its borders each year. In 2021, there were 79,817 abortions in Florida.”
Those who selected because they were a victim of rape was .15%.
74.2% chose “No reason (elective)” while 21.3% chose “The woman aborted for social or economic reasons.”
So, very very few women are having an abortion because they’ve been raped. Again, I do acknowledge that rape certainly occurs and I feel terrible for these women, but the reality is that over 99% of abortions are done by women who have not been raped and thus could have been prevented.
When people know they’re wrong they do several things to justify their actions and try to get you to agree with them: Change The Language, Hurl Insults, Use Nice Sounding Phrases That Inaccurately Represent The Truth, Use Freedom To Rationalize Doing Wrong, and Emotion. Not surprisingly, these are all the same tactics feminists use to get people to think that abortion is good and should be a right, when in fact it is very wrong.
The first thing people do when they know they’re wrong is they change the language to make the action sound like a good thing or to change what the fundamental argument is even about.
The fact that we call it abortion and not murder is no accident. The term abortion makes people think they’re just getting rid of something inanimate or an object. It’s almost like, “Hey, I just wrote a paragraph and it wasn’t very good so I aborted it.”
What? No.
Abortion is a woman killing her unborn child. It is, in fact, baby murder.
So, to call it abortion is simply heinous.
Furthermore, feminists say abortion is, “Pro-Choice.” With this term, they seek to subtly change the argument from the idea of whether or not killing an unborn child is right or wrong, to the idea that people should have freedom to choose. Everyone believes in freedom of choice, so instead of calling it murder, feminists say abortion is “Pro-Choice” in an effort to get people to agree that women should be able to choose.
Since we’re calling it “Pro-Choice,” how about we ask the unborn child what it would choose. I’m pretty sure the child would say he/she wants to live.
The second thing people do when they know they’re wrong is they hurl insults.
The number one insult feminists hurl when people tell them abortion is wrong is they call them a Misogynist. Its intended purpose is to make people (especially men) back off and let them do what they want.
But let’s analyze the actual meaning of the word Misogynist according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, “a person who hates or discriminates against women.”
So, how is it that people who want to save unborn children hate or discriminate against women, especially when half of those unborn children who are murdered are girls? So, for a dogma that’s supposed to empower women, the truth is that females are being slaughtered at an unbelievable rate because of it.
Their line of thinking makes no sense and they know it makes no sense, but they use the insult to try to get everyone else to continue letting them proceed in their awful course of action. The fact of the matter is that women who murder their unborn children hate and discriminate against their own unborn children. That is the truth.
Furthermore, 33% of women believe abortion should be illegal in all/most cases.
Are these women misogynists? Do these women hate or discriminate against women? Obviously not.
The fact of the matter is that believing abortion is wrong has nothing to do with attitudes toward women and everything to do with attitudes toward babies. Clearly, a person who believes abortion is wrong is not a Misogynist solely for that belief.
Instead of telling people they’re Misogynists for believing abortion is wrong, some feminists prefer to use another term: bigot. This is the definition of bigot according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “A person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices.”
According to this definition, a feminist is every bit as much of a bigot about her opinion that abortion is right as those who oppose abortion are that it is wrong. Feminists are obstinately and intolerantly devoted to their own opinions and prejudices that abortion is right. There is no question. The moment you say it is wrong, they start yelling and screaming and are incapable of having a calm discussion about the issue utilizing facts. So, according to the dictionary, feminists are bigots too.
The next thing people do when they know they’re wrong is come up with nice sounding phrases that inaccurately reflect the truth.
“My Body My Choice” was a loud and resounding catch phrase the feminists would use until COVID came along and all of a sudden it wasn’t “My Body My Choice” it was “My Body Government’s Choice.” But even if we analyze the “My Body My Choice” mindset, it forgets one very important aspect: What about the body of your child? Does your child get a choice? Because I’m quite sure your child would choose to live.
What feminists like to coverup is that it actually was “My Body My Choice” before they chose to have sex with a man. They could have chosen not to have sex and guess what: You would not have a child growing inside of you. But the moment you chose to have sex with a man you knew you were making a choice that comes with consequences.
If we were to rephrase “My Body My Choice” more accurately it would be “Do What I Want, Avoid Consequences At All Cost.”
Another thing people do when they know they’re wrong is express the fact that they’re free to choose. The famous “You Can’t Tell Me What To Do With My Body” is a common tactic. Nope, no one can, but no one told you to have sex. But you did so anyway. So, even though no one can “Tell You What To Do With Your Body” we can all tell you what is going to happen with your body when you have sex with men. At some point, you are going to get pregnant. This is why God commands us to wait until marriage to have sex and to only have sex with our spouse once we’re married.
The truth is, women get abortions to avoid the consequences of their actions. By being able to avoid the consequences of their actions, it means women will do more and more of that action. This is why we’re seeing women have more and more sex and thus more and more mental problems and more and more substance abuse problems and more and more abortions. It is one incredibly vicious and poisonous cycle that continues further and further enslaving women until they are totally miserable.
This cycle continues to allow women to kill that which they deem to be worthless and unnecessary: Their own children.
Feminists yell and scream, then ball their eyes out in an attempt to silence people from having a genuine conversation about abortion. They know murdering children is very bad, so they know they have to stop the conversation about it.
This is the same tactic politicians love to use. Every time a reporter asked Joe Biden a question that would require him to be accountable for his failures he would get angry and immediately attack that reporter. He would never actually answer the question.
Each of these arguments boils down to Feminists essentially saying, “I want to do what I want to do. I don’t care what you say or think. I don’t care what is right or wrong. And I certainly don’t care who I destroy—including myself.”
Women utilize all these tactics to justify killing their own unborn children instead of simply admitting that it is wrong and ceasing to do it. The more insidious the act, and there isn’t much worse than killing your own child, the more tactics you must use to convince yourself that what you’re doing is okay. Feminists simply cannot have a logical conversation about abortion because they know they would lose. Deep down, they know it is absolutely terrible.
Abortion is not okay. Murdering your own children is not okay.
Feminism has lied to women by telling them they can have a bunch of sex without consequences. There are always consequences. Always.
The other insidious thing about feminists advocating for abortion is that their ideology becomes: Children are a burden.
That is an absolutely terrible way to view your own children.
Children are one of the greatest sources of joy and happiness in this world. Yes, they are a very important and serious responsibility. Yes, it is very difficult to raise them. But to view your children as such a burden that you would rather kill them then give birth to them is a terrible evil.
Women, you are the gateway of human life into this world. Not one soul can come into this world without coming through you.
Think about that for a moment.
Think about how crucial and important that responsibility is.
It’s one we don’t often talk about with enough respect and admiration as we should. It is a very very sacred responsibility. When you have a child growing inside of you, you are partnering with the divine to create life.
If you treat that responsibility carelessly, those who should be the most protected and loved by you are the ones you will destroy: Your own children.
Feminism tells women they are more important than even their own children.
Unfortunately, the other option to abortion for many women is to raise their child on their own. The unmarried woman was going out and having sex and not thinking about the consequences. Then she thinks she can do it on her own, problem is: It is very very difficult.
According to an article on americanprogress.org, “In 2022, single mothers had a poverty rate of 28 percent using the official poverty measure (OPM) and 26 percent using the supplemental poverty measure (SPM). Single fathers had lower official poverty rates at 15 percent, which supports the finding that single mothers tend to have higher rates of poverty than single fathers. For married mothers and fathers, poverty rates were substantially lower, at 5 percent.”
Being a single mother means women have a better than 1 in 4 chance of being in poverty. But even single fathers have a higher chance of living in poverty than married fathers.
Once again, marriage is good for financial stability.
But single mothers being poorer, generally, than the other categories is just the beginning.
This is what Teal Swan, a female Youtuber with a large following says about single moms:
“I’m gonna be aggressive because nobody wants to hear this, because what you want me to say today is: ‘Actually, being a single mother is totally possible.’ It actually isn’t. It was never meant to happen for the human race, number one. Number two: Single biggest determiner of whether [a person] is a good mother, what do you think it is? This is gonna blow your mind when I tell you the answer.
“The major argument for good dads is actually: Can the dad be there for the mom?
“Because it’s like a direct chain . . . What you see is that if you’ve got a father figure basically, who is supportive to the mother, the mother’s energy goes towards the children.
“But the second she doesn’t have that supportive energy she collapses . . . and then the kids get starved.
“[Those who grew up with a single mom are] victim[s] of a society that was never meant to work this way.”
Is that true? What do the stats show?
An article from CA.gov says, “A report from the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that 62% of new moms in their early 20s are unmarried. The report also found that 36% of all moms were unwed in 2011, up from 31% in 2005. In families with incomes of less than $10,000, that number goes up to 69%. Single moms are one of the most disadvantaged groups in the U.S. . . .
18.4% of all births in the U.S. in 1980 were to unmarried women
40.6% of all births in the U.S. in 2008 were to unmarried women
“In 1960, just 5 million children under 18 lived with only their mother. By 1980 that number had more than doubled. Today, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 19 million children live in single-mother families, up from 17 million in 2000. In some school districts today, including several in New York and Michigan, the majority of families are led by a single mother. Twenty-five million children are growing up without fathers in the home. That’s 40% of the kids in America.
“As reported by the Center for Children and Families:
40% of all live births in the US are to single mothers.
90% of welfare recipients are single mothers.
70% of gang members, high school dropouts, teen suicides, teen pregnancies and teen substance abusers come from single mother homes.
“Statistically, a child in a single-parent household is far more likely to experience violence, commit suicide, continue a cycle of poverty, become drug dependent, commit a crime or perform below his peers in education.”
So, clearly Teal Swan hit the nail on the head. Without a good husband and father in the home, a single mother cannot possibly give her children the love, attention, and teaching they need in order to become well-adjusted adults in society.
Once again, women need men. Women desperately need good men to help them raise good children. Not only that, but children desperately need both a good mother and a good father or their chances for success and happiness in life vastly diminish.
This is my plea to women who would be single mothers and who are thinking about aborting their child or aren’t going to be able to provide their child with a stable home:
And yet, there’s more bad news for single mothers.
According to an article from Institute For Family Studies, “Women who marry having had just one sex partner are unlikely to have had children with another man. Getting married with a child already in tow has a profound negative effect on marital happiness. And marriages preceded by nonmarital fertility have disproportionately high divorce rates. This is another reason why divorce rates are lower for women who marry having had only one sex partner, or none at all.”
Makes perfect sense, right? If a woman already has a child or multiple children and is bringing them into a marriage, it will cause a lot more complexity in that marriage. Such marriages, therefore, have a higher rate of divorce. So, once again, here’s the genius of saving yourself for marriage at play.
Because of all of these factors: Financial hardships, struggling children, more difficulty in finding a husband, the Institute For Family Studies sums up the experience of single mothers this way, “Nevertheless, it is important to note that unmarried mothers are the least likely to be very happy: with just 17% of them indicating they are very happy.”
Being a single mother is a very very difficult path in life.
Another aspect of Feminism tells women that if you’re bored with your husband or if you have your degree or are making good money, even though there is nothing really wrong with your relationship, you don’t need him, so divorce him.
A ton of women fall for this trap.
Here’s what they don’t understand: As a woman ages, the lower her Sexual Market Value becomes. And If a woman is a single mother, her Sexual Market Value becomes even lower.
All these women who divorce good husbands because they’re a little bored and they want to go out and have a bunch of sex will find that sure, they’ll get a lot of guys who will willingly have sex with them, but it is incredibly difficult to find another man who will commit to them. And any man who will commit to them, will have lower Sexual Market Value (how much money he makes and how attractive he is) than their ex-husband.
They think dating is going to be like it was when they were in their early 20’s, then they get a rude awakening.
In other words, women who divorce good men for no good reason at all have a high likelihood of ending up alone. Here are some videos about women who’ve done exactly that so you can see the truth of it (one, two).
It’s interesting though, how each woman’s tears are not about how she’s seriously emotionally damaged her own children and put them at a serious disadvantage in life or about how she’s destroyed her relationship with a good man or even about how she’s humiliated herself and lost all credibility. No, instead her tears are only about her—that she is lonely.
The fact of the matter is that by telling women they don’t need a man, Feminism leads a ton of women to become single mothers who are very poor or are in poverty all while causing their children to be much more likely to perform poorly in school, end up in prison, and commit suicide.
Ladies, this is what you’re buying when you buy in to what Feminism is selling.
Feminism is a terrible poison.
If you have had sex before or outside of marriage, I have great news for you!
If you’ve had an abortion, I have great news for you!
If your actions have severely damaged your children emotionally, I have great news for you!
You can turn to Jesus Christ, repent of your sins and He will heal and forgive you. The enormous burden and guilt you feel right now can be removed only by Him.
But He won’t make you do it. You have to choose to.
If that’s what you truly want, you can get started by clicking here:
Feminism has led women to become masculine, demeaning, insulting, ungrateful, manipulative, rude, demanding, entitled, depressed, anxious, unstable, and prone to cheating, in short—a total nightmare for men.
In fact, Sadia Khan, a female Pscyhotherapist said:
And Narcissists they are. As well as Machiavellian.
Not surprisingly, men just don’t want anything to do with such women.
Plus, these women have literally impossible expectations. There is no man on planet earth who could reach their expectations, much less the average man—all while they are average women.
So, men are quitting women.
What does that mean?
It means a lot of men are no longer dating. They’ve realized that having peace by themselves is a whole heck of a lot better than to be dating or married to a narcissistic woman who treats him like garbage and drives him crazy.
Furthermore, women have been yelling at men that they are independent, don’t need a man, and to leave them alone their whole lives.
So, men are leaving them alone.
For these reasons, 63% of men between the ages of 18 and 30 are single.
Here’s a video of women wondering where all the men are.
Honestly, a lot of men go to work, hit the gym, then go home. They’re not interested in dealing with narcissistic women. They’re listening to women who tell them they don’t need a man and to leave them alone.
Men are used to being alone, so it’s nothing new to them.
Watch this video then you’ll perfectly understand why so many men want nothing to do with a lot of the women today.
The truth is that the vast majority of women don’t actually believe that they “Don’t need no man.” Deep down, they know they need a man. And they want a man. But because Feminism has been so heavily ingrained into our culture, many women go with the flow and say it. For other women, their ego and pride has gotten so enormous that this is how they truly feel, and will feel, until life humbles them and they actually end up alone. Then they’ll break down in tears.
Here are some videos where women have gone their own way for many years, then they break down in tears, recognize that Feminism has lied to them, and admit that they actually do need a man (one, two, three, four, five).
Oh, it’s so refreshing to hear the truth. Finally, women admitting that they needed a man and a family all along. Finally, women admitting that they’ve fallen prey to the lies of Feminism and they’ve ended up alone and depressed. Finally, women admitting the truth.
Teal Swan gives clarity and insight into what women actually want:
“The first thing we’re going to look at is biology . . . What I’m about to tell you is an element of female biology that does not need to be ‘fixed.’ We may prefer to have evolution have changed this already, but it’s not the reality.
“For a woman, physically, attraction is about matching up with a person who will protect you, produce healthy offspring, and provide for you and those offspring. The man is your ticket to survival.
“No matter how much the modern world has changed and no matter how much feminists absolutely hate looking at that truth, it’s still the truth for women today on a physical biological level.
“A vulnerable male leaves a woman in the position to feel like she has to do it all herself and fend for herself. This means that a male who lacks masculinity or those masculine traits which a woman needs in a relationship in order to feel good, she ultimately feels alone, or at best, with a nice sidekick or servant. But, with a sidekick or servant at best, she’s not with somebody who can actually [safely] contain and protect her. And so, in fact, all the pressure of the world is on her and that’s not a natural state of being for a physical female.”
“I’m going to hit you out of the bat with something that most feminists are going to hate. Ready for this?
“So many women, in fact most women, would rather choose to be owned, even if that comes with the side dish of being controlled, than to be completely free, but having to fend for themselves all the time . . .
“Let’s talk about positive ownership . . . because you’ve got so many negative projections on the idea of ownership. To positively own something is to take it as a part of yourself. Obviously, if something’s a part of you it belongs to you in some way, right? However, when something becomes a part of you, it is impossible to hurt that thing without hurting yourself. It’s impossible for it not to be a priority to act in that thing’s best interest. This means with true positive ownership, the best interests of that thing is your utmost concern.
“So, let’s apply this to men and women. When a masculine energy takes positive ownership of a female, the best interest of that female is the man’s utmost concern. Guess what: This makes a woman feel safe and secure.”
For those who believe in the Bible, I believe this is the true meaning behind the symbolism of Eve being made from Adam’s rib.
Teal Swan’s teaching totally goes against literally everything women have been shouting at us our whole lives, but it is the truth. Thank you, Teal Swan, for having the courage to say it. And this leads right into why women pass on the “Nice Guys” then choose to date and marry jerks.
Teal Swan says, ‘“Nice guys’ tend to be passive, submissive, inactive, and retreating. They tend to follow instead of lead. They can be codependent and insecure. They’re usually always agreeable to the degree that they lack boundaries and a sense of what’s actually good or safe. They tend to feel energetically small and therefore unable to protect and [safely] contain a woman.
“To the opposite, men who are masculine tend to take the leadership role. They’re protective, they have direction in life, they’re creative, they are strong, they tend to provide, they have good social skills, they have drive, they’re encouraging, possess charisma and confidence, they tend to have high energy levels, they take positive ownership of the woman in their life, they take action, they provide [safe] containment for the feminine.
“In other words, it has nothing to do with whether or not a guy is nice. In fact, when men say, ‘Well, no woman really wants me because I’m a nice guy.’ That’s actually just a cop-out. It’s a way of avoiding looking at the real issue which is the fact that men who say that lack these qualities which women need in a relationship in order to feel good. And guess what: You really need to separate niceness from this whole conversation we’re having because a guy could have all of those [masculine] traits and be a super nice guy and pretty much every woman would prefer that guy.”
“Nice guys finish last . . . I’m going to tell you right now it’s because no woman wants a weak male. It is disgusting. I’m going to just be honest with you because most women aren’t honest . . . This is what you’ve got to understand. Women don’t want an a**hole . . . No woman wants an a**hole.
“A lot of the men who have ignored the social moral standards and who aren’t captive in the web of ‘How I must behave in order to be perceived by other people.’ These are the kind of guys who move forward, despite how other people feel. So, a lot of the people who do have that forward moving energy, [who we’re equating to being] not a nice guy, they are the ones who are able to put all of their energy into something and move completely forward. And what we know about masculine energy, especially, is that it is a forward moving energy first and foremost. It is the energy of encouragement. It is the energy of providing. It is literally forward moving, like crazy. Femininity tends to be more receptive, open . . .
“When it comes to polarity, no woman is attracted to a receptive type of individual. And receptivity in a male doesn’t feel like, ‘Oh, I’m open to what you think.’ No. When I’m talking receptivity in a male in the negative sense, it’s passivity. And that makes a female turned off—there’s no polarity. And it makes us feel unprotected and as if there is not going to be anything that this male can do in our lives or for us.
“Basically, ‘nice men’—men that are considering themselves nice have zero ownership whatsoever and that is never going to turn a woman on . . . It’s very important for the forward moving energy of the masculine . . . to take ownership of the people in their lives. Now, when they do that it’s almost like they put a container, and it’s a safe container, around the people in their lives. This is different than control . . . To really genuinely own something, you have to take it as a part of yourself. Now I know that you all know of the a**hole who’s horrible in relationships but he takes completely perfect care of his mint condition Ferrari. That is the degree to which taking something as part of yourself has to happen but within the context of relationships for a guy to be a good guy but also super-forward moving go-getter type of guy . . .”
“But I’m going to contradict. Even though it seems like these men who are not good guys who are forward moving, get everything, and get the girls too—it’s not accurate. It’s just the norm. It is fully possible for a guy who is genuinely a good guy to move completely forward with his energy, take complete ownership, and be fully in the masculine. He would be the hottest man on the face of this earth. He could get as much sex as he wanted, but he probably wouldn’t want just sex, would he, if he was in alignment with the masculine.
“There is a weakness which has nothing to do with being sweet, it has to do with the way that they behave in general . . . It is impossible to be turned on by these men. It’s impossible to feel matched by these men . . . I’m telling you, literally, to be in alignment as a female, you have got to let yourself be led by someone. And so, these types of men, who are super super sweet, they can’t frickin’ lead you. They can’t do it. And when push comes to shove and it’s a difficult situation, that sucker’s gonna let you be the one in charge. That is scary as h*** as a female. So, that is the main reason why as a female there is no way in h*** I would go for a ‘sweet guy’ over a guy who’s aggressive . . . We would rather have both.
“When a man is able to create that containment, meaning with his strength and his forward moving energy he’s able to create a safe space for a female . . . what it enables a female to do is to go into receptivity and the energy is a bit of a flower blooming inside of a box.”
“The masculine is so out of alignment right now, I have no words for you . . . Femininity too, but honestly, femininity will come into alignment with masculinity coming into alignment . . . Masculinity might as well be in the ICU on the planet today with how much is wrong with it and how much we have destroyed it and how much society has gone against it . . .
“But usually, the nice guys don’t know how to be nice and move forward at the same time—they don’t know how to be nice and actually invite their masculinity at the same time.”
This is a very important question and, once again, Teal Swan has the answer:
“When men started to go into shadow masculinity what we did is we killed the masculine . . . This is what happens in history. Men who are primarily out of alignment because of the things they’re starting to do they started to take that energy that is very much a controlling and ownership type of energy and they started to go to the shadow with it. When men go to the shadow with it, you’re looking at forms of manipulative control, you’re looking at outright violence, and you’re looking at all the things that which, women, of course, have been oppressed by for thousands of years.
“Now, what women did because physically we are not actually capable of coming up against that thousands of years ago is we took revenge on our sons. We basically raised them to not be men. And that’s where we went completely out of alignment. We actually got rid of the male and we raised little boys, essentially, who had the brakes on to such a degree that they couldn’t be men anymore and now we’ve lost traction for them completely.
“And to be honest, we’ve gotta come out of this because right now we’re headed toward a world where men have no value. That should scare the c*** out of everybody, including women. We’re actually headed towards a world where women do everything and the only reason for a man is sperm donation. Now, this is not truth. I mean, it’s not a good thing we’re headed in this direction because we’re taking for granted the valuable things that we desperately need out of masculine energy. But we have to be aware that we’ve all headed there and so both men and women play a part in the destruction of masculinity and thus the destruction of femininity came along with it as a natural 1-2 step.”
So, Feminism is ultimately the result of women being oppressed and controlled by men in very negative ways for hundreds of years. They couldn’t fight a physical war with men, so instead, at first, they fought for equal rights and equal pay with ideology, but it didn’t stop there. Once they got equal rights and equal pay, they were already so entrenched in their dogma and ideology, that they chose to push further and further into it and preach that since men have been the top dog for millennia, it was time for women to push men down and for women to be the top dog.
The result of this was Feminism telling women to be masculine, in essence, to be men. The other side of the coin was Feminism telling men to be feminine, in essence, to be women. This is how the “Nice Guys” and the “Simps” came to be. They ate up and ingested Feminism and allowed themselves to be emasculated.
But guess what: No man is attracted to a masculine woman just as no woman is attracted to a feminine man. There must be polarity for there to be attraction. This flip in polarity is causing a ton of the problems we’re currently seeing in the dating scene.
So, when it comes to why do women push away the “Nice Guys” then date and marry jerks, it’s because on a physical biological level, women are attracted to masculine men. That is the fact. All those feminine men turn women off very fast and make them want to run.
So, men, we must be masculine men, but we must also be good men. That is the only answer. The two do not have to be contradictory. Teal Swan labeled the idea of a man who is both good and masculine as being in positive masculinity.
Feminists don’t understand how much their dogma impacts men. As a man, I understand this intimately.
I’m going to be straight up with all the men out there: If you only care about having sex with women, you are part of the problem with our society. If you are a criminal, a thief, or a scammer, you are part of the problem with our society.
But there are a lot of good men out there who have been lied to by Feminism and who are dealing with profoundly negative effects in their lives that women could never understand and would never even care to understand.
Men, we have to raise our vision from having as much sex as we can to having a good marriage.
When having a good marriage becomes our vision, we start to see women as human beings, not just as bodies. When having a good marriage becomes our vision, we start to focus on self-control and chasing greatness in our careers and life, not chasing women. When having a good marriage becomes our vision, women have no power over us because we don’t care about having sex with them before marriage. When having a good marriage becomes our vision, we become the masculine good guy we were always meant to be. When having a good marriage becomes our vision, we prioritize long term happiness over momentary pleasure. When having a good marriage becomes our vision, we can finally see clearly and truly become happy.
Never have good men been more desperately needed than today. Never have women more desperately needed good men than they do now. Never has society more desperately needed good men than at this time.
Women, you too have to raise your vision from having as much sex as you can and using men as an ATM, to having a good marriage. When having a good marriage becomes your vision, you start to see men as human beings, not just objects to be used. When having a good marriage becomes your vision, you start to understand your own personal worth. When having a good marriage becomes your vision, you will finally see clearly and truly become happy.
The sad truth is that Feminism causes women to be hostile toward men. Feminist is code for man-hater.
Guys, if a woman tells you she’s a feminist or mentions the word Patriarchy, run! She has been conditioned by feminists to hate men. She will use your body or view you as an ATM, but she will not love you or respect you. She’ll always complain about men and the Patriarchy, all the while never considering that there are a ton of good men out there who actually care about women. That level of hostility will inevitably fracture your relationship and cause it to end. Plus, she’ll want to be a man and do all the things I’ve detailed in this article that are detrimental to herself, society, and men.
If you decide to date a feminist, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Nope. I have a new word for you. I’m a Familyist. Men are not more important than women. Women are not more important than men. Neither men nor women are more important than children. Both sexes have different roles and different purposes. Both sexes perfectly complement each other which is why both are needed to raise strong families.
We have to get over the notion of the “Patriarchy” and the thought that since men used to control women, now it’s time for women to control men. No. That’s just stupid.
Until we stop seeing each other as adversaries and start seeing each other as teammates, the most important people in our lives are going to suffer: Our children. We have to start working together and stop working against each other.
Our children need us to open our eyes and realize that men need women, and women need men.
We need each other. And that fact is beautiful. But until we understand that, our children will continue to suffer.
The family has to retake its rightful place as the most important aspect and fundamental unit of society. Without that, children will continue growing up with severe mental and emotional problems and our society will continue to erode.
Although for many decades, Feminism was about equal rights and equal pay for women, today Feminism is the springboard to wokism. It’s a tool in the hands of the left political elite and establishment media to break up the family, thereby forcing the people to rely on the government.
Take for instance what happened in West Virginia in 2024. A middle school boy, known in the ensuing lawsuit as B.P.J., became transgender and identified as a girl in order to participate in female athletics.
The girls on the team said he repeatedly sexually harassed them in vulgar ways. Adelia Cross, one of the girls he sexually harassed, said this:
“During the end of that year, about two to three times per week, B.P.J. would look at me” and make a sexually explicit vulgar comment, Cross alleged in the lawsuit filed May 8. “There were usually other girls around who heard this. I heard B.P.J. say the same thing to my other teammates, too.”
“B.P.J. made other more explicit sexual statements that felt threatening to me. At times, B.P.J.” would make remarks suggesting a desire to carry out sexual assault, according to the lawsuit.
“I felt confused and disgusted when I heard these vulgar and aggressive comments,” Cross alleged. “It was especially confusing because I was told that B.P.J. was on the girls’ team because B.P.J. identifies as a girl, but the girls on the team never talked like that.”
Cross alleged additional “vulgar comments” caused deep distress and affected her ability to continue to participate in track and field.
Cross then alleged she would report the comments to her school’s administrators, but “B.P.J. got very little or no punishment for saying things that no other student would get away with.”
I mean, where are the feminists?
Here we have a boy sexually harassing girls, and not a peep from the feminists. Nothing. It’s clear that feminists don’t actually care about women, if they did, they would be very upset about this. All of their pretended rage and anger against men is just for show to advance their political ideology. It has nothing to do with actually helping girls and women.
Furthermore, where are the adults? How can they possibly let a boy sexually harass girls like this repeatedly without punishment. That boy should have been expelled from the school.
What happened is that Feminism wanted to make women superior to men. Now, Feminism is aiding the woke movement in seeking to make transgender people superior to both men and women. We cannot allow anyone to treat another person like that West Virginia boy without serious punishment. I don’t care if they’re transgender or not. We cannot allow it.
This is what’s happening with men pretending to be women while participating in women’s sports all over the country. They’re sharing locker rooms with women, they’re taking away women’s championships, scholarships, awards, and are even sharing prisons with women.
But the feminists are fighting for the men pretending to be women, not for the women.
It makes no sense.
The only logical conclusion is that the feminists never cared about women in the first place.
So, you have a story like the one in West Virginia where a boy is sexually harassing girls left and right and you don’t hear a peep from the feminists, but then the Kansas City Chiefs kicker, Harrison Butker, who is Catholic, says this to Catholic women during a commencement address at a Catholic college in 2024:
“Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.
“Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the Sign of the Cross during a pro- abortion rally. He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.
“He is not alone. From the man behind the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies onto the youth of America, they all have a glaring thing in common. They are Catholic. This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn’t cut it . . .
“For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.
“I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I’m on the stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.”
Then Harrison Butker got an applause from that crowd that lasted 18 seconds.
And what did the feminists do?
They lost their minds.
How dare you tell a woman that she can have a successful career in the world and that the majority of Bible believing Catholic women are most excited to be married and have children?! How dare you tell women that one of the most important titles of all is: Homemaker?!
How dare you?!
Are you all seeing this? That is literally what Feminism has become. It has become hyper-focused on telling women to do anything and everything they want, yet it scorns those who tell women what the most important thing for them to do is, and that it will bring them the most happiness.
Feminism today isn’t about equal rights for women. It isn’t about what is in the best interest for women. Feminism today is about one thing and one thing only: The destruction of the family.
Feminism goes hand in hand with wokism. Both ideologies lead to the destruction of the self, and therefore the destruction of the family, which will bring about the destruction of society.
Feminism today masquerades as empowering women, but in reality, it destroys women. It leads them into depression, anxiety, substance abuse, misery, poverty, heartache, unquenchable guilt, and suicide.
It destroys millions of unborn children.
Feminists love to tell women what to do, but conveniently leave out the very harsh consequences on women, their children, and their husbands when women listen to their bad advice.
Let’s not pretend making excessive amounts of money is more important than raising your own children. Let’s not pretend you can have a ton of sex with a ton of guys and you can still feel good about yourself. Let’s not pretend you can murder your own unborn child and not feel terrible about yourself. Let’s not pretend there aren’t serious consequences for bad decisions.
Feminism is a Leviathan that is a leading factor to the breakdown of the family. And the breakdown of the family is fueling never before seen levels of degeneracy in our society. If we do not end the reign of Feminism and return back to the family, every single one of us will pay a very dear price as our society will be completely destroyed.
Feminism tells women that their every whim and desire must be fulfilled while they destroy good men, themselves, and even their own children. Feminism tells women to worship money and worship sexual pleasure while they get further and further enslaved in vices, mental health problems, and substance abuse problems.
Feminism tells women they are their own gods.
Just as Harrison Butker said, “[I]t is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you.”
That diabolical lie is Feminism.
Feminism is the ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Adrian Harris is a writer, author, and business owner. He hopes to soon open his own movie studio and become a movie producer, director, and actor. Read Adrian’s Bio.
Adrian Harris is a writer, author, and business owner. He hopes to soon open his own movie studio and become a movie producer, director, and actor. Read Adrian’s Bio.
*Comedy Short Story
Adrian parked the car in the driveway as he and his beautiful wife, Hannah, arrived at home. As they got out of the car, Hannah looked at the blooming flowers in their garden then at their two-story house, “It’s good to be home.”
*Romantic Comedy & Action Short Story
Veronica, a tall and beautiful high-school senior, curled her long blonde hair as her two best friends, Stephanie and Jennifer put on makeup in her second-story bedroom in Newark, New Jersey while getting ready for Prom.
Wicked is the Prequal to the 1939 The Wizard of Oz. Wicked stars Ariana Grande and Cynthia Erivo. Just like The Wizard of Oz, Wicked is a musical.
You should know that this movie is Part 1 and as of right now, Wicked: Part 2 is expected to come out November 21, 2025.
6 Responses
Aside from the fact you’re just copying and pasting other people’s words, I don’t have enough time to look at every source to show you don’t even understand the things you’re writing. For example: “Women with 3-9 partners were LESS likely to divorce than women with 2 partners” is what you pasted but shows you’ve not put thought or good faith into this anti-feminism manifesto. Perhaps what would be better is to reframe the failings of society on men, especially conservative men, who in an effort to control birth rates and religious identity of the country, have removed social safety nets like universal health care, public education, and universal income, etc., that would actually be pro-life policies.
So, basically you want the US and the west to become Communistic countries? Ask China and Russia just how well Communism worked out. And if by copying and pasting other people’s words you mean quoting my sources, you would be correct.
You clearly missed the entire point of the article that proves that the ideology of Feminism causes women to have a much higher chance of mental health problems, substance abuse problems, and suicidal thoughts. Plus, it causes women to have a higher chance of living in poverty. Since those are the effects of Feminism that I proved in my article, I just don’t understand why women are adopting Feminism at all.
Sweetie feminism is about equal choices. Choose a traditional life good for you. Choose to work, get married and have children good for you. Choose to have an abortion – your choice, for whatever reason. Feminism is about the best life for you, with equal rights in your endeavors, whatever they are. Be religious good for you, again your choice. Not every woman what’s the same thing good for us. Barefoot and pregnant is not for many.
On the surface, that’s what it seems feminism is all about: Letting women choose to do whatever they want. But when women start having sex with a lot of men, getting abortions, and focusing on making money and having a career over having a family, the data proves that the vast majority of those women are not happy, develop mental health problems, develop drug abuse problems, are very lonely, and have suicidal thoughts. The reason so many people have been seduced by feminism is because it sounds good on the surface, but when you really examine the messages and attitudes it promotes, it clearly leads to women being unhappy and unstable.
tell me you completely missed the entire point of feminism without telling me you completely missed the entire point of feminism.
Apparently, you didn’t read the stats detailed in this article. These are the facts that feminists conveniently never tell women while spouting their propaganda.